DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Agenda, Sunday, October 24, 2021
Teleconference information shared via County Council email list
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm
Facilitators: Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Very brief introductions, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer
2. Reviewing our process (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 11-2 Participation
11-2.1 All GPLAC members may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process'. Participation is based upon the premise that people participant in order build the Green Party and advance the Ten Key Values. Disagreement over issues and ideas should be honored as an expected part this process, and is not to be considered a disruption or impediment. Participants are encouraged to state their views, inform one another, and discuss issues in depth, in a manner that enables energy to be focused on productive work.
11-2.2 Only County Council members can hold 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
11-2.3 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications, b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation team, non-Council members may also participate in these discussions.
11-2.4 A County Council member, when recognized by the facilitation team, may yield the floor to a non-County Council member rather than speaking themselves, and in do doing, forego his/her turn on the item.
3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law
The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)
Proposal (Feinstein): Add the late items below with an *, in the order presented below.
4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer
5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators (fifteen minutes)
Presenters: Drew, Rai
Background: Under GPLAC Bylaws 6-1.1 , the County Council Co-coordinators serve one-year terms, without term limits. All GPLAC officers serve until replaced, even if their one year terms have ended. The terms of the current Co-coordinators have expired as of April 2021, but no elections to replace them have been held. Additionally, there are only three males on the County Council and each one is already either a Co-coordinator, Treasurer or Secretary. It may be the case that if no one new wants to step forward, that the current Co-Coordinators will be willing to continue serving in their roles until a new election is held. Or they be willing to be elected to new one-year terms through April 2022. But in either case, the opportunity to hold an election is mandated by GPLAC Bylaws, the County Council is delinquent on this matter, and therefore this item is upon the agenda.
Nominations may be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have three minutes to make a candidate statement about how they will carry out the duties and responsibilities of Co-coordinator as described in GPLAC bylaws. The voting procedure is by ranked-choice voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including No Other Candidate as an option.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 7-1 Co-Coordinators
7-1.1 The Council shall elect two Co-Coordinators, one male and one female. Within each four-year County Council term, there shall be four consecutive one year Co-Coordinator terms. The first one year term shall commence with the first meeting of the newly elected County Council and the last one shall end when the subsequent newly elected County Council holds it first meeting. The voting procedure shall be by Ranked-Choice Voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including a No Other Candidate option.
7-1.2 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the production of the County Council draft agenda. This includes the prioritization of and the assigning times to agenda items, as well as the appointment of a meeting facilitator(s) and vibes-watcher. The Co-Coordinators shall consider the need for sufficient time for participation and discussion on each item.
7-1.3 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the distribution of the County Council draft agenda. Distribution shall include Council members via the County Council email list and GPLAC members at-large via the GPLAC Forum email list (or its replacement), and shall be published on the GPLAC County web site. Co-Coordinators may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.4 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the GPLAC website and may work with and authorize Secretary to accomplish this task. The web site shall include the names and official contact information of all County Council members, County Council officers; the official contact information for Active Green Locals in Los Angeles County; GPLAC Bylaws and GPLAC Rules and Procedures, and agendas and minutes of County Council and County Council committee meetings.
7-1.5 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for managing the posting of proposals to the GPLAC Voting Page and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.6 The Co-Coordinators, in conjunction with the Secretary, shall be responsible for posting notice of County Council vacancies as provided for in these bylaws.
7-1.7 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for validating nomination petition signatures from applicants seeking appointment to fill County Council vacancies and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.8 The Co-Coordinators shall serve as Co-Liaisons to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (hereafter referred to as the County Registrar) and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.9 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the County Registrar and the GPCA Coordinating Committee of any changes to the GPLAC Bylaws to change the method of election and/or the number of Council members, no later than 135 days before the Direct Primary election in presidential election years.
7-1.10 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the County Registrar and the GPCA Coordinating Committee of any changes to the County Council, including the name and official contact information for any County Council appointees.
7-1.11 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for official communications on behalf of the GPLAC with the GPCA, the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), other state Green Parties, other national Green Parties, international Green Party federations and the Global Greens. The Co-Coordinators may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.12 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the GPCA of the names of the GPLAC’s General Assembly and Standing General Assembly delegates, and for doing so within the deadlines set by the GPCA; and may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.13 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for communicating to the GPCA that the GPLAC would like to obtain the donor and volunteers lists for Los Angeles County in the GPCA's possession; and may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
7-1.14 The Co-Coordinators may speak on behalf of the GPLAC, consistent with GPLAC policy, the Green Party of California state platform, and the Ten Key Values. No other Council member may speak on behalf of the County Council, without County Council authorization.
6: Discussion: Update on GPLAC voter registration database and GPLAC email blasts (ten minutes)*
Sponsor: Feinstein, Rai
Background: Update on integration of new data in the GPLAC Green voter registration data base and outreach conducted.
7. Decision: Election of GPCA SGA Delegates (five minutes) *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai
Background: The GPLAC is entitled to 28 SGA Delegates. Currently it has appointed 22.
Proposal: That the GPLAC elect former GPLAC County Coucilmember and former San Pedro Neighborhood Councilmember Rachel Bruhnke as a SGA Delegate
8. Decision: Considertion of future GPLAC meetings in light of COVID-19 (ten minutes) *
Sponsor: Drew, Feinstein, Rai
Background: In 2020, the County Council voted to hold all meetings virtually through 2021. Then at a later date, the Council decided to begin face-to-face meetings during the summer of 2021. Then came the Delta variant and the Council informally decided on the County Council email list to continue meeting virtually. This item give the Council the opportunity to revist that decision and either formalize it or amend it.
Additionally, the next GPCA General Assembly is scheduled for the first weekend of December and the next GPLAC County Council meeting on the second. This agenda item gives the Council the opportunity to consider meeting before the General Assembly
Proposal: That the GPLAC take a decision upon the above.
9. Decision: Preserving GPCA ballot status strategy and recruiting for 2022 races (sixty minutes) *
Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein
Background: This item provides for an update and discussion regarding Greens considering running in 2022 statewide races and how this matter is being handled by the GPCA. Rodriguez, Fimbres and Conn will be on the call to report on their campaign plans.
Propsosa: If the County Council is interested in considering making its own endorsements, the following Greens are put forward:
Decision: Endorse
- Governor: Luis J Rodriguez
- SoS: Gary Blenner
- AG: Dan Kapelovitz
- IC: Veronika Fimbres
- US Senate: Henk Conn
10. Decision: GPCA General Assembly agenda items (twenty minutes) *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai
Background: The next GPCA General Assembly will occur December 4-5. See a copy of the agenda below. This agenda item will provide an opportunity to discuss the agenda items and to response to concerns.
Proposal: That the GPLAC send a letter of strong objection to the inclusion of a controversial Bylaws amendment as a GA decision item, instead of a discussion at the GA and a decision via the SGA, when it could be considered by more inclusively by more Greens and with less time pressure by the SGA; and that the GPCA expess its grave concern again that the 2022 candidate agenda item is not being presented by the CCWG in keeping with GPCA Bylaws, and that there is the suggestion that candidates will be considered for endorsement at the GA instead of via the SGA, and the suggestion candiates not even named and included on the draft agenda will be considered for endorsement at the GA instead of via the SGA.
11. Discussion: Hearing from Greens interested in joining the County Council (ten minutes)*
Sponsors: Drew, Rai
Background: Agenda item provided if necessary depending who is attending the call.
Saturday, December 4th
8:00-9:00 am
Registration/check-in. Please check in early so that the opening of the General Assembly is not delayed. Once you have been checked in you will be able to turn your video and audio off until it is time to start.
Facilitator(s): TBD
9:00-9:20 am
Opening Session: welcome - Agreements - other info
9:20-9:30 am
Quorum Count - for starting GA and approving agenda
9:30-9:40 am
Agenda Approval
9:40-10:50 am
Decision: 2022 Budget and Strategic Plan. (Finance Committee)
Presenters: Mica Danial and Justin Richardson
10:50-11:00 am
11:00-12:00 pm
Presentation: TBD Invited speaker.
12:00-1:00 pm
Lunch Break
Facilitator(s): TBD
1:00-2:15 pm
Discussion: County delegate introductions and round robin. (Marin County Greens)
All active counties at the GA have a few minutes each to introduce their delegates and identify some of their priorities, challenges and successes.
2:15-3:15 pm
Decision: Bylaws amendment regarding “No Other Candidate.” (Coordinating Committee)
Presenters: James Lauderdale and Laura Wells
3:15-3:30 pm
3:30-5:00 pm
Discussion, Decision: 2022 Statewide Candidates presentation and endorsement (Statewide Candidates Subcommittee)
Present endorsed statewide candidates (the "Left Unity Slate"), each will speak; 2) Endorse Luis J. Rodriguez for Governor. 3)Present additional statewide candidate(s) for endorsement ; 4) Present info about campaign needs and how individual Greens and county Green groups can get involved.
5:00 pm
Adjourn for Saturday
Sunday, December 5th
9:00-9:30 am
Registration/check-in. Please check in early so that the opening of the General Assembly is not delayed. Once you have been checked in you will be able to turn your video and audio off until it is time to start.
9:30-9:40 am
Opening Session: welcome - Agreements - other info
9:40-9:45 am
Quorum Count.
9:45-10:00 am
Presentation: How to get involved with GPUS (GPUS Delegation)
A quick Introduction to GPUS committees and platform
10:00-11:00 am
Discussion: The party’s position on Recall Reform (ERWG)
Presenter: Michael Feinstein
11:00-11:05 am
11:05-12:00 pm
Discussion: The path forward for future SGA Votes (Bylaws Committee)
The Bylaws Committee would like to engage delegates in an exploration of options for improving the virtual/online discussion and voting process
12:00-1:00 pm
Lunch Break
Facilitator(s): TBD
1:00-2:00 pm
Discussion: Representation for the People Act (ERWG)
Presenters: Kevin Sabo and Caledon Myers
A presentation on a statewide initiative proposal: The Representation for the People Act.
2:00-4:00 pm
Discussion: 7 proposals coming in front of the next SGA (GPLAC)
(1) GPCA Direction to CC - Posting CC agendas and minutes
(2) GPCA Bylaws Amendment - CC Duties and Responsibilities
(3) GPCA Bylaws Amendment - CCWG Duties and Responsibilities
(4) GPCA Bylaws Amendment - Endorsements/Opposition of Statewide Ballot Measures and Candidates
(5) GPCA Bylaws Amendment - Rescission of Endorsement of Statewide Candidates
(6) GPCA statewide candidate endorsement procedures
(7) GPCA Bylaws amendment - Declining counting votes of a statewide candidate
4:00-4:05 pm
Next General Assembly Meeting Date and Place
4:05-4:15 pm
Closing Session
4:15 pm