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GPCA SGA Proposal: Request for an audit report as required in the approval of the 2018-19 Budget

SPONSOR: Green Party of Contra Costa County

PRESENTER: Tim Laidman

SUBJECT: Request for an audit report as required in the approval of the 2018-19 Budget

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: At the June 9-10, 2018 GPCA General Assembly in Stockton, an amendment to the Budget was approved tp require an internal audit of GPCA finances. that audit was never undertaken as required and no minutes were ever posted showing anything that transpired at that GA..

This proposal would require a timely audit of GPCA finances by the Finance Committee assisted by the Treasurer and a full report to the Coordinating Committee and the General Assembly. This audit is required to determine what happened to the revenue for the Kern County GA in order to bring the party’s practices in compliance with our bylaws, Fiscal Policy, rules and FPPC reporting requirements.  

PROPOSAL: To require Finance Committee with assistance of the Treasurer to conduct an audit of GPCA Finance beginning before the Kern County GA to the current time and make a timely report of the findings to the Coordinating Committee and the next GA.

COMMITTEE DECISION: Consensus vote of the GPCC County Council 

TIMELINE/RESOURCES: Effective immediately, GPCA Treasurer and Finance Committee to conduct an audit and make a report.



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