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Green Party endorses Measure R: Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Ordinance

The Green Party of Los Angeles County endorses Measure R: Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Ordinance

Measure R is a critical and long overdue social justice and human health initiative that has grown out of grassroots activism in our communties.

Measure R is designed to address three important issues:

Over incarceration of people who suffer from mental illness. This inhumane practice by Los Angeles County prioritizes incarceration over treatment, and perpetuates cycles of instability and homelessness in our communities.

Substandard mental health care in jails. This results in jail-based violence and self-harm.

Lack of Accountability and Oversight of the Sheriff’s Department. This compromises the safety of people held in the jails, and insulates corruption in the sheriff's department from accountability.

Measure R would provide funding to invest in rehabilitation and mental health services, helping to reduce the jail population of the mentally ill, and save taxpayers millions of dollars a year in the process.

Measure R is also designed to root out corruption to prevent abuses by the Jails and the Sheriff’s Department, by providing more oversight power to the Los Angeles County Sheriff Oversight Commission.

For all these reasons, the Green Party of Los Angeles County endorses Measure R in Los Angeles County and recommends a yes vote for Measure R in March 3 elections.

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