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Proposal Details

Proposal ID19
ProposalEndorsement: Emmanuel Estrada, Mayor, Baldwin Park
PresenterCounty Council
Floor ManagerMike Feinstein
Discussion09/01/2020 - 09/03/2020
Voting09/04/2020 - 09/09/2020
Presens Quorum7 0.5001
Consens Quorum0 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


This proposal is to consider endorsement of Green Party member Emmanuel Estrada for Mayor of Baldwin Park

GPLAC Bylaws 6-5.3 state that among the duties and responsibilities of the County Council are to "Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office in Los Angeles County." GPLAC Bylaws 9-4.2(c) require 2/3 for approval for candidate endorsements, and a 3/5 quorum of county councilmembers.

At the August 16 GPLAC County Council meeting, Estrada presented his campaign Subsequently Estrada filled out the Green Party endorsement questionnaire and submitted it on August 26. The contents of the questionnaire are printed in the Resources section below.


That the GPLAC endorse Emmanuel Estrada for Mayor of Baldwin Park


1. Campaign Information:

Office Sought: Mayor, City of Baldwin Park
Number of candidates/Number of seats: 1 seat, 2 candidates
Number of incumbents running: 1
Link to the race (where available on website of the city clerk, county registrar, or California Secretary of State)

2. Campaign Contact Information

Name of candidate: Emmanuel J Estrada
Campaign Email:
Campaign-controlled website:
Campaign social media links:,,
Name of campaign committee and treasurer: Emmanuel J Estrada For Baldwin Park Mayor 2020
Link to campaign committee (where available on website of California Secretary of State, the California Fair Political Practices Commission or the Federal Elections Commission) ID is Pending

3. Candidate Information
To provide a sense of who you are as a candidate, answer any/all of the following questions:

- How long have you been registered Green? Why did you join the Green Party?
I have been registered since 2016, I believe we need options when it comes to politics and 2 options aren’t enough.

- Have you ever sought office before? Have you ever held elected office? If yes, when, what office(s) and what party(ies) were you registered with; and what were the results? (if ran previously when a Green, can use link to that race in GPUS Elections Data Base
I ran in 2018 for the same seat against the mayor and a council member and was able to get over 18% of the vote. (

- What are you qualifications for this office? Have you ever served on a governmental or non-profit board, commission or task force?
I believe we are all qualified to run for office and that no one is entitled to these positions. What qualifies me are my vision and efforts for a more inclusive city. Fancy alma maters or job experience don’t translate into good intentions.

- Describe how you decided to run for the office you are seeking.

- Are you an incumbent?
I am not an incumbent. For far too long we have overlooked municipal government. Local races are the most winnable and can directly and indirectly combat socioeconomic barriers that state and federal governments have failed to acknowledge

- Describe your major accomplishments as a Green, and how they relate to the office you are seeking.

As a green I have learned a lot. I have learned from the green candidates and organizers around me. I believe the biggest accomplishments are keeping community efforts alive and reinforcing in the community that our demands are valid.

4. Campaign Strategy

To provide a vision and overview of your campaign, answer any/all of the following questions:

- What are the goals of this campaign? How does the campaign plan to achieve them?
This campaign overall aims to change peoples mindset regarding local politics. We aim to change the standards and expectations for candidates and local governments and for cities to do more

- What has to happen for you to be elected? If victory in your campaign is defined by something other than being elected, what is it?

In order to win the election we need 7K votes which is achievable. Victory goes beyond election results. Our campaign is about letting the community know that their anger is valid and that they are right in demanding more from those that represent them. We seek to start conversations that otherwise wouldn’t happen

- What are the major issues in the race? On what issues is the campaign centered? What strategies will the campaign use to get your message out?

We have selected 3 top priority issues, affordable housing, local economy, and fiscal responsibility. Our campaign is using all available channels to reach voters, texting, social media, ads, etc.

- What is the fundraising goal of the campaign? How much progress has been made towards that goal?
Our goal is 6K and we are halfway there.

- Will you have a candidate statement in the official voter information guide? If so, how many words? If it already has been submitted and/or is published, provide a link or attach the statement.
Yes, 200 words not yet published

- What endorsements do you have/expect to receive?
None yet but we do expect opportunities to gain endorsements as elections progress

- Please comment further on any of these campaign strategies your campaign may utilize – fundraising, volunteers, staff, literature, direct mail, door-to-door, phone banking, endorsements, robo-calling, debate participation, other.

We will participate in all available forums, and will engage in textbanking, mailers, social media and door to door flyers

5. Campaign and the Green Party

- What is the campaign’s relationship to the Green Party? How can the Green Party support the campaign? How can this campaign increase the visibility of the Green Party and its platform? How would this campaign help grow the Green Party?

This campaign promotes many of the green party values and although it is an NPP race we see that people do support these values. Greens getting elected locally is the foundation to building community support for greens at higher levels

- Does the campaign have any substantial disagreement with the positions and platforms of the Green Party of Los Angeles County and/or the Green Party of California; if so where and why?

- Would the campaign be willing to write a post-election report for internal campaign analysis by the GPLAC, or make an oral presentation to the GPLAC County Council on the same?

- Would the campaign be willing to write a post-election campaign report for public use by the GPLAC, GPCA and/or the GPUS for their newsletters, websites and social media?



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Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles