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Ranked Choice Vote Details

Ranked Choice Vote ID18
Ranked Choice VoteElection: GPLAC GA Delegates, June 13-14, 2020
TypeSecret Ballot
Number of Seats26
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorAjay Rai
Discussion05/12/2020 - 05/24/2020
Voting05/25/2020 - 06/01/2020
Presens Quorum6 0.5001
Candidates No Other Candidate


The Green Party of California General Assembly is a body of delegates from active county Green Parties, that makes decisions on behalf of the GPCA at state meetings. The next General Assembly is Saturday/Sunday, June 13-14. It will be held virtually.

The GPLAC is entitled to 26 delegate seats. Delegates are elected by the County Council, using ranked choice voting as per GPLAC Bylaws Section 12-4 Election of Delegates

The application period to be a delegate runs from May 11 to May 23. The candidates listed below are those who applied during this period.

Section 12-1 Eligibility

Any GPLAC member as defined in Article 4, is eligible to be a delegate to GPCA General Assemblies and Standing General Assemblies, including any exceptions as defined in Article 4.

Section 12-2 Recommended Experience

12-2.1 Be an active Green on the local, county and/or state level

12-2.2 Have attended at least one GPCA General Assembly or been a member of the Standing General Assembly in the previous two years.

12-2.3 Be familiar with GPCA structure, bylaws and platform.

12-2.4 Have attended the County Council meeting discussion of decision-making items for the upcoming General Assembly.

Section 12-3 Number of Delegates

The number of delegates shall be determined by the GPCA.

Section 12-4 Election of Delegates

12-4.1 Delegates to GPCA General Assemblies shall be chosen on per-assembly basis. The County Council shall elect delegates by ranked choice voting using the Droop threshold, and including a No Other Candidate option. Voting shall occur on the GPLAC Voting Page.

12-4.2 Delegates to the GPCA Standing General Assembly shall be chosen on an annual basis, in the month before the beginning of each term. The County Council shall select delegates by ranked choice voting, using the Droop threshold, and including a No Other Candidate option. Voting shall occur on the GPLAC Voting Page. Where there are vacancies, County Council may conduct additional elections to fill them.

12-4.3 County Council members shall take into consideration issues of diversity and representation when ranking their choices.

Section 12-5 Representation by Delegates

Delegates shall make a good faith effort to fairly represent the discussions and decisions of the County Council, including when items are amended at the General Assembly.

Candidate Information

No Other Candidate

Questions about this system?
Contact the Voting Admin.

The Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles Voting is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
You can download a copy here.

To independently verify a Ranked Choice Vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles