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Resolution that Los Angeles City, School District and Community College elections should be elected by ranked choice voting

Whereas by moving to ranked choice voting (RCV) for Los Angeles City elections in place of two-round run-off elections, $5 to $9 million dollars would be saved in each election cycle for Los Angeles City Council, Mayor, Controller, City Attorney, School Board and Community College Board

Whereas having to contest only one election instead of two would decrease the amount of money candidates for those offices have to raise; and

Whereas as a result of holding only one election instead of two, the City's fund for public financing of campaigns would have to pay for only one election, not two; and

Whereas under elections by ranked choice voting, candidates may need the second or third rankings from the supporters of other candidates to reach a majority under RCV, and therefore have an incentive to speak to the issues, build coalitions and find common ground; and

Whereas having only one election doesn’t require people to have to vote twice to be heard; and

Whereas under ranked choice voting, voters have enhanced abilities to express their preferences, and are not hindered by the less-of-evil disincentives inherent in the existing voting system; and

Whereas under ranked choice voting, voters preferences are more clearly expressed and therefore more clear public policy signals are sent to the eventual winners;

Therefore the Green Party of Los Angeles County supports the use of ranked choice voting to elect the members of the Los Angeles City Council and the Los Angeles Mayor, Controller, City Attorney, School Board and Community College Board

Approved by consensus, November 13, 2016

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