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DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Agenda, Sunday, November 28, 2021

Check in/socializing: 1:45pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm

Facilitators: Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Very brief introductions, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer

2. Reviewing our process (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 11-2 Participation

11-2.1 All GPLAC members may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process'. Participation is based upon the premise that people participant in order build the Green Party and advance the Ten Key Values. Disagreement over issues and ideas should be honored as an expected part this process, and is not to be considered a disruption or impediment. Participants are encouraged to state their views, inform one another, and discuss issues in depth, in a manner that enables energy to be focused on productive work.

11-2.2 Only County Council members can hold 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.

11-2.3 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications, b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation team, non-Council members may also participate in these discussions.

11-2.4 A County Council member, when recognized by the facilitation team, may yield the floor to a non-County Council member rather than speaking themselves, and in do doing, forego his/her turn on the item.

3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators

• Relevant By-Law
The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)

Proposal (Feinstein): Add the late items below with an *, in the order presented below.

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators (fifteen minutes)
Presenters: Drew, Rai

Background: Under GPLAC Bylaws 6-1.1 , the County Council Co-coordinators serve one-year terms, without term limits. All GPLAC officers serve until replaced, even if their one year terms have ended.  The terms of the current Co-coordinators have expired as of April 2021, but no elections to replace them have been held. Additionally, there are only three males on the County Council and each one is already either a Co-coordinator, Treasurer or Secretary.  It may be the case that if no one new wants to step forward, that the current Co-Coordinators will be willing to continue serving in their roles until a new election is held. Or they be willing to be elected to new one-year terms through April 2022. But in either case, the opportunity to hold an election is mandated by GPLAC Bylaws, the County Council is delinquent on this matter, and therefore this item is upon the agenda. 

Nominations may be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have three minutes to make a candidate statement about how they will carry out the duties and responsibilities of Co-coordinator as described in GPLAC bylaws. The voting procedure is by ranked-choice voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including No Other Candidate as an option.

• Relevant Bylaw: Section 7-1 Co-Coordinators

7-1.1 The Council shall elect two Co-Coordinators, one male and one female. Within each four-year County Council term, there shall be four consecutive one year Co-Coordinator terms. The first one year term shall commence with the first meeting of the newly elected County Council and the last one shall end when the subsequent newly elected County Council holds it first meeting. The voting procedure shall be by Ranked-Choice Voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including a No Other Candidate option.

7-1.2 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the production of the County Council draft agenda. This includes the prioritization of and the assigning times to agenda items, as well as the appointment of a meeting facilitator(s) and vibes-watcher. The Co-Coordinators shall consider the need for sufficient time for participation and discussion on each item.

7-1.3 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the distribution of the County Council draft agenda.  Distribution shall include Council members via the County Council email list and GPLAC members at-large via the GPLAC Forum email list (or its replacement), and shall be published on the GPLAC County web site. Co-Coordinators may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.4 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the GPLAC website and may work with and authorize Secretary to accomplish this task.  The web site shall include the names and official contact information of all County Council members, County Council officers; the official contact information for Active Green Locals in Los Angeles County; GPLAC Bylaws and GPLAC Rules and Procedures, and agendas and minutes of County Council and County Council committee meetings.

7-1.5 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for managing the posting of proposals to the GPLAC Voting Page and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.6 The Co-Coordinators, in conjunction with the Secretary, shall be responsible for posting notice of County Council vacancies as provided for in these bylaws.

7-1.7 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for validating nomination petition signatures from applicants seeking appointment to fill County Council vacancies and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.8 The Co-Coordinators shall serve as Co-Liaisons to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (hereafter referred to as the County Registrar)  and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.9 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the County Registrar and the GPCA Coordinating Committee of any changes to the GPLAC Bylaws to change the method of election and/or the number of Council members, no later than 135 days before the Direct Primary election in presidential election years.

7-1.10 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the County Registrar and the GPCA Coordinating Committee of any changes to the County Council, including the name and official contact information for any County Council appointees.

7-1.11 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for official communications on behalf of the GPLAC with the GPCA, the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), other state Green Parties, other national Green Parties, international Green Party federations and the Global Greens. The Co-Coordinators may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.12 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the GPCA of the names of the GPLAC’s General Assembly and Standing General Assembly delegates, and for doing so within the deadlines set by the GPCA; and may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.13 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for communicating to the GPCA that the GPLAC would like to obtain the donor and volunteers lists for Los Angeles County in the GPCA's possession; and may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.

7-1.14 The Co-Coordinators may speak on behalf of the GPLAC, consistent with GPLAC policy, the Green Party of California state platform, and the Ten Key Values.  No other Council member may speak on behalf of the County Council, without County Council authorization.

6: Decision: Questionnaire on local electoral reform for June 2022 Los Angeles City Council candidates (fifteen minutes)
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Background:  The following questions reflect key electoral reforms that GPLAC has discussed/supported.

Proposal: That the GPLAC adopt (or amend and adopt) the following questions to send to candidates for Los Angeles Mayor and City Council, to post their answers on the GPLAC website and send the responses to Greens in Los Angeles, and to use these answers to inform whether the GPLAC will issue statements of support for any of the candidates (

(1) Do you support increasing the number of seats on the Los Angeles City Council from the current 15 to a larger number ( If so, how large and why?
(2) Do you support using ranked-choice voting (RCV) to elect the Los Angeles City Council ( If so, do you support using RCV in conjunction with single-seat or multi-seat districts and why?
(3) Do you support amending the process for Los Angeles City Council redistricting from the current model ( where elected officials appoint members to the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission ( and the Commission’s recommendation is forwarded to the Los Angeles City Council for approval and/or amendment? If so, what model would you support? 
(4) What model for Los Angeles City Council elections do you believe best provides the ability to meet the goals of the California Voting Rights Act?
(5) The Green Party strongly supports the direct democracy rights of initiative, referendum and recall, but believes they can be improved. Do you support amending the recall process for City Council members (and other elected officials) as described in the City Charter ( If so, how and why?  
(5a) Do you support changing Los Angeles City Charter Sec. 437.  Election of Candidate to Succeed Recalled Officer of the Recall ( current process from a contingent run-off where if no replacement candidate receives a majority vote, a run-off is held between the top two finishers, to a single replacement election conducted by ranked-choice voting?  Why or why not?
(6) Do you support convening a charter review commission to explore any/all of the above changes? Are there any other potential electoral and/or campaign finance reforms you would support to be considered by a charter review commission? 
(7) Are there any other potential electoral and/or campaign finance reforms you would support to be enacted by statute?
(8) What model would you support for a charter review commission - elected/appointed/other - and why?
(9) If voters approve charter amendments to the number of seats/manner of election of City Council members and/or to the redistricting model itself, would you support an early redrawing of City Council districts as provided for in the Los Angeles City Charter ( before regular redistricting would occur in 2032 and why or why not?

7. Decision:  Opposition to Recall of Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin if it qualifies for the ballot (fifteen minutes) *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Background: Signatures have been handed in but are not yet verified to see if there enough valid (, to recall Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin ( For background on the national right wing support for this recall effort, see this article in The Nation Magazine

Proposal: That the GPLAC officially oppose the recall of Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin should it qualify for the ballot, that it puts out a press release publicy to this effect, that it sends an email blast to GPLAC members in the 11thCouncil district and encourage them to be involved with Bonin's effort to defeat the recall

8. Decision:  Future GPLAC meeting dates in light of COVID-19 (ten minutes) *
Sponsor: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

Background: The current GPLAC schedule has a regular meeting on December 12. Given that the GPLAC added a special meeting on November 28 to prepare for the GPCA General Assembly on December 4-5, and that GPLAC members will be attending that meeting, shall the December 12 meeting be rescheduled for December 19.

Proposal:  That the GPLAC take a decision upon the above.

9. Decision: Preserving GPCA ballot status strategy and recruiting for 2022 races (twenty minutes) * 

Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein 

Background:  This item provides for an update and discussion regarding Greens considering running in 2022 statewide races and how this matter is being handled by the GPCA.  Note we are waiting for the final district lines to be approved by the California Citizens Redistricting Commission before sending out the next blast to recruit for state and federal district office.

Propsosal: If the County Council is interested in considering making its own endorsements, the following Greens are put forward:

Decision: Endorse

- US Senate: Henk Conn (see Conn’s questionnaire below)

- Controller: Laura Wells 

10. Decision: GPCA General Assembly agenda items (thirty minutes) *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Background: The next GPCA General Assembly will occur December 4-5.  Here is a copy of the Agenda, including the GPLAC agenda items. The GPLAC sent in its concerns about the agenda and they were ignored by the GPCA Coordinating Commitee. This agenda item will provide an opportunity to discuss the GPLAC presentation agenda items and to discuss the GPCA Coordinating Committee non-response to the GPLAC's concerns.

11. Decision:  Election of GPCA GA Delegates (five minutes) *
Sponsors: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

Background: The GPLAC is entitled to 28 SGA Delegates.  

Proposal:  That the GPLAC elect Mike Feinstein, Shannel Pittman, Ajay Rai, Lisa Taylor

12: Discussion/Decision: Executive closed session, anticipated litigation (thirty minutes)
Sponsors: Drew, Feinstein, Rai


Green Party Questionnaire for request of Candidate Endorsement
  1. Campaign Information:  
James Henry “Henk” Conn
2303 Summer Street, Unit 3
Eureka, CA  95501
Office Sought:  
CA US Senate 2022
Number of candidates/Number of seats:
25 candidates, one seat.
Number of incumbents running:
One incumbent 
Link to the race (where available on website of the city clerk, county registrar, or California Secretary of State)
Federal Elections Commission pubic document:
2. Campaign Contact Information
Name of candidate: James Henry “Henk” Conn
Campaign Email:
Campaign-controlled website:
Campaign social media links:
Name of campaign committee and treasurer; and your campaign manager (where exists):
James Conn for Senate 2022.  Treasurer is the candidate.
Link to campaign committee (where available on website of California Secretary of State, the California Fair Political Practices Commission or the Federal Elections Commission)
EIN: 87-2615269 James Conn for US Senate 2022
FEC Campaign Committee ID: s2ca01078  James Conn for Senate 2022
3. Candidate Information
- How long have you been registered Green? Why did you join the Green Party?
I have been registered as a Green Party voter since 1991.  I became a GP generally for their environmental platform.
- Have you ever sought office before? Have you ever held elected office? If yes, when, what office(s) and what party(ies) were you registered with; and what were the results? (if ran previously when a Green, can use link to that race in GPUS Elections Data Base
I have run for public office twice, unsuccessfully. In 2006, I ran for City Council in Long Beach, California.  In 2018, I ran for mayor in Long Beach, CA.
Robert Garcia (Nonpartisan)




James Henry Conn (Nonpartisan)




- What are you qualifications for this office? Have you ever served on a governmental or non-profit board, commission or task force?
I have a Master Degree in Social Work with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I have worked over a decade as a social worker in CA.
- Describe how you decided to run for the office you are seeking. Are you an incumbent?
I wanted to promote the Green Party and push for awareness and change to address the climate crisis.
- Describe your major accomplishments as a Green, and how they relate to the office you are seeking.
I have been a dedicated voter with the GP.  I have focused my life to be educated about environmental and social issues.  This will be my second campaign promoting Greens (Mayor was nonpartisan), but my first election as a formal Green.
4. Campaign Strategy
- What are the goals of this campaign? How does the campaign plan to achieve them?  
My goal is raise the amount of funds needed to get on the ballot and the pay for a candidate statement in the Mail in ballot.
Most importantly, I want to promote the Green Party and increase voter registration.  I want to get as many votes as possible.
I will am campaigning on social media, will go door-to-door, and other means to raise funds.
- What has to happen for you to be elected? If victory in your campaign is defined by something other than being elected, what is it?
My goal, “victory” would be to get on the ballot and provide a voice for the Green Party.
- What are the major issues in the race? On what issues is the campaign centered? What strategies will the campaign use to get your message out?
My major campaign platform items involve social equality and stopping pollution.  I have a simple vision of the world.  A world without cars.  Whether it is 40 or 200 years from now, given the known technology to produce energy the best form of transportation is shared transportation.
I believe people should not be homeless, but in the immediate no homeless person should be fined or incarcerated for no other reason than being without a home.  
In addition, I fully support Medi-Care and Medicaid for all, abolishing college debt, drastically raising the monthly benefit amounts for SSI and SSDI (the elderly and homeless don’t get enough money to pay the rent), and drastically expanding the public transportation system across the US. 
- What is the fundraising goal of the campaign? How much progress has been made towards that goal?
A candidate must pay a filing fee of equal to 2% of the first year’s salary for the office of United States Senator as of the first day on which a candidate may circulate petitions in lieu of filing fees, made payable to the Secretary of State. Currently, the filing fee is $3,480.00”
  • Will you have a candidate statement in the official voter information guide? If so, how many words? If it already has been submitted and/or is published, provide a link or attach the statement.
And additional $2,000 for the candidate statement, which will be 80 words at $25 a word..
- What endorsements do you have/expect to receive? 
None to date.  I hope Green Party endorsements.
- Please comment further on any of these campaign strategies your campaign may utilize – fundraising, volunteers, staff, literature, direct mail, door-to-door, phone banking, endorsements, robo-calling, debate participation, other.
I plan to go door-to-door to campaign, collect signatures and attempt to raise campaign donations.  I have already started to network with Greens across the county using twitter and other social media applications.  I will do mass emails to registered green party voters in the state.  Depending on the state of campaigns in early 2022 due to covid, I will attempt to attend as many political and candidate functions as possible.
5. Campaign and the Green Party
- What is your campaign’s relationship to the Green Party? How can the Green Party support your campaign? How can your campaign increase the visibility of the Green Party and its platform? How would your campaign help grow the Green Party?
In the 1990’s I supported Ralph Nader.  Since then I have supported Jill Stein, Howie Hawkins and Cynthia McKinney.  I support the green party and its platform, completely.  I think that the unfortunate events that are unfolding in this world will only increase Green Party membership.  My desire is to promote registering Greens and voting for the party candidates.
The party can help me by letting Green voters know about my campaign and hopefully help me garnish contributions to get on the ballot.  Once on the ballot my main goal would be to get as many votes as possible, record amounts if possible, to show the world that the environment requires out immediate attention.
- Does your campaign have any substantial disagreement with the positions and platforms of the Green Party of Los Angeles County and/or the Green Party of California; if so where and why?  No
- Would the campaign be willing to write a post-election report for internal campaign analysis by the GPLAC, or make an oral presentation to the GPLAC County Council on the same? Yes
- Would the campaign be willing to write a post-election campaign report for public use by the GPLAC, GPCA and/or the GPUS for their newsletters, websites and social media? Yes.

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