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Green Party Voter Guide - November 4, 2024 elections

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the Green Party of California platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements of candidates and ballot measures in LA County.

November 4 United States Federal Election

Jill Stein and Butch Ware, presidential and vice-presidential nominees of the Green Party of the United States



November 4 Los Angeles City and Unified School District General Election ballot measures General Election ballot measures

YES: LA City Charter Amendment DD:  Independent Redistricting Commission For The City Of Los Angeles - Ballot Argument - YES on DD 

YES: LA City Charter Amendment LL:  Independent Redistricting Commission For The Los Angeles Unified School District  -  Ballot Argument - YES on LL

Los Angeles City residents and LA Unified School District (LAUSD) families and students deserve a redistricting process that prioritizes community representation—NOT political insiders. Every ten years, federal law requires the boundaries of city council districts and LAUSD board districts to be redrawn because of population shifts. This redistricting process influences which residents can run for office, and therefore who advocates for services in that district, decides how public dollars are spent, and what policies are put into place. 

Currently, LA City Council determines the district boundaries of both LA City and LAUSD. This process is undermined by politics instead of focusing on residents being served. 

In 2022, we were all shocked to hear leaked audio from our previous redistricting cycle, documenting three LA city council members abusing their powers and manipulating district lines for their own self-interest. Many of our organizations moved quickly then to call for an independent redistricting commission and prevent this type of corruption from taking hold of our city again. Advocates have been successful in getting this on the ballot for this November, and we are ready for voters to be the final YES needed to make independent redistricting our new reality in LA City and LAUSD.

Charter Amendments DD and LL will give the important decision-making power to community members across LA City and LAUSD respectively and will completely take that power out of the hands of politicians. An independent redistricting commission is a proven, trusted, nonpartisan reform that has worked well in countless other California jurisdictions. It allows unbiased and impartial residents to draw district boundaries based on input from the public. 

We need a system that gives the power of redistricting to the people – not politicians. Vote YES on DD and LL this general election!

November 4 Los Angeles County General Election ballot measure

Position coming soon

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