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Green Party Supports Loraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, District 12, June 4 election

The Green Party supports* Dr. Loraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, District 12, in June 4 primary and August 13 general elections.

District 12 includes Chatsworth, Granada Hills, Northridge, North Hills, Porter Ranch, Reseda, Sherwood Forest and West Hills.

Loraine is a scientist, a sustainability professor at CSUN, and a neighborhood council homelessness liaison.

- She is running to bring a Green New Deal to Los Angeles, centering her plan on a just transition for workers and justice for frontline communities.

- She is making addressing homelessness and attacking the housing crisis a major priority.

- She is promoting greener transportation alternatives and investing in our local water Infrastructure

- She supports the use of ranked-choice voting to give voters more choice and voice in Los Angeles elections

And, Loraine is committed to financing her campaign without corporate PAC money, but has nevertheless out-raised her corporate-funded opponents due to the strength of her large base of small-dollar donations.

For these reasons, and because of many other synergies between Loraine's platform and the platform of the Green Party, Loraine Lundquist has the support of the Green Party of Los Angeles County and Greens in District 12 are encouraged to vote for her on June 4 and August 13.

* GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9(c) provide for endorsing Green Party members who are candidates for public office and making a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members.  In this case, Lorraine Lundquist is a registered Democrat so she has received the GPLAC's support.

PS - For all Green Party recommendations in spring 2019 elections, see the GPLAC Spring 2019 voter guide.

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