The County Council is governing body for the Green Party of Los Angeles County. It is elected by registered Green Party members in Los Angeles County.
Between 1992 and 2012, the County Council was elected every two years in the California state primary election. Owing to a 2011 change in state law, since 2012 the Council has been elected every four years in the California state presidential primary election.
Between 1992 and 2002, the County Council was elected from State Senate districts. The number of seats per State Senate district out of the total number in the county was proportional to the number of Greens in that district, compared to the number of Greens in the entire county. Between 2002 and 2004, the Council was elected from County Supervisoral districts. Since 2006, the Council has been elected again from State Senate Districts. The total number of seats to be elected in each election has varied over the years, and is listed below.
If a County Council district race is contested (more candidates than seats), it goes on the ballot and votes are counted. If a race is not contested (as many or fewer candidates than seats), then the ballot-qualified candidates are automatically considered elected and no election is held.
- 2020-2024 (LA County registrar: all candidates)
- 2016-2020 (LA County registrar: all candidates)
- 2012-2014 (LA County registrar: all candidates, contested races SD26, SD30; Smart Voter: SD18, SD 20/23/25, SD 24, SD26, SD27, SD30, SD34/35)
- 2010-2012 (LA County registrar: all candidates, contested race SD23; Smart Voter: SD20, SD21, SD22, SD23, SD25, SD26, SD27 )
- 2008-2010 (Smart Voter: SD 17/19, SD 24, SD 25, SD26, SD27, SD28)
- 2006-2008 (Smart Voter: SD17/19, SD20, SD21, SD22, SD23, SD24, SD27, SD 28, SD 29/32)
- 2004-2006 (Smart Voter: SD 2, SD 3, SD 4, SD 5)
- 2002-2004
- 1992-2000
2020: 44 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws)
2016: 44 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws)
2012: 44 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws)
2010: 42 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 42)
2008: 42 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 42)
2006: 42 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 42)
2004: 17 actual seats to be elected from County Supervisorial Districts (17 seats in GPLAC bylaws)
2002: 17 actual seats to be elected from County Supervisorial Districts (17 seats in GPLAC bylaws)
2000: 33 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (34 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 33)
1998: 33 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (34 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 33)
1996: 34 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (34 seats in GPLAC bylaws)
1994: 35 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (34 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 35)
1992: 46 actual seats to be elected from State Senate Districts (44 seats in GPLAC bylaws, rounding led to 46)