Green Party of Los Angeles County County Council Meeting Agenda
MCCLA Church, 4607 Prospect Avenue, Los Angeles
Sunday, April 28 2019, 2-5pm
Facilitator: Annie Goeke
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (five minutes)
Brief introductions, including role with County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer
2. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
9.3.1 Open Meetings: With the consent of the Council, all members of the Green Party of Los Angeles County may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process' but only Council members may hold any 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
9.3.2 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications. b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation
3. Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
Relevant By-Law The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)
Proposal (Feinstein): That items marked with an * below be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote and that the agenda be approved with those added items.
4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report (five minutes)
Presenter: Barnett (Treasurer)
5. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC November 11th, 2019 County Council meeting* (three minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)
Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of these draft minutes:
6. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC March 24, 2019 County Council meeting* (three minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)
Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of these draft minutes:
6. Decision: Endorse Greens Running for Neighborhood Council* (fifteen minutes)
Background: GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9 Elected and Appointed Office state that among the responsibilities of the County Council are to
5-2.9(a) Develop an overall Green electoral strategy for Los Angeles County.
5-2.9(b) Develop Green Party members as candidates for partisan and non partisan elective and appointive office.
5-2.9(c) Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office and make a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members
Green Party members Derek Iverson, Hugh Moore and Carl Petersen and are running for Neighborhood Council. Endorsement requires a 2/3 vote with at least 3/5 of County Councilmembers voting.
GPLAC Rules and Procedures Article 7: Endorsed Candidates states: Any endorsed candidate shall be expected to campaign in a manner that
- accurately represents the decisions of the Green Party of Los Angeles County, the Green Party of California and the Green Party of the United States, including endorsement of other candidates;
- generally supports the principles and policies of the Green Party of California platform and any additional issue and policy positions taken by the Green Party of Los Angeles; and where there is a disagreement between the positions of the endorsed candidate and those of the Green Party of California and/or the Green Party of Los Angeles County, be willing to state how this is so and why;
- does not misrepresent the candidate's own record nor that of others and makes a good faith effort to be factually correct;
- does not use prejudicial, biased, or offensive language, images or graphics with respect to race, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, spirituality, sexuality, or age;
- is in compliance with all applicable laws regarding being a candidate for public office
GPLAC Rules and Procedures 5-4.3 Use in Support of Endosed Candidates state: Candidates endorsed by the GPLAC County Council shall have an email announcing their endorsement sent by the GPLAC to all registered Greens in their district for whom the GPLAC has email addresses. Endorsed candidates shall have a minimum of at least one additional email sent on their behalf in both the primary election and the general election (where there are both). The County Council shall retain the option to send to send additional emails at its discretion.
Proposal (Piera-Avila) Endorse:
Derek Iverson, Resident District 5, Greater Valley Glen Neighborhood Council: I've lived in Valley Glen for ten years, and I'm proud to call this LA district my home. We are privileged to love in a wonderfully diverse, largely residential corner of this major metropolis. In my two years as an appointed member of the Greater Valley Glen Council, I have endeavored to represent your interests to our elected officials, and to protect the natural beauty and neighborly charm we cherish here. I am here to serve YOU and to enhance Greater Valley Glen for you and for generations to come. With me on the council, you will always have my ear and a seat at the table. I hope I can count on your vote. Thank you. (
Proposal (Feinstein) Endorse:
Hugh Moore, Area 2 Resident Representative - Seat 2 (Group B), United Neighborhoods of the Historic Arlington Heights, West Adams and Jefferson Park Community Neighborhood Council: By listing myself as a candidate I hope I will be allowed to serve my community as a continuation of my lifelong service to the larger community that we all belong to. Peace, Hugh Moore, MSN, RN-BC (
Proposal (Feinstein) Endorse:
Carl Petersen, Resident Boardmember, Northridge East Neighborhood Council: For almost three years, I have had the honor of serving my neighbors in Northridge East and ask for your vote so that I can serve another term. As an advocate for public education and children with special education needs, I am particularly proud as my tenure as chair of the Education Committee. This committee was a vocal proponent of the traffic light that is finally being installed to protect the students of Northridge Academy HS. In fulfilling our advisory role to the city government we have forwarded several resolutions that have been passed by the governing board. Some of the issues raised included protecting our students from mass shootings and support of the “Reclaim Our Schools LA’s Give Kids A Chance” education platform. Neighborhood councils are designed to be “the closest form of government to the people.” We are only able to fulfill this mission if we hear from you. If there is a neighborhood issue that you want to see addressed, please email me at carlpetersennenc@gmail. (
7. Decision: Endorsemen of Measure EE in Los Angeles Municipal Election, June 4, 2019* (fifteen minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Feinstein
Background: GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.10 Ballot Measures state that the County Council may "Endorse or oppose ballot measures appearing on the ballot in Los Angeles County” and Bylaw 9-4.2(h) states that votes that require 3/5 for approval including "endorsing or opposing ballot measures.
This agenda item gives the Green Party the opportunity to discuss and take a position on Measure EE on the June 4, 2019 general election ballot in the City of Los Angeles.
Measure EE QUALITY TEACHER, CLASS SIZE REDUCTION, AND LOCAL SCHOOL SAFETY MEASURETo retain/attract quality teachers; reduce class sizes; providecounseling/nursing/library services, arts, music, science, math, preschool, vocational/ career education, safe/well-maintained schools, adequate instructional materials /supplies; support disadvantaged homeless students; shall Los Angeles Unified School District levy $0.16 per square foot of building improvements annually, exempting seniors/certain disability recipients, providing approximately $500,000,000 annually for 12 years, requiring annual audits, oversight, and funding local schools?
Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse and send email blast to Greens in the City of Los Angeles anouncing the GPLAC position
8. Decision: Support of Lorraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council Distict 12; June 4, 2019 election (fifteen minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Piera-Avila
Background: GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9 Elected and Appointed Office state that among the responsibilities of the County Council are to
5-2.9(a) Develop an overall Green electoral strategy for Los Angeles County.
5-2.9(b) Develop Green Party members as candidates for partisan and non partisan elective and appointive office.
5-2.9(c) Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office and make a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members
There are fifteen candidates on the ballot in this race
Among them, Lorraine Lundquist is seeking the support of the GPLAC
Proposal (Piera-Avila): Support Lorraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, issue a public statement of support for her campaign, and email to GPLAC members in her district of the GPLAC's support
9. Discussion: Discussion of agenda items for GPCA San Francisco General Assembly* (May 18-19) (twenty minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai, Russell in their ministerial role as co-coordinators
Background: The agenda is here
10. Discussion: Nominations for GPLAC Representation to GPCA San Francisco General Assembly* (May 18-19) (ten minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai, Russell in their ministerial role as co-coordinators
Background: GPLAC Bylaws Section 11-4 Appointment of Delegates ( describe how GPLAC Delegates to General Assemblies and Standing General Assemblies are chosen:
11-4.1 The County Council shall select delegates by the Ranked Choice voting form of proportional representation, using the Droop threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7). County Council members shall take into consideration issues of diversity and representation when ranking their choices.
11-4.2 If not all delegate seats are filled, additional delegates may be added later at General Assembly itself, upon a 3/5 vote of the delegates present.
This agenda item will allow County Council members to nominate GPLAC members for delegate. The vote will take place on-line after the meeting via the GPLAC on-line voting page, but before the General Assembly.
11. Discussion: Incorporating Key Value of Non-Violence and next steps for position of vibes watcher* (twenty minutes)
Sponsor/Presenters: Russell, Avila, Bruhnke
Background: The purpose of adopting this practice is to reduce and ultimately remove habits of speech that aggravate discord and to build our skill in communication that maintains cohesion and heals division.
a. Shall we, as GPLAC members, agree to learn and practice nonviolent communication language within the GPLAC and when communicating with others on Green Party matters?
b. Shall we adopt the guidelines presented by Julia Russell on 7/30/18? (See below, Attachment #1: Proposed GPLAC Nonviolent Communication Guidelines)
c. Shall we change the term “nonviolent language?” What term shall we use instead? *See attachment
d. What procedures should be adopted to ensure that nonviolent language guidelines are being followed during discussions both oral and written? How would this related to the responsiblities of the vibes watcher?
Proposal: That the GPLAC agree in principle to add a section on non-violent communication and the job responsibilities for the vibes watcher to the GPLAC Rules and Procedures and direct Julia Russell to return with specific language
12. Decision: Oppose SB 505 - Presidential primary elections* (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein
Background: SB 505 ( would prevent most candidates seeking the GPUS presidential nomination from appearing on the GPCA presidential primary ballot, by applying ballot qualifcation thresholds appropriate to candidates seeking the Democratic and Republican nominations, but not the Greens and other smaller parties. The objective of oppossing this bill would be to ask for separate thresholds for California's smaller ballot qualified parties.
Proposal (Feinstein): Oppose SB 505 and communicate the GPLAC position to the state legislaure to be included in the bill's analsyis
13. Decision: Endorse AB 392 - Peace officers: deadly force* (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein
Background: AB 392 is a state bill co-sponsored by Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles, that aims to reduce the use of deadly force at the hands of law enforcement ( Here are the arguments to endorse
Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse AB 392 and communicate the GPLAC position to the state legislaure to be included in the bill's analsyis.
13. Decision: Endorse SB 212 - Elections: local voting methods* (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein
Background: The Green Party of Calfornia platform supports the use of ranked-choice voting ( and the GPLAC has taken a public position that the City of Los Angeles should adopt ranked-choice voting for its elections (
While charter cities in California can adopt ranked-choice voting by a public vote, general law cities can not. SB 212 is a state bill co-sponsored by State Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) would grant cities, counties and local education agencies the ability to choose to conduct ranked choice voting elections (
Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse SB 212 and communicate the GPLAC position to the state legislaure to be included in the bill's analsyis.
Attachment #1: Proposed GPLAC Nonviolent Communication Guidelines
Marshall B. Rosenberg has formalized a system to train people in nonviolent communication, however, it is quite formal and formulaic and I have found it fairly awkward to use. We could decide to learn and implement his system. I would support and participate in that.
Or, I offer here some less formal guidelines that I use:
1. Stick to the facts.
a. Don’t use evaluative language, avoiding such words as, sneaky, arrogant, rude, mean,
stupid, greedy, outrageous, lazy, irresponsible, etc.
2. Stick to the issue, in this case, violations of Green Party Bylaws and Procedures, Fiscal Policy violations, etc. the
concerns we itemized in our Proposal to the November 17th > 18th General Assembly (GA).
a. We have documented our concerns on paper and they have been placed on the Agenda for the above mentioned GA. This documentation serves as a reminder to ourselves of what our concerns are and enables us to present them to others clearly and accurately.
3. Don’t resort to ad hominem attacks, i.e. negative evaluations of an individual’s (or organization with whom one
is in negotiation) character, intentions, intelligence, etc.
4. Don’t assume we know other peoples’ motivations. Ask them and let them tell us their motivations.
5. Make an effort to make others right. In a discussion seek to find something in what another has said that you
agree with first, and acknowledge it, before going on to the issues you disagree on. It helps people to be less
defensive, more open to really listening, when they feel they have been listened to.
6. Don’t deliver ultimatums. Ultimatums leave no room for negotiation and harden peoples’ defenses. No one likes
to be told they have no choice and ultimatums do that.
7. Have a clear desired outcome in mind. That helps us avoid being sidetracked into bickering about non-
essential issues.
These examples are a beginning. Maybe we can, as a group, come up with a list we all agree on and agree to adhere to in our communications. Some of us may be new to this and we may need to be reminded on occasion, if we fall into old patterns. Let’s try to be understanding of each other when that happens and also open to being reminded by others when we slip up without becoming defensive.
Input from Cordula Ohman regarding the term nonviolent communication:
“If we look at the work “nonviolent”, “violent is still part of our imagery.
“To be creative with our language, to SEE what it is we wish to manifest, we need to be able to fill the image with positive energy so the manifestation can take place and we can unite in the creation of the thought we want to share/communicate.
“Some words (terms) that might be used: Constructive communication…Uplifting communication… Building communication…Creative Communication…Instructive Communication.”
Some ideas I, Julia, have had are: “Peaceful Communication” . . . “Collaborative Communication”.