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Think globally and act locally by running for office as a Green.

Here is a list of California Greens holding elected office statewide.

In Los Angeles County, dozens of cities, school districts and other local governments will have elections in 2020 and 2021:|
• List of Scheduled Local Elections in LA County in 2020
• List of Scheduled Local Elections in LA County in 2021
List of Neighborhood Council elections in the City of Los Angeles in 2019 (same offices will be up in 2021)

Such local elections are officially non-partisan, meaning there is no party label next to a candidate's name on the ballot. When Greens run in local elections, they can win. Currently over 40 Greens hold elected local office in California. Since the GPCA's founding in 1990, over 350 Greens have been elected to local office. 

In 2020 and 2022 there are also elections for State Assembly, State Senate and Congress.

Plan your campaign to run as a Green. Search the GPUS elections data base for all Greens who have run in LA County since the GPCA was founded. See who the GPLAC has endorsed in the past and review the Green candidate endorsement questionnaire.


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