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DRAFT Minutes, GPLAC County Council meeting, April 28, 2019

Green Party of Los Angeles County County Council Meeting Minutes
MCCLA Church, 4607 Prospect Avenue, Los Angeles
Sunday, April 28 2019, 2-5pm

County Councilmembers present (8): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Diana Brown, Rachel Bruhnke, Mike Feinstein, Ava Kermani, Linda Piera-Avila, Julia Russell

County Councilmembers non-present (3): Annie Goeke, Melissa Guevara, Ajay Rai

County Council alternates (1): Steve Correa (for Melissa Guevara)

Other Greens present (2): Carl Petersen, Rohan Sabnis

Non-Greens present (1) Tom Pike (representing Loraine Lundquist for City Council campaign)

Quorum reached and meeting started at 2:20 with Barnett, Bernstein, Correa, Feinstein, Kermani, Piera-Avila, Russell present

Peterson arrived at 2:00
Kermani arrived at 2:25
Bruhnke arrived at 2:38
Correa arroved at 2:38
Brown arrived at 2:39
Meeting ended at 5pm

Facilitator: Russell
Minutes: Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Kermani

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees                                      

Introductio heard from all present

2. Reviewing our process                                                                       
Presenter: Russell

Russell presented  Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation

3. Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)               
Presenter: Facilitators

Proposal (Feinstein): That items marked with an * below be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote and that the agenda be approved with those added items, that agenda item #8 be moved to #4 and #7 moved to #5; and that an item be added at the end about scheduling of future meetings.

Approved by consensus

4. Decision: Support of Lorraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council Distict 12; June 4, 2019 election (fifteen minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Piera-Avila

Proposal (Piera-Avila): Support Lorraine Lundquist for Los Angeles City Council, issue a public statement of support for her campaign, and email to GPLAC members in her district of the GPLAC's support

Approved by consensus

5. Decision: Endorsemen of Measure EE in Los Angeles Municipal Election, June 4, 2019*
Sponsors/Presenters: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse Measure EE and send an email blast to Greens in the City of Los Angeles anouncing the GPLAC position, which will state that (1) while there are better long term funding options, including reforming Proposition 13 by closing the commerical property loophole via a split roll tax (a position already supported by the Green Party of California and that will be on the November 2020 ballot), and (2) while the GPLAC has concerns about the amount of funding from EE going towards charter schools, the Los Angeles teachers' strike of January 2019 won important concessions that now have to be paid for, and this is the most viable alternative.

Approved by consensus

6. Discussion: Treasurer's Report                                                            
Presenter: Barnett (Treasurer)

Barnett presented on the status of GPLAC funds

7. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC November 11th, 2019 County Council meeting*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)

Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of these draft minutes:

Approved by consensus

8. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC March 24, 2019 County Council meeting*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)

Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of these draft minutes:

Approved by consensus

9. Decision: Endorse Greens Running for Neighborhrood Council*

Proposal (Feinstein) Endorse: Carl Petersen, Resident Boardmember, Northridge East Neighborhood Council:

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Piera-Avila) Endorse: Derek Iverson, Resident District 5, Greater Valley Glen Neighborhood Council:

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Feinstein) Endorse: Hugh Moore, Area 2 Resident Representative - Seat 2 (Group B), United Neighborhoods of the Historic Arlington Heights, West Adams and Jefferson Park Community Neighborhood Council

Approved by consensus

10. Discussion: Discussion of agenda items for GPCA San Francisco General Assembly* (May 18-19)
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai, Russell in their ministerial role as co-coordinators

The agenda was discussed by those present

11. Discussion: Nominations for GPLAC Representation to GPCA San Francisco General Assembly* (May 18-19)
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai, Russell in their ministerial role as co-coordinators

Nominations:  Brown (self-nominated), Bernstein (nominated by Barnett), Barnett (nominated by Bernstein), Sabnis, (nominated by Feinstein).   All four nominations were accepted with the commitment by those nominated not to appoint any more delegates at the General Assembly, even though this is allowed under GPLAC bylaws.

12. Decision: Incorporating Key Value of Non-Violence and next steps for position of vibes watcher*
Sponsor/Presenters: Russell, Avila, Bruhnke

Proposal (Russell): That the GPLAC agree in principle to add a section on non-violent communication and the job responsibilities for the vibes watcher to the GPLAC Rules and Procedures and direct Julia Russell to return with specific language

Approved by consensus

13. Decision: Oppose SB 505 - Presidential primary elections*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): Oppose SB 505 and communicate the GPLAC position to the state legislaure to be included in the bill's analsyis

Approved by consensus

14. Decision: Endorse AB 392 - Peace officers: deadly force*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse AB 392 and communicate the GPLAC position to the state legislaure to be included in the bill's analsyis.

Approved by consensus

15. Decision: Endorse SB 212 - Elections: local voting methods*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse SB 212 and communicate the GPLAC position to the state legislaure to be included in the bill's analsyis.

Approved by consensus

16: Decision: Scheduling of future County Council meetings
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): That the June meeting become and in-person meeting in Los Feliz instead of a teleconference, and the August meeting be advertised as a Green Party summer picnic, with a pre-meeting veggie potluck scheduled before each.

Approved by consensus


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