DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County County Council Minutes
Sunday, November 10, 3-5 pm teleconference
County Councilmembers present (7): Marla Bernstein, Diana Brown, Mike Feinstein, Melissa Guevara, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai, Julia Russell
County Councilmembers not present (3): Doug Barnett, Rachel Brunhke, Annie Goeke,
Meeting starts at 3:17 with quorum (6/10): Marla Bernstein, Diana Brown, Mike Feinstein, Melissa Guevara, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai
Russell joins call at 4:00pm
Facilitator: Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Marla Bernstein
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees
Those present introduced themselvs
2. Reviewing our process
Presenter: Rai
Rai reviewed Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
3. Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items
Presenter: Facilitators
Relevant By-Law The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)
Proposal (Feinstein): That all late items below be added to the agenda in the order presented below.
Approved by consensus
4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report
Sponsor/Presenter: Barnett (Treasurer)
Barnett not present, no report made
5. Report: GPLAC County Council seats in March 2020 election
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein
Feinstein reported that owing to actions taken by the GPCA state Coordinating Committee and the GPCA Liaison to the California Secretary of State, a great deal of confusion was created as to the number of 2020-2024 County Council seats allocated to the GPLAC overall and within each State Senate District, that this delayed confirmation of the number of seats for a couple of weeks, creating difficulties for those wanting to know how many seats were available to contest, and making it impossible to have slates of candidates on a single petition, creating additional problems for signature-gatherers.
6. Decision: GPCA General Assembly
Sponsors/Presenters: Feinstein, Barnett
Proposal (Feinstein): That GPLAC delegates be mandated to vote no on any agenda that has any decision items for the GPCA General Assembly, other than confirmation of working group and committee co-coordinators; that GPLAC delegates be mandated to vote no on any propsal to amend the GPCA Bylaws or Platform, be mandated to vote no on the GPCA budget, and that instead ask that any such proposals be sent to a vote of the Standing General Assembly (SGA) because county parties will not have had a fair opportunity to review any such items; and that an email be sent from the GPLAC co-coordinators to the GPCA Coordinating Committe to that effect, with a copy to the gplac-forum email list.
Approved by consensus
Proposal (Feinstein): That the GPLAC co-coordinators be authorized to send a letter to the GPCA Coordinating Committee and Finance Committee asking that the GPCA comply wth California campaign finance laws and report the expenses and income from the March 2017 General Assembly in Bakersfield.
Approved by consensus
7. Decision: GPLAC Delegates to the GPCA General Assembly
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein, Rai
Proposal: That the GPLAC post to the gplac-forum a call for delegates, with a deadline of noon, Sunday, November 17 to submit a request by either responding to the gplac-forum email list or by sending an email to
gplac-info@cagreens.org, with the caveat that GPLAC delegates be mandated to vote no on any agenda that has any decision items for the GPCA General Assembly, other than confirmation of working group and committee co-coordinators; that GPLAC delegates be mandated to vote no on any propsal to amend the GPCA Bylaws or Platform, be mandated to vote no on the GPCA budget, and that instead ask that any such proposals be sent to a vote of the Standing General Assembly (SGA) because county parties will not have had a fair opportunity to review any such items; and that an on-line vote to chose said delegates begin with a discussion from Monday, November 18 through Sunday, November 24 and a vote between Monday, November 25 and Sunday, December 1.
Approved by consensus
8. Decision: GPLAC process for endorsements of Green Party members in March 2020 elections
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein
Proposal: That the GPLAC authorize an email blast to all Greens who have successfully filed for public office in March 2020 elections notifying them that the GPLAC will conduct an endorsement vote and that Greens may be considered for such endorsement by filing out a questionnaire simliar to https://losangeles.cagreens.org/elections/green-endorsement-questionnaire; that the GPLAC will conduct an on-line vote by the end of 2019 on said endorsements and that the GPLAC will email out said endorsents to the Greens in the district or jurisdiction in which the endorsed candidate is running; and that the draft questionnaire will be posted on the gplac-cc@cagreens.org email list for potential amendments through December 6, 2019.
Approved by consensus
9. Decision: Authorize email outreach for Greens to become involved in LA Neighborhood Councils (ten minutes)
Sponsor: Feinstein, Presenter: Mead (not present)
Proposal (Feinstein): Authorize draft emails to be sent to the gplac-cc email list for input, and then sent to registered Greens in the City of Los Angeles, to begin getting involved in 2020 with their Neighborhood Councils, in order to help geneate more candidacies for Neighborhood Councils in 2021.
Approved by consensus
10. Decision: Authorize questionnaire for LA City Council election District 4 (ten minutes)
Sponsor: Feinstein, Presenter: Mead (not present)
Proposal (Feinstein): Authorize draft questionnaire to be sent to the gplac-cc email list for input, including to include existing GPLAC position on electoral reform in Los Angeles , and then send to the campaigns Sarah Kate Levy, Nithya Raman and incumbent David Ryu.
Approved by consensus