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Run Green for State and Federal Office in March 2020 primary election

Greens are known for thinking globally and acting locally.  This is an invitation to think globally and run for public office locally! Running for public office is a great way to promote and advance important green issues and policies.

In Los Angeles County there will be 24 races for State Assembly, 15 for State Senate and 18 for U.S. House of Representative in which Green candidates can run in the March 3, 2020 California state primary election.

Find your legislative districts here:

Qualifying for the ballot requires gaining a certain number of nomination signatures from registered voters in your district, paying a filing fee, or a combination of both:

State Assembly - $1,072.42 or 1,000 nomination signatures (or a combination of both)

State Senate - $1,072.42 or 2,000 nomination signatures (or a combination of both)

U.S. House of Representatives - $1740 or 2,000 nomination signatures (or a combination of both)

The nomination/filing period begins Thursday, September 12 and ends Wednesday, November 6. You must go to the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters office in Norwalk to obtain your official nomination petitions. If you obtain enough signatures, you pay no filing fee.  If you don't, you pay a pro-rated amount of the filing fee depending upon how many nomination signatures you submit

Here is a list of other forms you must file: After qualifying for the ballot, candidates may also pay for and submit a Candidate Statement to appear in the official Voter Information Guide:

What should you consider before deciding to run? 

Step #1: Assess your skills and experience

What office best suits you, your skills, experience, interests and resources? What issues are most important to you and your community? What do the Green Party of California platform and Green Party of the United States platform have to say about the issues you would be running on?

Step #2: Talk to your friends, colleagues and local Green Party leaders

To run a successful campaign, it helps to have a record of prior involvement in your community, as well as support of friends and family, and Greens and others active in politics. Seek advice from others in your area who have run for office.

Step #3: What is the record of the incumbent and how would your positions be similar or different?

Here is a list of current incumbents for State AssemblyState SenateU.S. House of Representatives

Step #4: Make sure you meet the deadline for filing for office

If you decide to run, please contact the Green Party at and we will get you in touch with other Greens who have run for office. Once you've qualified for the ballot, if we endorse your candidacy, we will get you in contact with other registered Greens in your community to support your campaign.

We hope to see you on the ballot in March 2020!



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