GPLAC County Council members 2016-2020
County Councilmembers in Los Angeles County are elected from State Senate Districts by Green Party voters in the June presidential primary. The number of seats per district number of seats per district are proportional to the number of Greens from each district, compared to the entire county. Currently the following 10 seats have been filled by election or appointment for 2016-2020 and are presently in office. Mid-term vacancies are summarized afterwards.
State Senate District 18 |
4/0 |
State Senate District 20/23/25 |
6/0 |
State Senate District 21 |
2//2 |
Diana Brown (appointed October 4, 2018) |
Melissa Guevara (appointed October 4, 2018) |
State Senate District 22 |
3/0 |
State Senate District 24 |
5/1 |
Julia Russell,
Los Feliz
(appointed August 21, 2016) |
State Senate District 26 |
7/3 |
Mike Feinstein
Santa Monica
(elected June 7, 2016) |
Annie Goeke
Santa Monica
(elected June 7, 2016) |
Linda Piera-Avila
Santa Monica
(elected June 7, 2016) |
State Senate District 27 |
3/0 |
State Senate District 29/32 |
3/0 |
State Senate District 30 |
4/3 |
Doug Barnett
Los Angeles
(appointed July 10, 2016) |
Marla Bernstein
Los Angeles
(appointed July 10, 2016) |
Ajay Rai
Los Angeles
(appointed July 10, 2016) |
State Senate District 33 |
4/1 |
Ava Kermani
Long Beach
(appointed July 10, 2016) |
State Senate District 34/35 |
3/1 |
Rachel Bruhnke
Los Angeles
(appointed October 2, 2016) |
Mid-Term Vacancies: Helen Gaskins (SD 29/32) appointed October 2, 2016; resigned June 4, 2017
Caney Arnold (SD 34/35) appointed October 2, 2016; resigned January 12, 2017
Tyler Morrison (SD 33) appointed March 7, 2017; vacated seat via non-attendance September 10, 2017
Justine Berne-Akley (SD 26), appointed August 21, 2016; vacated seat via non-attendance October 22, 2017
Matthew Wheeler (SD 21), appointed May 7, 2017; vacated seat via changing party registration, March 2018
Aria Pakatchi, (SD 21), appointed May 7, 2017, vacated seat via non-attendance July 1, 2018
Tom Allen, (SD 26), elected June 7, 2016, vacated seat via non-attendance July 1, 2018
Cris Gutierrez, (SD 26), elected June 7, 2016, vacated seat via non-attendance July 1, 2018
Adia Williams (SD 6), appointed July 10, 2016, vacated seat via non-attendance July 1, 2018
Cordula Ohman, (SD 21), elected June 7, 2016, resigned August 24, 2018
Angelica Dueñas, (SD 18), appointed March 12, 2017, resigned October 22, 2018
Ava Kermani (SD 33) appointed July 10, 2016; resigned October 2019 because moved out of district
Rachel Bruhnke (SD 34/35), appointed October 2, 2016; resigned October 2019
County Council, Green Party of L.A. County
PO Box 82222, Los Angeles, CA 90082 • gplac-info (at)