The Green Party of Los Angeles County endorses Green Timeka Drew for Area 3 Representative, Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council in Los Angeles in June 15 elections.
The election will take place Saturday, June 15 from 10am-4pm at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza, 3650 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd in Los Angeles and is open to residents of the Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council area; you can vote by going to the polls. If you live anywhere from Crenshaw to Arlington & between Obama & Vernon (zip codes 90008 & 90018), you are in Area #3!
Here is Timeka's candidate statement:
"I am a mother of 4 who has lived in the Leimert Park neighborhood for over 10 years. I am an active member of the Crenshaw Community Garden & my roots are in grassroots activism, with over a decade of experience as a community organizer and climate democracy activist. Most of my organizing work has been on the national level, but I am committed to learning more about how to apply my passion & experience to my local community. I am excited about the prospect of serving the community on the neighborhood council, and I hope to have the opportunity to serve during 2019 and beyond. I am a registered member of the Green Party and am always looking forward to building with open-minded, compassionate community members interested in coming together to protect our environment and the most vulnerable in our neighborhood"
Here is Timeka's Facebook campaign page - - follow her there!
There are seven candidates for two seats in this competitive race. Please vote for Timeka Drew on June 15!