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DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes Sunday, November 28, 2021

DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Agenda
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm

Facilitator: Ajay Rai Minutes:
Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani

County Councilmembers present (7): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Mike Feinstein, Ava Kermani, Cordula Ohman, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai
County Councilmembers not-present (2): Timeka Drew, Annie Goeke

Quorum reached at 2:23 (6): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Ohman, Piera-Avila, Rai

Feinstein, Ohman, Piera-Avila, Rai arrived at 2:04
Barnett, Bernstein arrived at 2;23
Kermani arrived at 2:32

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)

Owing to late start / time constraints item skipped

2. Reviewing our process (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators

Owing to late start / time constraints item skipped

3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators

Proposal (Feinstein): Add the late items below with an *, in the order presented below.

Approved by consensus

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

Barnett reported that there was nothing new to report.

5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators
Presenters: Drew, Rai

Male co-coordinator:  Rai self-nominates.   
Yes (7): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Kermani Ohman, Piera-Avila, Rai

Female co-coordinator: No nomination made.  Existing co-coordinator remains in place until replaced.

6: Decision: Questionnaire on local electoral reform for June 2022 Los Angeles City Council candidates 
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Proposal (Feinstein): That the GPLAC adopt (or amend and adopt) the following questions to send to candidates for Los Angeles Mayor and City Council, to post their answers on the GPLAC website and send the responses to Greens in Los Angeles, and to use these answers to inform whether the GPLAC will issue statements of support for any of the candidates (

(1) Do you support increasing the number of seats on the Los Angeles City Council from the current 15 to a larger number ( If so, how large and why?
(2) Do you support using ranked-choice voting (RCV) to elect the Los Angeles City Council ( If so, do you support using RCV in conjunction with single-seat or multi-seat districts and why?
(3) Do you support amending the process for Los Angeles City Council redistricting from the current model ( where elected officials appoint members to the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission ( and the Commission’s recommendation is forwarded to the Los Angeles City Council for approval and/or amendment? If so, what model would you support?
(4) What model for Los Angeles City Council elections do you believe best provides the ability to meet the goals of the California Voting Rights Act?
(5) The Green Party strongly supports the direct democracy rights of initiative, referendum and recall, but believes they can be improved. Do you support amending the recall process for City Council members (and other elected officials) as described in the City Charter ( If so, how and why?  
(5a) Do you support changing Los Angeles City Charter Sec. 437.  Election of Candidate to Succeed Recalled Officer of the Recall ( current process from a contingent run-off where if no replacement candidate receives a majority vote, a run-off is held between the top two finishers, to a single replacement election conducted by ranked-choice voting?  Why or why not?
(6) Do you support convening a charter review commission to explore any/all of the above changes? Are there any other potential electoral and/or campaign finance reforms you would support to be considered by a charter review commission?
(7) Are there any other potential electoral and/or campaign finance reforms you would support to be enacted by statute?
(8) What model would you support for a charter review commission - elected/appointed/other - and why?
(9) If voters approve charter amendments to the number of seats/manner of election of City Council members and/or to the redistricting model itself, would you support an early redrawing of City Council districts as provided for in the Los Angeles City Charter ( before regular redistricting would occur in 2032 and why or why not?


Approved by consensus

7. Decision:  Opposition to Recall of Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin if it qualifies for the ballot *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Proposal (Feinstein): That the GPLAC officially oppose the recall of Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin should it qualify for the ballot, that it puts out a press release publicly to this effect, that it sends an email blast to GPLAC members in the 11th Council district and encourage them to be involved with Bonin's effort to defeat the recall

Approved by consensus

8. Decision:  Future GPLAC meeting dates in light of COVID-19  *
Sponsors: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

Proposal (Feinstein, Rai):  That the GPLAC move the December 12, 2021 County Council meeting to December 19, 2021

Approved by consensus

9. Decision: Preserving GPCA ballot status strategy and recruiting for 2022 races  *
Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein

Proposal (Drew, Feinstein): That the GPLAC waive the questionnaire requirement and place the following candidates forward for GPLAC endorsement: the County Council is interested in considering making its own endorsements, the following Greens are put forward:

- US Senate: Henk Conn
Endorse (7): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Kermani Ohman, Piera-Avila, Rai

- Controller: Laura Wells 
Yes (4): Feinstein, Kermani, Piera-Avila, Rai
Abstain (2): Bernstein, Ohman
Not voting (1): Barnett

10. Decision: GPCA General Assembly agenda items  *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Proposal (Feinstein, Rai):  That instead of making a presentation at the GPLAC General Assembly with a limited amount of time available late on Sunday afternoon near the end of the meeting, that the GPLAC would hold a dedicated zoom conference where more time would be available for presentations and discussion

Approved by consensus

11. Decision:  Election of GPCA GA Delegates *
Sponsors: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

Proposal:  That the GPLAC elect the following delegates and empower Drew and Rai to make additional appointments
Timeka Drew  
Mike Feinstein
Shannel Pittman
Ajay Rai
Lisa Taylor
Linda Piera-Avila

Approved by consensus

12: Discussion/Decision: Executive closed session, anticipated litigation
Sponsors: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

No decision to report


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