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Green Party Voter Guide - Los Angeles County Fall 2018 elections - Endorse Mejia, Lara, Cortes Barragan, Estrada

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements for elections on the ballot in LA County.

Candidates (November 2018 general election):

Green Party Voter Guide - candidate endorsements for Los Angeles County Spring 2018 elections

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements for elections on the ballot in LA County.

Endorsements - Candidates and Ballot Measures (June 2018 primary election):

Green Party Voter Guide - candidates and ballot measures for Los Angeles County Spring 2017 elections

Endorsed candidates - April 4: Kenneth Mejia (US Congress, District 34, Los Angeles) March 7 Adriana Cabrera (Los Angeles City Council, District 9) Jessica Salans (Los Angeles City Council, District 13) Tyler Morrison (South Gate City Council)
Ballot Measures - City of Los Angeles March 7, 2017 election
Measure M: Endorse / Measure S: Oppose


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