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Los Angeles

Run for Los Angeles Neighborhood Council in Spring 2021

• Are you interested in holding elective office? 
• Do you want to make positive change in your community?
• Would you like to learn more about local government and how to solve problems in your neighborhood?

Run for Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles

Green Party of Los Angeles County calls for resignation of Los Angeles City Councilmember John Lee

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) believes that all people are presumed legally innocent until proven guilty.

However the GPLAC believes that Los Angeles City Councilmember John Lee should immediately resign his Distsrict 12 City Council seat.

Green Party supports Sarah Kate Levy & Nithya Raman for Los Angeles City Council, District 4, March 3 elections

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) supports Sarah Kate Levy and Nithya Raman for Los Angeles City Council, District 4, in March 3 elections.

Green Party supports Loraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, District 12, March 3 election

The Green Party supports* Dr. Loraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, District 12, in March 3, 2020 elections.

Green Party of Los Angeles endorses Green Timeka Drew for Area 3 Representative, Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council

The Green Party of Los Angeles County endorses Green Timeka Drew for Area 3 Representative, Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council in Los Angeles in June 15 elections.

Green Party Endorses Measure EE for education, Los Angeles June 4 election

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) endorses Measure EE - Quality Teacher, Class Size Reduction and Local School Safety Measure - on the June 4th ballot in Los Angeles, as the best opportunity to ensure that students in the Los Angeles Unified School District receive the funding they need to succeed.<

Green Party Supports Loraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, District 12, June 4 election

The Green Party supports* Dr. Loraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, District 12, in June 4 primary and August 13 general elections.

Green Party Voter Guide - Spring 2019 elections

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements of candidates and ballot meaures in LA County.

Ballot Measures in spring 2019 elections in Los Angeles County

Resolution that Los Angeles City, School District and Community College elections should be elected by ranked choice voting

The Green Party supports ranked choice voting to elect the Los Angeles City Council, Los Angeles Mayor, Controller, City Attorney, School Board and Community College Board

Resolution regarding increasing the size of the Los Angeles City Council

The Green Party of Los Angeles County supports a substantial increase in the size of the Los Angeles City Council, with study and consideration of per capita ratios of representation comparable to San Jose and San Francisco, leading to a City Council of up to potentially up to a similar size as Chicago and New York, and with study and consideration of both multi-seat and single-seat districts with ranked choice voting


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