ENDORSE MEASURE FF: MOUNTAINS RECREATION AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY – AREA 2 - To maintain and conserve local open space, wildlife corridors, and parklands; acquire and protect additional lands from development; improve fire prevention including high fire alert patrols and brush clearing; protect water quality in local creeks; and increase park ranger safety patrols; shall Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority implement a $15 special tax for ten years only, providing $241,000 annually with all funds spent locally in the hillside communities of Woodland Hills, Encino, and Tarzana, and requiring independent citizen oversight audits https://www.lavote.net/Documents/Election_Info/11082016-Measures-Appeari...
ENDORSE Measure HHH – CITY OF LOS ANGELES HOMELESSNESS REDUCTION AND PREVENTION, HOUSING, AND FACILITIES BOND. To provide safe, clean affordable housing for the homeless and for those in danger of becoming homeless, such as battered women and their children, veterans, seniors, foster youth, and the disabled; and provide facilities to increase access to mental health care, drug and alcohol treatment, and other services; shall the City of Los Angeles issue $1,200,000,000 in general obligation bonds, with citizen oversight and annual financial audits? http://clkrep.lacity.org/election/final%20homelessness%20hhh%20for%20web...
OPPOSE MEASURE RRR - CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER (DWP). CHARTER AMENDMENT Shall the Charter be amended to: (1) add qualification requirements, stipends and removal protections for DWP Board; (2) expand Board to seven members; (3) require DWP prepare four-year Strategic Plans for Council and Mayoral approval; (4) modify DWP’s contracting, rate-setting and other authority; (5) permit future alternatives to existing civil service standards for DWP employees through collective bargaining; and (6) require monthly billing? http://clkrep.lacity.org/election/FINAL%202016%20DWP%20RRR%20for%20WEB.pdf
ENDORSE MEASURE CW: CULVER CITY SAFE/CLEAN WATER PROTECTION MEASURE. To protect public health/groundwater supplies and prevent toxins and pollutants from contaminating local waterways, creeks and beaches, by improving storm drains/infrastructure to capture/clean urban runoff; preserving open space; and complying with clean water laws, shall Culver City establish a $99 clean water parcel tax; generating approximately $2,000,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring independent audits, public oversight, low-income senior citizens discounts and local control of funds? http://www.culvercity.org/city-hall/information/election-information/bal...
ENDORSE MEASURE MA – LONG BEACH MARIJUANA TAXATION MEASURE. - To fund public safety, 9-1-1 emergency response, police officers, homelessness, and general City services, shall Long Beach update gross receipts tax rates between 6-8% for medical marijuana dispensaries, 8-12% for nonmedical marijuana dispensaries, 6-8% for processing, distributing, transporting or testing marijuana/related products and a square foot tax between $12-15 for marijuana cultivation, raising approximately $13 million annually, requiring annual expenditure reports, until ended by voters? http://www.longbeach.gov/cityclerk/elections/ballot-measure-information/
ENDORSE MEASURE MM – REGULATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA BUSINESSES. Shall an ordinance be adopted repealing the City’s ban on marijuana businesses, reducing the City’s tax on recreational and medical marijuana, and adopting regulations permitting approximately 32 retail medical marijuana businesses located in areas not zoned exclusively for residential use with minimum distance restrictions from sensitive uses, and providing for the establishment of an unspecified number of marijuana cultivation, distribution, manufacturing and testing businesses? http://www.longbeach.gov/cityclerk/elections/ballot-measure-information/
ENDORSE MEASURE G: ADVISORY VOTE ONLY: City of Santa Monica - If a local transactions and use tax is enacted in Santa Monica, should half its revenue be used to improve and maintain local public schools, including attracting and retaining high-quality teachers, expanding access to pre-schools, assisting at-risk students, and improving school technology, arts, music, math, and science instruction; and half to help preserve and ensure housing in Santa Monica that is affordable, protect residents from displacement by rising housing costs, and reduce homelessness? http://www.smvote.org/BallotMeasures/detail.aspx?id=53687094541
ENDORSE MEASURE GSH: City of Santa Monica - To maintain and improve Santa Monica community services including support for preservation of affordable housing, reducing homelessness, school repair and improvement, education of Santa Monica children and students, and other general fund services, shall an ordinance be adopted to increase by one-half percent Santa Monica’s transactions and use tax, subject to independent annual audits, all funds used locally, no money going to Sacramento, raising approximately $16 million annually, until ended by the voters? http://www.smvote.org/BallotMeasures/detail.aspx?id=53687094538
OPPOSE MEASURE LV: City of Santa Monica - Shall the City’s General Plan and Municipal Code be amended to require: a new permit process for major development projects exceeding base sizes or heights of 32-36 feet, with exceptions such as single unit dwellings and some affordable housing projects; voter approval of major development projects and development agreements, excluding affordable housing and moderate income and senior housing projects, among others; and voter approval of changes to City land use and planning policy documents? http://www.smvote.org/BallotMeasures/detail.aspx?id=53687092663
ENDORSE MEASURE SM: City of Santa Monica - Shall Article XXII of the City Charter be amended to, among other things: expand the prohibition against kickbacks as rewards for certain official actions, create an exemption for volunteers serving certain City-funded non-profits, clarify the application of the Article’s prohibitions, the City Attorney’s authority and enforcement responsibilities, and the scope of available remedies? http://www.smvote.org/BallotMeasures/detail.aspx?id=53687094664