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County Councilmembers, 2020-2024 term

County Councilmembers in Los Angeles County are elected from State Senate Districts by Green Party voters every four years in the June presidential primary. The number of seats per district are proportional to the number of Greens from each district, compared to in the entire county. Currently the following seats have been filled by election or appointment for 2020-2024 and the individuals presently serving in office. 

State Senate District 18 4/0    
State Senate District 20/23/25 5/0    
State Senate District 21 2/0    
State Senate District 22 3/0    
State Senate District 24 5/0    
State Senate District 26 6/6    
Mike Feinstein
Santa Monica
(elected March 3, 2020)
Annie Goeke
Santa Monica
(elected March 3, 2020)
Ava Kermani
Santa Monica
(elected March 3, 2020)

Cordula Ohman
Santa Monica
(elected March 3, 2020)

State Senate District 27 3/0    
State Senate District 29/32 4/0    
State Senate District 30 4/4    
Doug Barnett
Los Angeles
(appointed April 26, 2020)
Timeka Drew
Los Angeles
(appointed April 26, 2020)
Ajay Rai
Los Angeles
(appointed April 26, 2020)
State Senate District 33 4/0    
State Senate District 34/35 4/0    

Mid-Term Vacancies:
Diana Little (SD 29/32) appointed October 2, 2016; vacated seat via non-attendance
Danielle Mead (SD 26) appointed April 26, 2020; resigned June 30, 2021 because moved out of district
Linda Piera-Avila (SD 26) elected March 3, 2020; resigned April 30, 2023 because moved out of district
Marla Bernstein (SD 30) appointed April 26, 2020; passed away June 8, 2023

County Council, Green Party of L.A. County
PO Box 82222, Los Angeles, CA 90082
gplac-info (at)

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