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DRAFT: Minutes, GPLAC County Council meeting, May 16, 2021

DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes, Sunday, May 16, 2021
Teleconference information shared via County Council email list
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm

County Councilmembers present (7): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein, Danielle Mead, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai

County Councilmembers not-present (4): Annie Goeke, Ava Kermani, Diana Little, Cordula Ohman

Quorum reached at 2:03 (7): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein, Danielle Mead, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai

Facilitators: Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: None

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees

Introductions by those present, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer

2. Reviewing our process 

Drew summarized GPLAC process

3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items 

Proposal (Feinstein): That the County Council add all items marked * as late items in the order below.

Approved by consensus

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report (ten minutes)

Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

Barnett reported on status of GPLAC finances

5. Decision: Endorse Public Bank LA (ten minutes)

Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein):  That the GPLAC Endorse Public Bank LA

Approved by Consensus

6: Discussion:  Update on GPLAC lobbying efforts on AB 446 
Mike Feinstein

Feinstein updated results of GPLAC testimony at State Assembly Elections Commitee hearing.  County Council discussed what might happen at Appropriations Committee hearing

7. Decision: Preserving GPCA ballot status strategy and recruiting for 2022 races (twenty minutes) *

Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein 

Background:  An update on Greens considering running in 2022 statewide races and how this matter is being handled by the GPCA. 

Proposal (Drew, Feinstein): That the GPLAC send a letter to the GPCA State Meeting Planning Commitee and Coordinating Commitee expressing concern about the lack of time dedicated to 2022 candidates and the failure to plan for an endorsement proccess for them.   That Drew and Feinstein prepare a draft letter, send to the GPLAC County Council email list for comment, then to send to the GPCA.

Approved by consensus

The following letter was what was approved:

Subject: GPCA strategy for the 2021 gubernatorial recall and replacement election 

Dear GPCA State Meeting Planning Committee and state Coordinating Committee

We are writing on behalf of the Green Party of Los Angeles County, to express strong concerns with the proposed draft agenda for the upcoming GPCA General Assembly on June 19-20.

As you know, we are only days away from the announcement that the recall election of California Governor Gavin Newsom has qualified for the ballot, with the election to be held most likely in late October or early November.

There are many questions for the GPCA regarding this process - will the party take a position on the recall and when will that occur; will any Greens run in the replacement election and if so, will the GPCA conduct an endorsement process for any/all of these candidates, and when will that occur - and who will decide whether any/all of this will occur?

Despite this there is only 35 minutes on the entire agenda dedicated to the 2021 gubernatorial recall election and the 2022 statewide elections; and there is no link in the draft agenda to text describing that agenda item, so that our county parties can discuss and prepare for this item in advance.

Already one Green - Veronika Fimbres - has filed her Form 501 Candidate Intention Statement with the California Secretary of State. 

It stands to reason that the General Assembly should hear from Veronika and any other Greens seeking to run in the replacement election, and that the party should begin its debate over if and what position the party should take in the recall election, and whether it will consider making an endorsement for the timing of all of these decisions.  There is no reasonable way for this to occur under the proposed agenda.

At this point, Saturday’s agenda is planned to end at 4:30. Traditionally GPCA General Assemblies have run until 6pm on Saturdays.

We understand that the Joe Louis Hoffman memorial agenda item is plane to run from 4pm to 4:30pm, and that the presenters would like that item to be able to run longer, to allow the large number of presenters and past Greens to share their memories of Joe.

Perhaps that agenda item could run from 5pm to 6pm, allowing those not interested to not stay in the Zoom until that time, but in the process, create another hour from 4pm to 5pm, as well at perhaps tighten up the timing of earlier agenda items, all to allow more time to discuss the serious issue of the GPCA’s role in the 2021 recall and replacement election.


Timeka Drew and Ajay Rai, Co-coordinators, County Council
Green Party of Los Angeles County

8. Decision: Conducting poll of GPLAC members on Newsom recall and potential Green candidates in the recall (twenty minutes) *

Sponsors: Mike Feinstein 

Background: At its April 11 meeting, the County Council authorized a poll to GPLAC members about the Governor Newsom recall, should the recall qualify.  The recall has not yet officially qualified.  This item is to provide an update on this matter.  Additionally Green Veronika Fimbres seems primed to enter the race if the recall does qualify.  How should the GPLAC respond?

Proposal: That the GPLAC send letters to the GPCA State Meeting Planning Commitee and Coordinating Commitee expressing concern about the lack of time dedicated to the 2021 recall, the failure at this point to produce a detailed agenda item, the lack of any planning to hear from Veronika Fimbres, and the failure to plan for an endorsement proccess for the race and to take a postion on the recall itself.   That Drew and Feinstein prepare a draft letter, send to the GPLAC County Council email list for comment, then to send to the GPCA

Approved by consensus

The following letter was what was approved:

Subject: GPCA strategy for the 2021 gubernatorial recall and replacement election 

Dear GPCA State Meeting Planning Committee and state Coordinating Committee

We are writing on behalf of the Green Party of Los Angeles County, to express strong concerns with the proposed draft agenda for the upcoming GPCA General Assembly on June 19-20.

As you know, we are only days away from the announcement that the recall election of California Governor Gavin Newsom has qualified for the ballot, with the election to be held most likely in late October or early November.

There are many questions for the GPCA regarding this process - will the party take a position on the recall and when will that occur; will any Greens run in the replacement election and if so, will the GPCA conduct an endorsement process for any/all of these candidates, and when will that occur - and who will decide whether any/all of this will occur?

Despite this there is only 35 minutes on the entire agenda dedicated to the 2021 gubernatorial recall election and the 2022 statewide elections; and there is no link in the draft agenda to text describing that agenda item, so that our county parties can discuss and prepare for this item in advance.

Already one Green - Veronika Fimbres - has filed her Form 501 Candidate Intention Statement with the California Secretary of State. 

It stands to reason that the General Assembly should hear from Veronika and any other Greens seeking to run in the replacement election, and that the party should begin its debate over if and what position the party should take in the recall election, and whether it will consider making an endorsement for the timing of all of these decisions.  There is no reasonable way for this to occur under the proposed agenda.

At this point, Saturday’s agenda is planned to end at 4:30. Traditionally GPCA General Assemblies have run until 6pm on Saturdays.

We understand that the Joe Louis Hoffman memorial agenda item is plane to run from 4pm to 4:30pm, and that the presenters would like that item to be able to run longer, to allow the large number of presenters and past Greens to share their memories of Joe.

Perhaps that agenda item could run from 5pm to 6pm, allowing those not interested to not stay in the Zoom until that time, but in the process, create another hour from 4pm to 5pm, as well at perhaps tighten up the timing of earlier agenda items, all to allow more time to discuss the serious issue of the GPCA’s role in the 2021 recall and replacement election.


Timeka Drew and Ajay Rai, Co-coordinators, County Council
Green Party of Los Angeles County

9. Decision: GPCA General Assembly agenda items and GPLAC delegates (twenty minutes)

Proposal (Feinstein): That the GPLAC post a call for delegates to the GPLAC Forum email list, with requests to be delegates submitted by June 4, and an on-line vote to choose the delegates between June 6 and 13.We ask delegates optional to come to our GPLAC meeting 6/13

Approved by consensus

10. Discussion: Update on Greens in Neighborhood Council 2021 elections  

Sponsors/Presenters: Danielle Mead, Mike Feinstein

Feinstein reported on results so far.

11. Discussion:  County Council membership 

Sponsors: Mike Feinstein, Ajay Rai

Councilmembers disucssed possible recruits

12.  Discussion: Hearing from Greens interested in joining the County Council 

No potentiala new members present.


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