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Decision: Endorsement Process for Governor

Decision: Endorsement Process for Governor
Sponsor/Presenters: Mike Feinstein, Shannel Pittman

Background: With the passage of Proposition 14 the Top Two Primary Act in June 2010,  political parties no long have party primaries to select their nominees. In fact there are no longer political party nominees for any state of federal office in California, except president, which was not covered by the Top Two law.  However the state legislature did pass legislation subsequent to the passage of Proposition 14, that allows political parties to make party endorsements and have them included in the official voter information guide published by the State of California for statewide races (, and for down tickets races in the official voter information guides published by counties.

For a statewide office like Governor, the Green Party of California (GPCA) is likely to conduct a statewide endorsement process sometime later in 2025. One of the reasons that GPCA would do so at that time, is to aid in the efforts of statewide candidates to raise money and get on the ballot, with the imprimatur of a statewide endorsement.  That endorsement would also be included in the official voter information guide published by the State of California, regardless of who county parties endorse.  In the 2022 statewide elections, the GPLAC endorsed Greens for US Senate and Insurance Commissioner who were not allowed by the GPCA Coordinating Committee to be considered for endorsement, and instead the GPCA endorsed candidates running for those offices from another party.

In 2026 for Governor, barring any highly unusual unforeseen circumstances, it is not expected at this point that there will be a significant controversy over who to endorse, as Butch Ware, the GPUS vice-presidential candidate from 2024 has declared for Governor and already is running an active campaign. However, there may be a benefit to a county party like the GPLAC in endorsing earlier than the GPCA, as the Ware campaign could serve as an early party-building tool and possibly a candidate recruitment tool for the June 2026 elections, in attracting other Greens to run for other statewide and/or down ticket races.

In that vein, this proposal would schedule a date in conjunction with the Ware campaign, where Ware would appear on a zoom live stream promoted to Greens across LA County, where they could review his campaign materials beforehand, and hear about his campaign and ask questions live, and send in their opinions about endorsing his campaign.  This way when the County Council votes on endorsement, there would be a more substantial process of involving other Greens in LA County in the process.

Proposal: That in consultation with the Ware campaign, that a date and time for a zoom live stream be established some time in April, that it be hosted and moderated by GPLAC officers, that there be a time for a presentation by Ware and then for questions and answers with attendees of the event, that it be promoted by the GPLAC via email to registered Greens in LA County and in general via GPLAC social media, that the email contain Ware campaign links, that the email ask GPLAC members about their thoughts on endorsing Ware, that the opportunity to receive GPLAC member input continue for one more week after the event, and then that the County Council take a decision upon the endorsement soon after, either by an email vote or at a monthly meeting, depending upon the timing of such

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