The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities. We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements of candidates and ballot meaures in LA County.
Candidates in November 3, 2020 elections in Los Angeles County
Endorse - Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker, President/Vice-President (Green Party of the United States nominees)
Endorse - Emmanuel Estrada, Mayor, Baldwin Park
Support* - George Gascon, District Attorney, Los Angeles County
Support* - Nithya Raman, City Council District 4, Los Angeles (read Green Party questionnaire answers by Raman)
* GPLAC Bylaws provide for endorsing Green Party members who are candidates for public office and making a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members. In this case, Gascon and Raman are registered Democrats, so they have received GPLAC support
Ballot Measures in November 3, 2020 elections in Los Angeles County
Countywide Measures
Endorse - County of Los Angeles Measure J - Community Investment and Alternatives to Incarceration Minimum County Budget Allocation - Read why Yes on J:
Shall the measure, annually allocating in the County’s budget no less than ten percent (10%) of the County’s locally generated unrestricted revenues in the general fund to address the disproportionate impact of racial injustice through community investment and alternatives to incarceration and prohibiting using those funds for carceral systems and law enforcement agencies as detailed in the ordinance adopting the proposed charter amendment, be adopted?
Statewide Measures - Green Party of California recommendations
Endorse - Proposition 15 – Funding for Schools and Local Governments by Fairly Taxing Large Commercial Properties
Endorse - Proposition 16 – Allows Diversity and Affirmative Action, repeal of Prop. 209
Endorse - Proposition 17 – Restores Right to Vote after Completion of Prison Term
Endorse - Proposition 18 – Primary voting for 17-year-olds who will be 18 for the general election
Endorse - Proposition 21 – Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control
Endorse - Proposition 23 – Establishes Requirements for Kidney Dialysis Clinics
Oppose - Proposition 14 – $5.5 Billion in Bonds for Stem Cell Research Institute
Oppose - Proposition 20 – Restricts Parole for Non-Violent Offenders and Authorizes Felonies for Some Current Misdemeanors
Oppose - Proposition 22 – Exempts Some App-Based Companies from Providing Employee Benefits
Oppose - Proposition 24 – Consumer Privacy, and Privacy Protection Agency
Oppose - Proposition 25 – Approves Replacing Money Bail with an Algorithm-Based System
No Position - Proposition 19 – Changes Certain Property Tax Rules
City and Special District Measures (see text of each measure below)
Endorse - City of Burbank Measure RC - Rent Control
Endorse - City of Culver City Measure RE: The Real Estate Property Transfer Tax for Essential Services
Endorse - City of El Monte HN - Meeting El Monte’s Housing Needs
Endorse - City of Long Beach Measure US - General Purpose Oil Barrel Production Tax (Barrel Tax)
Endorse - City of Santa Monica Measure AB - Charter amendment to promote diversity in City government hiring
Endorse - City of Santa Monica Measure SM - Real Estate Transfer Tax on most expensive properties
Oppose - City of Culver City Measure B – Voter Approval of all Interim or Permanent Rent Control Measures (anti-rent control ballot measure)
Endorse - City of Burbank Measure RC
Shall the measure adding an ordinance with just cause eviction provisions and relocation fees, rent regulations applicable to units built before February 1, 1995 with exemptions, limits of 0 to 7% increase in annual rent based on CPI, an updated five member Landlord Tenant Commission to implement provisions and administration including establish a budget, assess fees, hire staff including attorneys, and initiate lawsuits while acting independently of Burbank City Council, Burbank City Manager and Burbank City Attorney be adopted?
Endorse - City of Culver City Measure RE The Real Estate Property Transfer Tax for Essential Services
The November 2020 election will provide Culver City residents an opportunity to vote on Measure RE: an amendment to the City's real estate transfer tax. If approved by voters, Measure RE would establish a marginal tax rate with four brackets, based on sales price or value, for the City's real estate transfer tax.
Endorse - City of El Monte HN - Meeting El Monte’s Housing Needs
To remove impediments to federal and state housing funding for the City of El Monte without increasing local taxes, shall affordable, decent, and safe rental housing projects be constructed, developed, acquired, or converted by low-income housing providers, as designated by the City of El Monte, for low-income persons, including families, the elderly, and veterans, as applicable, for up to 500 units annually for 17 years, with an annual carryover for unused units?
Endorse - City of Long Beach Measure US - General Purpose Oil Barrel Production Tax (Barrel Tax)
Voter approval of this measure would amend the Long Beach Municipal Code to increase the City's general purpose oil barrel production tax from 15 cents up to a maximum of 30 cents per barrel, with the entire amount subject to automatic annual adjustments based on the applicable Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Endorse - City of Santa Monica Measure AB Charter amendment to promote diversity in City government hiring
Measure AB Shall the City Charter be amended to repeal provisions setting rules for appointing candidates and promoting employees into the Civil Service, to enable the City Council to advance equity-based hiring within the appointment and promotional processes and strengthen the City’s workforce?
Endorse - City of Santa Monica Measure SM Real Estate Transfer Tax on most expensive properties
Measure SM To protect essential services including addressing homelessness, cleaning beaches/parks, public safety/fire/emergency response, protections for tenants and seniors, supporting libraries, small business recovery, food for the hungry, and after-school/ mental health services for youth, shall the City of Santa Monica increase the one-time real estate transfer tax paid on each sale of property for $5 million or more by $3.00 per $1,000 of sales price, exempting affordable housing projects, providing $3 million annually for local services?
Oppose - City of Culver City Measure B – Voter Approval of all Interim or Permanent Rent Control Measures (anti-rent control law that would repeal current renter protections)