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Green Party Endorses Measure EE for education, Los Angeles June 4 election

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) endorses Measure EE - Quality Teacher, Class Size Reduction and Local School Safety Measure - on the June 4th ballot in Los Angeles, as the best opportunity to ensure that students in the Los Angeles Unified School District receive the funding they need to succeed.

Los Angeles Unified School District teachers went on strike earlier this year to demand better funding for their students. Measure EE was the result of the negotiations that ended the strike. Measure EE would raise approximately $500 million a year to improve students’ education by lowering class sizes and retaining quality teachers, counselors, nurses, librarians, support staff and principals.

Greens believe that there are necessary long term reforms needed to fund our schools, including closing the commercial property tax loophole in Proposition 13 via a split roll tax - a reform that will be on the November 2020 statewide ballot. The GPLAC also has concerns about funding in Measure EE going towards charter schools. However the benefits of Measure EE outweigh these concerns, and Measure EE is the most viable way to pay for the important concessions won in the Los Angeles teachers strike.

Measure EE needs at least 2/3 of the vote to pass, so every vote counts. If you’re unsure of where to go to vote, you can check with the Los Angeles County Registrar’s office for your polling location and a sample ballot.

For all GPLAC endorsements in spring 2019 elections, see If you are interested in running for public office, here are the races up for election in LA County in 2019 and 2020

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