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Green Party Voter Guide - March 3, 2020 elections

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements of candidates and ballot meaures in LA County.

Ballot Measures in March 3, 2020 elections in Los Angeles County

Endorse - Measure R: Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Ordinance (Read why here)

Candidates in March 3, 2020 elections in Los Angeles County

Endorse - Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, US House of Representatives, District 40
Endorse - Margaret Villa, State Assembly, District 58
Support* - Sarah Kate Levy and Nithya Raman, City Council District 4, Los Angeles (Read why here)
(read Green Party questionnaire answers by Levy and Raman)
Support* - Loraine Lundquist, City Council District 12, Los Angeles (Read why here)

* GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9(c) provide for endorsing Green Party members who are candidates for public office and making a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members.  In these cases, Sarah Kate Levy, Nithya Raman and Lorraine Lundquist are registered Democrats, not Greens, so they have received the GPLAC's support instead of endorsement.


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