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CNN Town Hall Watch Party w/Green Party candidates Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka - Wed, Aug 17 5-8pm in Santa Monica

Green Party Presidential/Vice-Presidential candidates Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka ( will be live on CNN for a one hour Town Hall, starting at 6pm PST.

Come join/meet Greens and interested others for a Watch Party from 5-8pm, enjoy happy hour drink prices (5-7pm) and order great Mexican food ( at the back room reserved for us at Loteria Restaurant, 1251 Third St. Promenade, Santa Monica (

Please RSVP via the Facebook event page created for this Watch Party, so that we can let the restaurant know how many people may be coming so they can plan to have enough waiters/waitresses on hand.

To avoid driving, please take the bus (, bike, walk or take the Expo Light Rail line to the last stop (Downtown Santa Monica) at 4th/Colorado (, then walk north four blocks to the corner of 3rd St./Arizona. Loteria is three doors north on east side of the Promenade from there.

Stein campaign buttons and bumper stickers will be available for purchase on site, and voter registration cards to register Green Party - or you can register Green on-line now.

This event is free, but the Green Party can use your financial support - we don't take corporate donations and it is our ballot status that is providing for a Green alternative on the presidential ballot in California this fall  - please support the Green Party with your contribution.



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