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Workshop: Think Globally, Run Locally for LA Neighborhood Council in 2019

The Green Party of Los Angeles County is sponsoring a Workshop: Think Globally, Run Locally 4 LA Neighborhood Council on Saturday, February 9th, 11am to 2:30pm, at
Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Bl, Venice.

Come learn more about Neighborhood Councils - how to run & what it's like to serve.

Green Party of Los Angeles County endorses Jose Lara for re-election to El Rancho School District in Pico Rivera

The Green Party of Los Angeles County endorses incumbent Green Jose Lara for re-election to the El Rancho Unified School District Board of Trustees in Pico Rivera.

Press Release: Green Party Opposes Measure TL - TL Stands for 'To Lose' Voter Choice

Press Advisory
Green Party of Los Angeles County
Tuesday October 16, 2018

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) opposes Measure TL on Santa Monica's November 6, 2018 General Election Ballot and recommends a 'no' vote on TL in November.

Green Party Voter Guide - Los Angeles County Fall 2018 elections - Endorse Mejia, Lara, Cortes Barragan, Estrada

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements for elections on the ballot in LA County.

Candidates (November 2018 general election):

Green Party Voter Guide - candidate endorsements for Los Angeles County Spring 2018 elections

The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) organizes based upon the GPCA platform and Ten Key Values - applying that platform and those values to issues in our local communities.  We take positions on individual issues, as well as make endorsements for elections on the ballot in LA County.

Endorsements - Candidates and Ballot Measures (June 2018 primary election):

Declaración del Partido Verde del Condado de Los Angeles sobre DACA (Acción Diferida para Llegadas en la Infancia) - Nov 2017

El Partido Verde cree que ninguna persona es 'ilegal', que todas las personas merecen justicia social, y que las políticas de inmigración de los Estados Unidos deben tratar a los inmigrantes indocumentados, y a los migrantes, de manera humana y con dignidad.<

Green Party of Los Angeles County Statement on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) - Nov 2017

The Green Party believes that no person is ‘illegal’, that all persons deserve social justice, and that U.S. immigration policies must treat undocumented immigrants and migrants humanely and with dignity.

Therefore, the Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC)

Green Party endorses ballot measure to overturn Top Two elections

Green Party endorses ballot measure to overturn Top Two elections

The Green Party of California (GPCA) and the Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) have endorsed the Initiative to Repeal The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Law - a ballot measure that would overturn Top Two elections in California (

Green Party of Los Angeles County Calls for President to Release Tax Returns, Congress to Explore President’s Conflicts of Interest

Whereas the Constitution of the United States grants vast powers to the President of the United States (; and

Whereas these powers are granted in the name of the people and in the public trust; and

Whereas a democracy is effective only if the people have faith in those who govern; and

Green Party Voter Guide - candidates and ballot measures for Los Angeles County Spring 2017 elections

Endorsed candidates - April 4: Kenneth Mejia (US Congress, District 34, Los Angeles) March 7 Adriana Cabrera (Los Angeles City Council, District 9) Jessica Salans (Los Angeles City Council, District 13) Tyler Morrison (South Gate City Council)
Ballot Measures - City of Los Angeles March 7, 2017 election
Measure M: Endorse / Measure S: Oppose


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