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Minutes, GPLAC County Council meeting, March 24, 2019

Green Party of Los Angeles County County Council Meeting Minutes
Sunday, March 24 2019, 4-6:30pm
Teleconference, number sent on GPLAC County Council email list

County Councilmembers present (10): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Diana Brown, Mike Feinstein, Annie Goeke, Melissa GuevaraAva Kermani, Linda Piera-AvilaAjay Rai, Julia Russell

County Councilmembers not present (1): Rachel Brunhke

Other Greens present (1): David Bond

Meeting began at 4:04 with quorum (6/11) - Diana Brown, Annie Goeke, Mike Feinstein, Ava Kermani, Ajay Rai, Julia Russell

Piera-Avila joined at 4:05
Guevara joined at 4:06
Barnett, Bernstein joined at 4:08
Bond joined at 4:20
Meeting concluded at 6:30

Co-Facilitators: Annie Goeke, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees                                     

Attendees made brief introductions

2. Reviewing our process                                                                      

Goeke presented Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation

3. Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)               
Presenter: Facilitators

Proposal (Russell): Withdraw item #15 Incorporating Key Value of Non-Violence

Proposal (Feinstein): That items marked with an * below be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote and that the agenda be approved with those added items.

Approved by consensus

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report  (five minutes)                                                                  
Presenter: Barnett (Treasurer)

Barnett reported on paying annual $50 fee to California Secretary of State, $66 semi-annual Post Office Fee due in April, current balance of $210

5. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC January 20, 2019 County Council meeting (three minutes)                                                                              
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)

Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of these draft minutes:

Approved by consensus, with one abstention (Goeke) who did not attend meeting

6. Discussion: Update on GPLAC Nationbuilder capability and outreach to promote Greens running in 2019 Los Angeles Neighborhood Council elections*

Feinstein and Rai provided updates on the latest importation of Green registration data, GPLAC email blasts sent, and a projection of future costs.

7. Discussion:  Greens running in spring 2019 elections*
Sponsors: Rai, Russell

Bond reported on the just concluded State Senate campaign of Cesar Flores, including canvassing efforts in Huntington Park

8. Decision:  Running for Neighborhood Council workshops*             
Sponsor/Presenters: Brown, Feinstein

Councilmembers debriefed upon the GPLAC February 9 workshop on running for Neighborhood Council and agreed it would be too late to schedule another.

9. Decision: Setting Next Meeting Dates (fifteen mintues)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): That the next four meetings be (i) in person on Sunday, April 28 at the Pilipino Workers Center, 153 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026 (2-5pm); (ii) via teleconference on Sunday, June 9 (4-7pm); (iii) via teleconference on Sunday, July 21 (time tbd) and (iv) in person on Sunday August 11 in Tongva Park in Santa Monica (2-5pm).

Approved by consensus

10. Discussion: GPLAC 2019-2020 Workplan (twenty minutes)
Sponsor/Presenters: Brown, Guevara, Feinstein

Brown and Guevara presented ideas on tabling, event endorsements, picnics and holiday parties. There was discussion of the August County Council meeting including a picnic and planning early for a December holiday party. Feinstein provided information from GPLAC Bylaws regarding the Tabling Committee and the Expedited On-line Voting options in GPLAC Rules and Procedures.

Feinstein presened on making GPLAC endorsements for spring 2019 elections, choosing GPLAC delegates to the GPCA May 18-19 2019 General Assembly in San Francisco, candidate search for public office in 2019-2020 , choosing GPLAC County Council co-coordinators in August for the remainder of the 2016-2020 term,  making endorsements for GPLAC Green Voter Guide for November 2019 elections, outreach to GPLAC members to run for County Council and making clean up change to GPLAC Bylaws and/or Rules and Procedures to minimize need for such work by 2020-2024 County Council.

11. Discussion: Status of Moderation of GPLAC FB group (ten minutes)                           
Presenters: Feinstein, Guevara

Guevara and Feinstein (Facebook group administrator) reported back on moderation of the group and reported few issues.

12. Decision: Authorize GPLAC email blast to promote GPLAC Social Media* (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): That the County Council authorize a GPLAC email blast to promote GPLAC Social Media to GPLAC members, with County Councilmembers posting draft text to the GPLAC County Council email list, and Feinstein sending a draft to the list before sending.

Approved by consensus

13. Discussion: Amendment to GPLAC Bylaws: Eligibility, County Council* (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Feinstein presented background on the proposed bylaw change, and clarified that it would make running for County Council easier than not taking action.

14. Discussion: Amendment - GPLAC Rules and Procedures - taping/recording of meetings policy* (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Feinstein presented the history of the policy, and discussion occurred about whether to continue the requirement and how to store the recordings, noting that teleconferences can be easily recorded.

16. Decision: Role of Vibes Watcher (fifteen minutes)   
Sponsor/Presenter: Russell

Russell presented whether a vibes watcher should be elected or not, whether there should be one or more than one and whether the name shoudl be changed to peace keeper. Discussion ensured and Russell indicated her interest in bringing back formal language in the form of a propsal.

Proposal: Thea the GPLAC agrees that the vibes watcher will use the non-vioelnt commujnciations guidleines in the GPLAC Rules and Procedures as gthe basis for moederating GPLAC disucssion in GPLAC meetings.


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