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Run for Los Angeles Neighborhood Council in Spring 2021

• Are you interested in holding elective office? 
• Do you want to make positive change in your community?
• Would you like to learn more about local government and how to solve problems in your neighborhood?

Run for Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles

Neighborhood Councils are L.A.’s most local, grassroots form of government. They connect members of their community with city officials and agencies, providing input on important issues like housing, transportation, homelessness, open space, public safety and land use. Neighborhood Councils also have annual budgets, funded by taxpayer dollars, that they administer. 

Joining your neighborhood council is a great way to effect positive change in your community and bring Green values into city government.

Elections will be held between March 16 and June 15, by region

There are currently 99 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles, divided into 12 geographical regions. Find your neighborhood council here.

The 2021 neighborhood council elections will occur by region, between Tuesday, March 16 and Tuesday, June 15.  Here is the election schedule by region and by neighborhood council. Here is how to find your Neighborhood Council.

Filing has already begun for Region 5 (Central Hollywood, East HollywoodGreater WilshireHollywood Hills West, Hollywood Studio District, Hollywood United, Mid-City West, P.I.C.O.) and Region 6  (Arts District Little Tokyo, Downtown Los AngelesOlympic ParkPico UnionWestlake NorthWestlake South, Wilshire Center-Koreatown).

All the filing deadlines have not been announced, but the earlier the election, the earlier the filing deadline. Subscribe for the announcement of the filing deadlines and other candidate and election-related documents.

Vote-by-mail election

Because of public safety concerns around the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's neighborhood council elections will be vote-by-mail. Read here to see how vote-by-mail neighborhood councils will work and click here to apply for your vote-by-mail ballot.

Connect with local Greens for your candidacy

If you decide to run for Neighborhood Council, please let us know via this vounteer form or by emailing us. We’ll connect you with a Green neighborhood council member (present or past) who can share their experience. If we endorse your candidacy, we can also let Greens in your neighborhood council know to vote for you!

Serving on neighborhood councils is a great opportunity for Greens to make an impact and gain experience as elected officials! Whether you aspire to higher office or are an activist looking to make real change, we encourage you to become involved with your local neighborhood council today.

Apply to fill a vacancy before the election 

In between neighborhood elections there are often vacancies on the neighborhood councils. These vacancies are filled by appointment by the existing neighborhood council board of directors.

As of late October 2021, there are 228 vacancies on 64 of the 99 Neighborhood Councils.  Here is the list of vacancies.  Here is how to find your neighborhood council. From there you can contact the board directly about the vacancy. 

If you apply to fill a vacancy now and get appointed, you can gain valuable experience before the upcoming election and build support for your candidacy in the election.

For more information


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