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Proposal Details

Proposal ID4
ProposalAmendment, Bylaws: Eligibility, County Council
PresenterBernstein, Feinstein
Floor ManagerAjay Rai
Discussion07/21/2019 - 07/28/2019
Voting07/29/2019 - 08/04/2019
Presens Quorum6 0.5001
Consens Quorum0 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


 In 2012, the GPCA supported SB 1272 in exchange for a few amendments, including giving the GPCA the ability to set in its state party bylaws, the date by which one must be registered Green in order to run for County Council. Previous to SB 1272, the GPCA had to follow a state law that was the most restrictive in the United States, where a person would need to be registered Green at least three months before filing their declaration of candidacy and would have to also not have been a member of another ballot qualified political party for a full twelve months before filing their declaration of candidacy. This made it impossible for people who did decide to committee to the Green Party within those twelve months and at least three months before the County Council filing period, to run for County Council.

This law was passed in 1961 as part of a law to prevent Democrats and Republicans from losing in the primary and then running as an independent on the general election ballot, and then it got extended to people changing between parties as well. It's origins had nothing to do with central committee elections, but got applied to them at some point.

In November 2015, the GPCA Standing General Assembly (SGA) approved a proposal to add the following sentence to GPCA bylaws, on a one time, trial basis for the GPCA 2016 County Council elections, that essentially left in the three month requirement, but eliminated the 12 month requirement:

 "6-2.1(a) To be eligible to be elected, one must be registered Green no later than three months before filing their declaration of candidacy for County Council.

Because the GPCA has not acted upon this issue for the 2020 elections, and there are no visible plans for the GPCA to do so, the GPLAC can fill that void by enacting its own bylaws governing this issue. This item was on the March 24, 2019 County Council meeting agenda and was posted separately to the email list the same day.

Note: This proposal was originally posted to the GPLAC County Council email list on March 24, 2020 with notice to comply with the 30-day advance notice for GPLAC bylaw changes and then reposted in the form of an on-line vote on June 5. The proposal is now reposted here to complete the discussion period and voting period.


That GPLAC Bylaws be amended to provide for the same eligibility standard as the GPCA approved in 2016:

7-1.2 Election by Districts

Council members will be elected by State Senate district and must be registered to vote in the district from which they are elected.

7-1.2 Election by Districts, Eligibility

Council members will be elected by State Senate district, must be registered to vote in the district from which they are elected and must be registered Green no later than three months before filing their declaration of candidacy for County Council.




 Relevant text from AB1272

8001(c) below, which modifies 8001(a) is the text that gives the GPCA the ability to set the date by which one must be registered Green in order to run for County Council.

8001 (a) No declaration of candidacy for a partisan office or for membership on a county central committee shall be filed by a candidate unless (1) at the time of presentation of the declaration and continuously for not less than three months immediately prior to that time, or for as long as he or she has been eligible to register to vote in the state, the candidate is shown by his or her affidavit of registration to be affiliated with the political party the nomination of which he or she seeks, and (2) the candidate has not been registered as affiliated with a qualified political party other than that political party the nomination of which he or she seeks within 12 months, or, in the case of an election governed by Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 10700) of Part 6 of Division 10, within three months immediately prior to the filing of the declaration.

8001 (c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a county central committee, subject to the bylaws of the state central committee, may establish the length of time that a candidate for membership on that committee must be shown by his or her affidavit of registration to be affiliated with the political party of that committee, and may establish the length of time that a candidate for membership on that committee must not have been registered as affiliated with a qualified political party other than the political party of that committee.

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Green Party of Los Angeles County / Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles