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Proposal Details

Proposal ID13
ProposalSupport: Loraine Lundquist, City Council, District 12, Los Angeles
PresenterLinda Piera-Avila, Mike Feinstein
Floor ManagerAjay Rai
Discussion02/03/2020 - 02/04/2020
Voting02/05/2020 - 02/09/2020
Presens Quorum6 0.5001
Consens Quorum0 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


This proposal is to consider issuing an official GPLAC statement of support for Loraine Lundquist, for Los Angeles City Council, District 4 in March 3, 2020 elections.

GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9(c)state that among the responsibilities of the County Council are to "Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office and make a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members."

GPLAC Bylaws 9-4.2(c) require 2/3 for approval for candidate endorsements and statements of support, and a 3/5 quorum of county councilmembers.

Lundquist is not a Green Party member, but instead is a member of the Democratic Party.

The GPLAC supported Loraine Lundquist in the June 2019 special election and August 2019 run-off for Los Angeles City Council District 14, to fill the remainder of the 2015-2020 term for that seat

A new term for that seat begins in 2021 through 2024. The primary election for that seat is on March 3, 2020, but since there are only two candidates, Lundquist and the incumbent, the winner of the primary will hold the seat in 2021-2024.

Normally a vote like this will require a longer discussion and voting period, and this shorter discussion and voting period is not meant to establish a precedent. It has been made necessary to take action in time to communicate with Green voters in District 12, given that early voting has already begun. In order to compensate for this substantially reduced period - in addition to email discussion on the County Council email list - the County Council will discuss this proposal on its February 9, 2020 teleconference before the voting period concludes.


The the GPLAC issue a statement of support for the city council campaign of Loraine Lundquist; to email it to Green Party members in City Council District 12, and to publicize it via the GPLAC’s website and social media.




GPLAC 2019 Support of Loraine Lundquist

Loraine Lundquist for City Council

Certified list of candidates, Los Angeles City Clerk

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Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles