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Minutes, GPLAC County Council meeting, November 4, 2011

Green Party of Los Angeles County
County Council Meeting Minutes

Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Peace Center, 8124 West 3rdStreet, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Meeting Roles
Facilitator: E.B. Gendel
Timekeeper: Eugene Hernandez
Note taker: Will Yeager
Vibes Monitor: Edy Alvarez
Prior to the meeting there was a Countywide Assembly of Los Angeles Greens, and a Vegetarian Potluck beginning at 2:30 p.m., with Jill Stein for President Campaign Merchandise for Sale (T-Shirts/buttons/signs) coordinated by Edy Alvarez.

1) Opening Meditation
Edy Alvarez led the County Council in an opening meditation. 

2) Call to Order & Roll Call
Meeting Facilitator, E.B. Gendel called the meeting to order at 3:10 PM.
Secretary Will Yeager called the County Council Member Roll with the following members in attendance: Jack Lindblad, Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez (alternate for Linda Piera-Avila), Will Yeager (alternate for Linda J. Albertano), Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
With 12 of 19 members present, needing 10 members present, there was quorum.

3) Agenda Amendments
Michael Feinstein moved to amend the agenda to add a discussion on the Los Angeles City Elections and remove: Agenda Item #4) Approval of the October 7, 2012 minutes, Agenda Item #5) National Election - Jill Stein Campaign, Agenda Item #6) Local Election – Jonathan Mann for Santa Monica City Council Campaign, Agenda Item #11 D) Appointment of Web Site Manager for the 2012-2014 Term, and Agenda Item # 11 F) Possible Appointment of Assistant Treasurer.Yes = 5: Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, Cordula Ohman and Elizabeth Davies
No = 6: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Will Yeager, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel
Abstentions = 1: Jack Lindblad.
With the Motion requiring a 2/3 Super Majority it Fails 5-6-1.

4) Approval of the Minutes - October 7, 2012 Minutes
County Council Members Doug Barnet, Marla Bernstein and John Wenger arrived while Jack Lindblad left the meeting.
Yes = 10: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Ian Sachs, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Elizabeth Davies, Doug Barnett, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 3: Michael Feinstein, Cordula Ohman and Marla Bernstein.
Abstentions = 1: Cris Gutierrez.
Motion Passes 10-3-1

5) National Election – Jill Stein for President Campaign
Jack Lindblad returned to the meeting.
County Council Members reported on their activities with the Jill Stein for President Campaign with Edy Alvarez requesting reimbursement of $200 for the printing of Jill Stein Fliers.
Ian Sachs offered to contribute $200 for the printing of the Jill Stein Fliers.

Consensus Question: Shall the GPLACC donate $250 directly to the Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala for President Campaign?
Michael Feinstein expressed an outstanding concern on emptying the GPLAC bank account since the current balance in the GPLAC bank account is $679.
Alfonso Garcia offered to contribute $250 to the GPLAC so it may donate $250 to the Jill Stein campaign.
Amendment to Consensus Question: The $250 donation to the Jill Stein for President Campaign shall not be sent until donation check is received.
Yes = 9: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Ian Sachs, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Doug Barnett, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 6: Jack Lindblad, Michael Feinstein, Cris Gutierrez, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies and Marla Bernstein.
Motion Passes 9-6-0

6) Local Election – Jonathan Mann for Santa Monica City Council Campaign

Consensus Question: Shall the GPLACC share City of Santa Monica Voter Information from our database with GPLACC-endorsed, Candidate, Jonathan Mann?
Outstanding Concern: Michael Feinstein, rules do not allow giving access to the Database.
Yes = 0
No = 14: Jack Lindblad, Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrrez, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett, and Alfonso Garcia.
Abstentions = 1: E.B. Gendel
Motion Fails 0-14-1

7) City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Election Update
Anthony Vieyra arrived.
There was a Q & A session w/Mike Feinstein on Greens in the Neighborhood Council Elections (a Written Report previously submitted to List-Serve).

8) A. Filling Vacant Seats on the Los Angeles County Council
No one submitted nomination signatures, therefore no action was taken.

8) B. Voter Registration Committee Update: Current Status of Los Angeles County Green Party Voter Registration
Item was passed due to absence of presenters, Michael McCue/Kamran Ghasri

9) Locals Support Committee Update
Deacon Alexander arrived.
Representatives from each local gave a brief update on their local’s activities.
A. Long Beach Greens - no report.
B. Los Angeles Greens - no report.
C. San Fernando Valley Greens - Eugene Hernandez reported with Edy Alvarez on the SFV Greens efforts on the Jill Stein Campaign.
D. Santa Monica Greens - Cris Gutierrez reported on the Sustainability Bill of Rights in Santa Monica, Shut Down San Onofre and Money Out campaigns in Santa Monica.
E. Skid Row Greens - Deacon Alexander reported that stage 1, collecting 1,100 signatures for his campaign for Los Angeles Mayor were being gathered.
F. South Bay/Harbor Greens - Ian Sachs and Will Yeager reported on the No Power Plant campaign in Redondo Beach. 
G. East San Fernando Valley Greens - Jack Lindblad reported on Small Green Projects.

10) Database Administrator Report

Sasha Karlik reported that he only has old outdated copies of the Voter Registration File.

11) Council Elections & Appointments: Nominations & Votes to Confirm

A. Database Administrator/Coordinators
Consensus Question: Who shall serve as Database Administrator/Coordinators for the 2012-2014 term?  Discussion, Nominations, & possible vote to confirm appointment.
Eugene Hernandez nominated John Wenger.
John Wenger nominated Will Yeager.
Michael Feinstein nominated Sasha Karlik, who is not present for consideration.
John Wenger withdraws from consideration.
Consensus Question: Shall Nominations be closed?
Hand Vote Passes 8-6-0

Shall Will Yeager be the Database Coordinator for the 2012-2014 GPLAC-CC Term?
Yes = 9: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Ian Sachs, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Deacon Alexander, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 4: Jack Lindblad, Michael Feinstein, Cordula Ohman and Marla Bernstein.
Abstentions = 3: Cris Gutierrez, Elizabeth Davies and Doug Barnett
Passes 9-4-3

B. Database Committee Members
Consensus Question: Who shall serve as Database Committee Members for the 2012-2014 term? Discussion, Nominations, & possible vote to confirm appointment.
John Wenger, E.B. Gendel, Eric Bilker, Sasha Karlik, Michael Feinstein and Nel Nelson were nominated. E.B. Gendel declined nomination; Eric Bilker and Nels Nelson were not present for consideration.
Consensus Question: Do Nominees for a position have to be present in order to be considered?
Hand Vote Passes 9-7-0
Sasha Karlik arrives.

Consensus Question: Shall John Wenger become a member of the Database Committee?
Yes = 10: Eugene Hernandez, Anthony Vieyra, Ara Bedian, Ian Sachs, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Deacon Alexander, Doug Barnett, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 5: Jack Lindblad, Michael Feinstein, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies and Sasha Karlik.
Abstentions = 2: Edy Alvarez and Marla Bernstein.
Not Voting = 1: Cris Gutierrez.
Passes 10-5-2

Consensus Question: Shall Sasha Karlik become a member of the Database Committee?
Yes = 11: Jack Lindblad, Anthony Vieyra, Ara Bedian, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett and Sasha Karlik.
No = 6: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
Abstentions = 1: Deacon Alexander.
Passes 11-6-1

Consensus Question: Shall Michael Feinstein become a member of the Database Committee?
Yes = 10: Jack Lindblad, Anthony Vieyra, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett and Sasha Karlik.
No = 6: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Ara Bedian, Will Yeager, John Wenger and E.B. Gendel.
Abstentions = 2: Deacon Alexander and Alfonso Garcia.
Passes 10-6-2

C. Appointment of List-Serve Administrators/Moderators for the 2012-2014 Term.
Consensus Question: Who shall serve as List-Serve Administrators/Moderators for and gplac-forum@cagreens.orgfor the 2012-2014 term? Discussion, Nominations, and possible vote to confirm appointment.
John Wenger nominated Will Yeager.
Will Yeager nominated John Wenger.
Michael Feinstein nominated Eric Bilker.

Consensus Question: Shall Eric Bilker’s nomination be accepted for consideration in his absence?
Hand Vote Passes 17-1-0
Consensus Question: Shall Will Yeager serve as a List-Serve Administrator/Moderator for and gplac-forum@cagreens.orgfor the 2012-2014 term?
Yes = 11: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Anthony Vieyra, Ara Bedian, Ian Sachs, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Elizabeth Davies, Deacon Alexander, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 4: Jack Lindblad, Cris Gutierrez, Doug Barnett and Sasha Karlik.
Abstentions = 3: Michael Feinstein, Cordula Ohman, and Marla Bernstein.
Passes 11-4-3

Consensus Question: Shall Eric Bilker serve as a List-Serve Administrator/Moderator for and gplac-forum@cagreens.orgfor the 2012-2014 term?
Yes = 15: Jack Lindblad, Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Anthony Vieyra, Ara Bedian, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Codula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Marla Bernstein, Sasha Karlik and E.B. Gendel.
No = 0:
Abstentions = 2: Doug Barnett and Alfonso Garcia.
Not Voting = 1: Deacon Alexander.
Passes 15-0-2

Consensus Question: Shall John Wenger serve as a List-Serve Administrator/Moderator for and for the 2012-2014 term?
Yes = 10: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Anthony Vieyra, Ara Bedian, Ian Sachs, Will Yeager, John Wenger, Deacon Alexander, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 7: Jack Lindblad, Michael Feinstein, Cris Gutierrez, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Doug Barnett and Sasha Karlik.
Abstentions = 1: Marla Bernstein.
Passes 10-7-2

D. Appointment of Web Site Manager for the 2012-2014 GPLAC-CC term.
Consensus Question: Who shall serve as the GPLACC Web Site Manager for the 2012-2014 term?  Discussion, Nominations & possible vote to confirm appointment.

No action was taken because the County Council does not choose the webmaster. Under GPCA bylaws, the GPLAC Co-coordinators are responsible for upkeep of the web site and it is up to them to either do it themselves or designate a webmaster.

E. Election of GPLAC Treasurer for the GPLAC 2012-2014.
Consensus Question: Who shall serve as the GPLAC Treasurer for the 2012-2014 term? Discussion, Nominations, and possible vote to confirm appointment.
Michael Feinstein nominated Dorothy Kemeny.
Dorothy Kemeny nominated Deacon Alexander.
Deacon Alexander declines the nomination.
Consensus Question: Shall Dorothy Kemeny serve as the GPLAC Treasurer for the 2012-2014 GPLAC-CC term?
Yes = 15: Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Anthony Vieyra, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, Will Yeager, Codula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Deacon Alexander, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett, Sasha Karlik, Alfonso Garcia and E.B. Gendel.
No = 0:
Abstentions = 1: Ara Bedian.
Not Voting = 1: John Wenger.
None of the Above = 1: Jack Lindblad.
Passes 15-0-1-1

F. Appointment of Assistant Treasurer
Dorothy Kemeny as GPLAC Treasurer nominates Deacon Alexander to serve as Assistant Treasurer.
Consensus Question: Shall Deacon Alexander serve as the GPLAC Assistant Treasurer?
Yes = 4: Eugene Hernandez, Ara Bedian, Will Yeager, and Deacon Alexander.
No = 11: Jack Lindblad, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, John
Wenger, Codula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett, Sasha Karlik, and Alfonso Garcia.
Abstentions = 2: Edy Alvarez and E.B. Gendel.
Not Voting = 1: Anthony Vieyra
Fails 4-11-2

12) Establish a New, Secure Post Office Box for all GPLAC Business
Consensus Question, Shall the GPLACC establish a new post office mail box, with all keys accounted for, that is accessible to our Council officers?
E.B. Gendel offers to pay for any difference in the cost of a new Post Office Box.
Yes = 4: Eugene Hernandez, Ara Bedian, Will Yeager, and E.B. Gendel.
No = 9: Jack Lindblad, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, Cordula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett and Sasha Karlik.
Abstentions = 5: Edy Alvarez, Anthony Vieyra, John Wenger, Deacon Alexander and Alfonso Garcia.
Fails 4-9-5

13) Tabling Committee Budget – Funding Request
Consensus Question: Shall our council establish a Tabling Committee Budget of $1,000 ($500 annually, with detailed expense reports to be made to Council) for the 2012-2014 term?
Outstanding Concerns: Michael Feinstein, on the use of the funds; E.B. Gendel, on the lack of a formal budget for the GPLAC.
Yes = 3: Ara Bedian, Will Yeager and Alfonso Garcia
No = 15: Jack Lindblad, Eugene Hernandez, Edy Alvarez, Anthony Vieyra, Michael Feinstein, Ian Sachs, Cris Gutierrez, John Wenger, Codula Ohman, Elizabeth Davies, Deacon Alexander, Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett, Sasha Karlik and E.B. Gendel.
Abstentions = 0
Fails 3-15-0

14) Announcements
Deacon Alexander’s announced candidacy for LA Mayor is being supported by the newly-organized Skid Row Greens local, and a discussion of the LA City election has been prioritized for our next meeting on Sunday, December 2nd.

15) Closing Circle/Adjournment
There was a closing circle with the meeting adjourning at 7:25 PM.

Post Meeting Actions
• Standing Committee members meet in their groups to organize their committees.
• Jill Stein volunteers meet to organize their campaign activities.
• Clean Up of Space

Draft minutes Submitted by Will Yeager
Secretary of the Green Party of Los Angeles County
Draft submitted November 25, 2012 and an amended draft submitted on January 23, 2013 and the amended draft was amended by the County Council on February 4, 2013.

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