Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles  Green Party of Los Angeles County Voting Page
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Past Vote Results

ID Proposal Floor Manager Result Date
19 Endorsement: Emmanuel Estrada, Mayor, Baldwin ParkMike FeinsteinAdopted2020-09-09
18 Election: GPLAC GA Delegates, June 13-14, 2020Ajay RaiSee Details2020-06-01
17 Amendment, Bylaws: County Council, Officers, Meetings, Vacancies, CommitteesAjay RaiAdopted2020-04-23
16 Amendment, Bylaws: County Council VacanciesAjay RaiAdopted2020-03-09
15 Endorsement: Measure R, Los Angeles CountyAjay RaiAdopted2020-02-09
14 Support: Sarah Kate Levy and Nithya Raman, City Council, District 4, Los AngelesAjay RaiAdopted2020-02-09
13 Support: Loraine Lundquist, City Council, District 12, Los AngelesAjay RaiAdopted2020-02-09
12 Endorsement: Shannel Pittman, US House of Represenatives, D-34Mike FeinsteinAdopted2019-12-09
11 Endorsement: Julio Cesar Flores, State Senate D-33Mike FeinsteinAdopted2019-12-09
10 Endorsement: Victor Juan Verdin, State Assembly, D-51Mike FeinsteinAdopted2019-12-09
9 Endorsement: Margaret Villa, State Assembly, D-58Mike FeinsteinAdopted2019-12-09
8 Endorsement: Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, US House of Representatives, D-40Mike FeinsteinAdopted2019-12-08
7 Election: GPLAC GA Delegates, December 7-8, 2019Mike FeinsteinSee Details2019-12-01
6 Election: GPLAC SGA Delegates, 2019-2020Mike FeinsteinSee Details2019-09-08
5 Amendment, Rules and Procedures: Non-Violence LanguageMike FeinsteinAdopted2019-08-04
4 Amendment, Bylaws: Eligibility, County CouncilAjay RaiAdopted2019-08-04
3 Election: GPLAC Male Co-coordinatorMike FeinsteinSee Details2019-08-04
2 Election: GPLAC Female Co-coordinatorMike FeinsteinSee Details2019-08-04
1 Endorsement: AB 1482 - Tenancy, Rent CapsMike FeinsteinAdopted2019-08-04

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To independently verify a Ranked Choice Vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles