Green Party of Los Angeles County
County Council Meeting Agenda
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Tongva Park, 1615 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90401(in between Main St. and Ocean Ave., just south of I-10 freeway...take Expo Light Rail line to last stop @ 4th/Colorado and walk two blocks)
3pm: Pot luck vegetarian picnic at picnic tables in park
4pm - 7pm: Meeting
Co-Facilitators: Marla Bernstein and Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera Avila
Vibes Watcher: Cordula Ohman
Table of Contents
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
2. Report: Treasurer’s report (ten minutes)
3. Discussion: Goals and Objectives of 2016-2020 County Council (sixty minutes)
Business items
4. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
5. Action: Election of of GPLAC Co-Coordinators, Male/Female (fifteen Minutes)
6. Action: Election of GPLAC Treasurer (ten minutes)
7. Action: Election of GPLAC Secretary (ten minutes)
8. Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
9. Action: Remembering Cathy McKnight (five minutes)
10. Action: Consideration of appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from June primary election (forty-five minutes)
11. Action: Set Future Meeting Schedule (ten minutes)
12. Discussion: Review of GPLAC web site, social media functionality (ten minutes)
13. Discussion: Report on Greens running in 2016 Neighborhood Council elections (ten minutes)
14. Discussion: Preparation for 2017 Los Angeles City Elections, including recruiting Green candidates (fifteen minutes)
15. Discussion: Hosting a public forum on the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative in Los Angeles before March 2017 elections (ten minutes)
16. Discussion: Update on GPCA plans to host 2017 GPUS Annual National Meeting in California, including a proposed Campaign School and National Latino Caucus in the LA area
17. Discussion: Hearing from elected Greens in LA County (ten minutes)
18. Announcments
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Very brief introductions, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer
2. Report: Treasurer’s report (ten minutes)
Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer 2014-2106
Background: Since the GPLAC Bylaws state that the first business item of the new County Council shall be to select GPLAC officers, including Treasurer, this item will provide the outgoing Treasurer to informally supply information about the current status of GPLAC finances during the discussion period, before the County Council chooses its next Treasurer for the 2016-2020 term.
3. Discussion: Goals and Objectives of 2016-2020 County Council (fifty minutes)
An open discussion by County Councilmembers about their goals and objectives for the County Council in 2010-2012. Can include political and organizational goals.
Forty-five Minutes
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 5.2 Duties of the Council
Business items
4. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
9.3.1 Open Meetings: With the consent of the Council, all members of the Green Party of Los Angeles County may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process' but only Council members may hold any 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
9.3.2 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications. b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation
5. Action: Election of of GPLAC Co-Coordinators, Male/Female (fifteen Minutes)
Nominations will be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have two minutes to make a candidate statement. Brief questions and answers with the nominees can occur time permitting.The voting procedure is by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold and including No Other Candidate as an option. Voting will be by paper ballot and results of the individual votes are included in the minutes.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 6.1 Co-Coordinators
6-1.1 The Council shall elect two Co-Coordinators, one male and one female. Within each two-year County Council term, there shall be three consecutive eight month Co-Coordinator terms. The first eight month term shall commence with the first meeting of the newly elected County Council and the last one shall end when the subsequent County Council holds it first meeting. The voting procedure shall be by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7).
6-1.2 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the production of the Council agenda. This includes the prioritization of and the assigning times to agenda items, as well as the appointment of a meeting facilitator(s), minutes taker and vibes-watcher.
6-1.3 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the distribution of the Council agenda. Distribution will include Council members and Active Green locals, and will appear on the County web site. Co-Coordinators may work with the Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.4 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for updating the GPLAC website and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task. The web site shall include the names and official contact information of all County Council members, County Council officers, and GPLAC representatives to the GPCA Coordinating Committee; the official contact information for Active Green Locals in Los Angeles County; GPLAC Bylaws and GPLAC Rules and Procedures, and minutes of County Council and County Council committee meetings.
6-1.5 The Co-Coordinators shall serve as Co-Liaisons to the office of the Registrar/Recorder of Los Angeles County.
6-1.6 The Co-Coordinators may speak on behalf of the GPLAC, consistent with GPLAC policy, the Green Party of California state platform, and the Ten Key Values. No other Council member may speak on behalf of the County Council, without County Council authorization.
6. Action: Election of GPLAC Treasurer (ten minutes)
Nominations will be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have two minutes to make a candidate statement. The voting procedure is by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold and including No Other Candidate as an option. Voting will be by paper ballot and results of the individual votes are included in the minutes.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 6.2 Treasurer
6-2.1 The County Council shall select a Treasurer. The term shall be for the same term of office as the County Council, unless otherwise specified by the County Council. The voting procedure shall be by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7).
6-2.2 The Treasurer shall maintain the bank account of the GPLAC, keep financial records and produce financial reports to the Council, and file all necessary documents with governmental agencies as required by law. The Treasurer shall also receive and disburse funds as directed by the County Council.
6-2.3 The Treasurer may recommend an Assistant Treasurer to the County Council for affirmation. The Assistant Treasurer is authorized to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer as outlined in 6-2.2, upon the direction and with the approval of the Treasurer.
7. Action: Election of GPLAC Secretary (ten minutes)
Nominations will be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have two minutes to make a candidate statement. The voting procedure is by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold and including No Other Candidate as an option. Voting will be by paper ballot and results of the individual votes are included in the minutes.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 6.3 Secretary
6-3.1 The County Council shall select a Secretary. The term shall be for the same term of office as the County Council, unless otherwise specified by the County Council. The voting procedure shall be by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7).
6-3.2 The Secretary shall maintain attendance records for all County Council members. If a County Council member misses two consecutive regularly scheduled County Council meetings without being represented by an alternate, the Secretary shall send him/her written notice (as defined in Section 8.1.6), such that if he/she does not attend the next Council meeting or send an alternate, his/her seat will be considered vacated (as defined in Section 8.1.6).
6-3.3 The Secretary shall send correspondence on behalf of the Co-Coordinators and/or as otherwise instructed by the County Council, including to distribute the County Council agenda and to provide notice of County Council vacancies.
6-3.4 Upon request of the Co-Coordinators, the Secretary will work with the Co-Coordinators to verify nomination petitions signatures for County Council appointment and take minutes at County Council meetings.
6-3.5 Upon request of the Co-Coordinators and/or the County Council, the Secretary shall update the GPLAC web site.
8. Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law
The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)
9. Action: Remembering Cathy McKnight (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Linda Piera-Avila
Background: Cathy McKnight was a long-time Green who passed away in December 2015 ( Cathy's former colleague from Crown Books, Patti Clark, donated the $200 that she had collected from other former co-workers wanting to remember Cathy. Patti knew that Cathy would want the money used for local Green Party activitiesl. At Green Party Council Councilmember Linda Piera Avila's suggestion, she donated the money to the GPLAC. This agenda item is to remember Cathy and approve a formal thank you letter to Patti.
10. Action: Consideration of appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from June primary election (forty-five minutes)
Background: Seven County Council seats were filled in the June 2016 primary. There are 44 seats in total on the County Council. This agenda item is to consider appointing Greens to the unfilled seats. These are the number of seats per district This is a map of the State Senate seats
Those that have applied in advance of this meeting:
District 25: Candice Yamaguchi
District 27: Ned Landin, Harrison Wills
District 30: Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Ajay Rai, Adia Williams
District 33: Ava Kermani
Action: Vote separately on each appointment to the County Council
11. Action: Set Future Meeting Schedule and locations (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenters: Marla Bernstein, Mike Feinstein
Proposal: That the County Council meet approximately every six weeks, scheduling between eight and nine meetings a year, with the option for up to three of those meetings via teleconference.
That the initial schedule by Sunday, July 10; Sunday, August 21; Sunday, October 2; Sunday, November 13; Sunday, December 18 (teleconference); and that the County Council revisit and extends this schedule no later than its November meeting.
12. Discussion: Review of GPLAC web site, social media functionality (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenters: Mike Feinstein, Ajay Rai
Background: This item gives new County Councilmembers and others the opportunity to be aware of and comment upon the GPLAC's web site and social media functionality.
Website: Twitter: Facebook (page):, (group)
13. Discussion: Report on Greens running in 2016 Neighborhood Council elections (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Mike Feinstein
Background: Eight Greens ran in 2016 Los Angeles Neighborhood Council elections, six were elected Of those elected one - Danielle Mead - is a well known and long-active Green in the party in the Los Angeles area. The othes are all self-identified Greens who have not been active with the party, but who ran on their own, of which five were elected. Also, nine former Greens ran for LA Neighborhood Council who changed from Green to vote in the Democratic Party primary, of which four were elected. Three others who ran (two elected) are former Greens that registered Democrat two years ago.
14. Discussion: Preparation for 2017 Los Angeles City Elections, including recruiting Green candidates (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Mike Feinstein
Background: The City of Los Angeles will hold its Primary Nominating Election Tuesday, March 7, 2017 and its General Municipal Election Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Greens have previously run few candidates in these races, usually because of the size of the districts. Nevertheless running in these races creates a chance to reach large numbers of voters, and a large number of Greens in the whole county live in the City of Los Angeles. This item is to discuss recruiting Greens to run in City Council races and for Mayor.
15. Discussion: Hosting a public forum on the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative in Los Angeles before March 2017 elections (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Mike Feinstein
Background: A major initiative has qualified for the Los Angeles 2017 ballot, that would substantially affect development in the City of Los Angeles - the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative (NII) There are strong feelings on both sides of whether the NII would promote or present sustainable development and this is likely to be the most controversial item on the LA 2017 ballot. This item provides an opportunity to consider the GPLAC hosting a public forum
16. Discussion: Update on GPCA plans to host 2017 GPUS Annual National Meeting in California, including a proposed Campaign School and National Latino Caucus in the LA area (ten minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Doug Barnett, Mike Feinstein
Background: The GPCA has agreed to sponsor a proposal to the GPUS to host the GPUS 2017 Annual National Meeting (ANM). The GPCA has already approved the following draft schedule. The GPCA has not yet applied to the GPUS to host the meeting, because the call for submissions has not yet been issued by the GPUS. However there is great interest by the GPUS in holding the 2017 ANM in California. This item provide the opportunity to discuss planning and involvement in this meeting.
Friday, July 21 - Evening opening reception
Saturday, July 22 - GPUS Latinx caucus nat’l meeting, Campaign school, Saturday evening event, Los Angeles
Sunday, July 23 - open at present, possible beach social gathering in Santa Monica; travel to Bay Area
Monday, July 24 - field trips to non-profits, community organizations in LA Area; travel to Bay Area, field trips to non-profits, community organizations in Bay Area
Tuesday, July 25 - travel to Bay Area, field trips to non-profits, community organizations in Bay Area
Wednesday, July 26 - travel to Bay Area, field trips to non-profits, community organizations in Bay Area, Evening opening reception
Thursday, July 27 - ANM workshops, San Francisco (near BART)
Friday, July 28 - ANM workshops, GPUS NC meeting, East Bay
Saturday, July 29 - workshops, GPUS NC meeting, East Bay
Sunday, July 30 - GPUS NC meeting, East Bay.
17. Discussion: Hearing from elected Greens in LA County (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Marla Bernstein
Background: This item provides any Greens holding elected office in LA County to share their experience in office
18. Announcements