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Proposal Details

Proposal ID8
ProposalEndorsement: Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, US House of Representatives, D-40
PresenterCounty Council
Floor ManagerMike Feinstein
Discussion11/27/2019 - 12/01/2019
Voting12/02/2019 - 12/08/2019
Presens Quorum6 0.5001
Consens Quorum0 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


This proposal is to consider endorsement of Green Party member Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for US House of Representatives, District 40.

GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9(c) state that among the responsibilities of the County Council are to "Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office and make a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members." GPLAC Bylaws 9-4.2(c) require 2/3 for approval for candidate endorsements and statements of support, and a 3/5 quorum of county councilmembers.

At its November 10 teleconference, the GPLAC authorized an email blast to all Greens who have successfully filed for public office in March 2020 elections notifying them that the GPLAC will conduct an endorsement vote and that Greens may be considered for such endorsement by filing out a questionnaire simliar to; that the GPLAC will conduct a vote by the end of 2019 on said endorsement and that the GPLAC will email out said endorsements to the Greens in the district or jurisdiction in which the endorsed candidate is running.

Rodolfo Cortes Barragan filled out the questionnaire and submitted it on November 26. The contents of the questionnaire are printed in the Resources section below.

In order to be printed in the official voter information guide that goes out to all registered voters, the GPLAC's endorsement needs to be reported to the LA County Registar of Voter by Wednesday, December 11 by the Green Party of California (GPCA) Liaison to the Secretary of State. This discussion and voting is designed to conclude on Sunday, December 8, in order to effectuate that communication.


That the GPLAC endorse Roldofo Cortes Barragan for U.S. House of Representatives, District 40


1. Campaign Information:

Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives

Number of candidates/Number of seats: 5/1

Number of incumbents running: 1

Link to the race (where available on website of the city clerk, county registrar, or California Secretary of State)

2. Campaign Contact Information
Name of candidate: Rodolfo Cortes Barragan

Campaign Email:

Campaign-controlled website:

Campaign social media links: @RodolfoCortes

¨Name of campaign committee and treasurer: Rodolfo Cortes Barragan Committee to Elect for Congress¨

Link to campaign committee (where available on website of California Secretary of State, the Californa Fair Political Practices Commission or the Federal Elections Commission)

3. Candidate Information To provide a sense of who you are as a candidate, answer any/all of the following questions:- How long have you been registered Green? Why did you join the Green Party?

Three years. I joined to offer a palatable option for voters.

- Have you ever sought office before? Have you ever held elected office? If yes, when, what office(s) and what party(ies) were you registered with; and what were the results? (if ran previously when a Green, can use link to that race in GPUS Elections Data Base

Same office in 2018, 27k votes (20%)

- What are you qualifications for this office? Have you ever served on a governmental or non-profit board, commission or task force?

I am a scientist and believe we need more scientists in government.

- Describe how you decided to run for the office you are seeking. Are you an incumbent?

My Congresswoman is doing a terrible job. She needs to go.

- Describe your major accomplishments as a Green, and how they relate to the office you are seeking.

Running for office in Latinx area, offering voters a Green choice for the first time ever.

4. Campaign Strategy To provide a vision and overview of your campaign, answer any/all of the following questions:

- What are the goals of this campaign? How does the campaign plan to achieve them?

We are going to win. We are building grassroots power.

- What has to happen for you to be elected? If victory in your campaign is defined by something other than being elected, what is it?

Our District has to get in the streets to demand the things our campaign pushes for, like rent control.

- What are the major issues in the race? On what issues is the campaign centered? What strategies will the campaign use to get your message out?

Immigration is biggest issue. We use social media and technology to deliver messages to the right voters at the right time.

- What is the fundraising goal of the campaign? How much progress has been made towards that goal?
20k goal, 5k so far

- Will you have a candidate statement in the official voter information guide? If so, how many words? If it already has been submitted and/or is published, provide a link or attach the statement.

Working on the funding.

- What endorsements do you have/expect to receive?

Progressive groups likely.

- Please comment further on any of these campaign strategies your campaign may utilize – fundraising, volunteers, staff, literature, direct mail, door-to-door, phone banking, endorsements, robo-calling, debate participation, other.

We are banking heavily on direct voter contact through digital means.

5. Campaign and the Green Party

To understand how your campaign connects to the Green Party, answer any/all of the following questions:

- What is the campaign’s relationship to the Green Party? How can the Green Party support the campaign? How can this campaign increase the visibility of the Green Party and it's platform? How would this campaign help grow the Green Party?
This campaign is the Green PartyÂ’s biggest outreach effort in Latino areas of the United States.
- Does the campaign have any substantial disagreement with the positions and platforms of the Green Party of Los Angeles County and/or the Green Party of California; if so where and why?

- Would the campaign be willing to write a post-election report for internal campaign analysis by the GPLAC, or make an oral presentation to the GPLAC County Council on the same?

- Would the campaign be willing to write a post-election campaign report for public use by the GPLAC, GPCA and/or the GPUS for their newsletters, websites and social media?



GPLAC Rules and Procedures Article 7: Endorsed Candidates states:

Any endorsed candidate shall be expected to campaign in a manner that

- accurately represents the decisions of the Green Party of Los Angeles County, the Green Party of California and the Green Party of the United States, including endorsement of other candidates;
- generally supports the principles and policies of the Green Party of California platform and any additional issue and policy positions taken by the Green Party of Los Angeles; and where there is a disagreement between the positions of the endorsed candidate and those of the Green Party of California and/or the Green Party of Los Angeles County, be willing to state how this is so and why;
- does not misrepresent the candidate's own record nor that of others and makes a good faith effort to be factually correct;
- does not use prejudicial, biased, or offensive language, images or graphics with respect to race, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, spirituality, sexuality, or age;
- is in compliance with all applicable laws regarding being a candidate for public office

GPLAC Rules and Procedures 5-4.3 Use in Support of Endosed Candidates state:

Candidates endorsed by the GPLAC County Council shall have an email announcing their endorsement sent by the GPLAC to all registered Greens in their district for whom the GPLAC has email addresses. Endorsed candidates shall have a minimum of at least one additional email sent on their behalf in both the primary election and the general election (where there are both). The County Council shall retain the option to send to send additional emails at its discretion.

Questions about this system?
Contact the Voting Admin.

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To independently verify a Ranked Choice Vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles