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Proposal Details

Proposal ID1
ProposalEndorsement: AB 1482 - Tenancy, Rent Caps
Floor ManagerMike Feinstein
Discussion07/21/2019 - 07/28/2019
Voting07/29/2019 - 08/04/2019
Presens Quorum6 0.5001
Consens Quorum0 0.6 of Yes and No Votes


AB 1482 would, as currently written, limit rent increases to 7% plus the cost of living, not to exceed 10% once yearly. AB-1482 is currently referred to the Judicial Committee of the CA State Senate. It is an important piece of legislation for our county and state, due to the unlivable nature of recent dramatic increases in rent. There are petitions currently circulating for a proposed ballot initiative that could even further the cause, however AB-1482 has a chance at passage while more encompassing bills and/or initiatives are being worked on.



Endorse AB 1482





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Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles