Register Green

Resolution that Los Angeles City, School District and Community College elections should be elected by ranked choice voting

The Green Party supports ranked choice voting to elect the Los Angeles City Council, Los Angeles Mayor, Controller, City Attorney, School Board and Community College Board

Resolution regarding increasing the size of the Los Angeles City Council

The Green Party of Los Angeles County supports a substantial increase in the size of the Los Angeles City Council, with study and consideration of per capita ratios of representation comparable to San Jose and San Francisco, leading to a City Council of up to potentially up to a similar size as Chicago and New York, and with study and consideration of both multi-seat and single-seat districts with ranked choice voting

Green Party Voter Guide & Ballot Recommendations for Los Angeles County November 2016 elections


MEASURE A - Safe, Clean Neighborhood Parks, Open Space, Beaches, Rivers Protection, and Water Conservation Measure (Los Angeles County)
MEASURE M - Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement Plan (Los Angeles County)
MEASURE GG - Santa Monica Mountains
MEASURE FF - Santa Monica Mountains
plus recommendations for Los Angeles, Culver City, Long Beach & Santa Monica

Press Release: Green Party November 2016 Ballot Measure Recommendations for Santa Monica

City of Santa Monica
Measure G Endorse                 
Measure GSH • Endorse            
Measure LV • Oppose          
Measure SM • Endorse

Green Presidential candidate Jill Stein Rally in Downtown Los Angeles

Green Presidential candidate
Jill Stein Rally
in Downtown Los Angeles


Wednesday, October 5, 6-9 pm
Pershing Square
532 S Olive St, Los Angeles

CNN Town Hall Watch Party w/Green Party candidates Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka - Wed, Aug 17 5-8pm in Santa Monica

Green Party Presidential/Vice-Presidential candidates Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka ( will be live on CNN for a one hour Town Hall, starting at 6pm PST.


Green Party opposes warehouse EIR on former South Central Farm land

The Green Party supports restoration of the South Central Farm
as a local and regional food hub and community space


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