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Ranked Choice Vote Results

Ranked Choice Vote ID6
Ranked Choice VoteElection: GPLAC SGA Delegates, 2019-2020
TypeSecret Ballot
Number of Seats26
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorMike Feinstein
Votes Votes Received

8 Total Votes Received from 4 Counties

Presens Quorum6 - 0.5001 of 11 Accredited Counties


Ajay RaiOn BallotElected
Annie GoekeOn BallotElected
Ava KermaniOn BallotElected
Cordula OhmanOn BallotElected
Cynthia SantiagoOn BallotElected
Doug BarnettOn BallotElected
Genevieve MarcusOn BallotElected
Gwenn MorrealeOn BallotElected
Jeff SklarOn BallotElected
Josefina ArandaOn BallotElected
Linda Piera-AvilaOn BallotElected
Lisa TaylorOn BallotElected
Marla BernsteinOn BallotElected
Melissa GuevaraOn BallotElected
Michael PowelsonOn BallotElected
Mike FeinsteinOn BallotElected
No Other CandidateOn BallotElected
Rohan SabnisOn BallotElected
Sasha KarlikOn BallotElected
Shane Que HeeOn BallotElected
Timeka DrewOn BallotElected
Zack BeattyOn BallotElected

Votes Received

District 21VotedMelissa Guevara
District 26VotedMike Feinstein
District 26VotedAnnie Goeke
District 26VotedLinda Piera-Avila
District 30VotedDoug Barnett
District 30VotedMarla Bernstein
District 30VotedAjay Rai
District 33 VotedAva Kermani

Ranked Choice Ballots

Ballot KeyRankCandidateType
63bb195b99f5360cd7b52285c42ca5e966189625024618661Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 2Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 3Zack BeattyOn Ballot
 4Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 5Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 6Genevieve MarcusOn Ballot
 7Jeff SklarOn Ballot
 8Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 9Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 10Lisa TaylorOn Ballot
 11Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
 12Rohan SabnisOn Ballot
 13Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 14Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 15Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 16Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 17Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 18Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 19Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 20Sasha KarlikOn Ballot
 21Cordula OhmanOn Ballot
64307ec058bc5a3ca538b6a01cd8b27f22767968189139051Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 2Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 3Genevieve MarcusOn Ballot
 4Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 5Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
 6Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 7Cordula OhmanOn Ballot
 8Lisa TaylorOn Ballot
 9Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 10Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 11Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 12Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 13Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 14Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 15Jeff SklarOn Ballot
 16Zack BeattyOn Ballot
 17Sasha KarlikOn Ballot
 18Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 19Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 20Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 21Rohan SabnisOn Ballot
650b00f7e6abf35aee85df93a70cc02195202164208765361Rohan SabnisOn Ballot
 2Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 3Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 4Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 5Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 6Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 7Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 8Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 9Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 10Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 11Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 12Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 13Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 14Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 15Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
667ac48cc0477dc75304b3394a269e2631139467708085821Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 2Lisa TaylorOn Ballot
 3Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 4Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
 5Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 6Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 7Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 8Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 9Cordula OhmanOn Ballot
 10Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 11Sasha KarlikOn Ballot
 12Genevieve MarcusOn Ballot
 13Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 14Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 15Jeff SklarOn Ballot
 16Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 17Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 18Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 19Zack BeattyOn Ballot
677ef5c246df138b1ad2ed1fe129d10a89494240572375731Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 2Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 3Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 4Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 5Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
 6Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 7Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 8Genevieve MarcusOn Ballot
 9Cordula OhmanOn Ballot
 10Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 11Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 12Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 13Lisa TaylorOn Ballot
 14Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 15Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 16Zack BeattyOn Ballot
 17Sasha KarlikOn Ballot
 18Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 19Jeff SklarOn Ballot
68089fd89b6890267885d7681cf5dc7323968427142086391Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 2Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 3Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 4Lisa TaylorOn Ballot
 5Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 6Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 7Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
 8Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 9Jeff SklarOn Ballot
 10Genevieve MarcusOn Ballot
 11Sasha KarlikOn Ballot
 12Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 13Zack BeattyOn Ballot
 14Cordula OhmanOn Ballot
 15Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 16Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 17Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 18Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 19Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 20Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 21Rohan SabnisOn Ballot
686a90061d76906f92177ccceb4d4f8549724883281507051Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 2Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 3Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 4Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 5Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 6Rohan SabnisOn Ballot
 7Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 8Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 9Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 10Timeka DrewOn Ballot
689b9683d1864ed9b8a5700a98f5e909a8106872598633191Mike FeinsteinOn Ballot
 2Cynthia SantiagoOn Ballot
 3Zack BeattyOn Ballot
 4Cordula OhmanOn Ballot
 5Josefina ArandaOn Ballot
 6Jeff SklarOn Ballot
 7Annie GoekeOn Ballot
 8Gwenn MorrealeOn Ballot
 9Michael PowelsonOn Ballot
 10Ava KermaniOn Ballot
 11Genevieve MarcusOn Ballot
 12Lisa TaylorOn Ballot
 13Linda Piera-AvilaOn Ballot
 14Timeka DrewOn Ballot
 15Marla BernsteinOn Ballot
 16Doug BarnettOn Ballot
 17Ajay RaiOn Ballot
 18Sasha KarlikOn Ballot
 19Shane Que HeeOn Ballot
 20Melissa GuevaraOn Ballot
 21Rohan SabnisOn Ballot

Ballot File

Results File

Questions about this system?
Contact the Voting Admin.

The Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles Voting is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
You can download a copy here.

To independently verify a Ranked Choice Vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles