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DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes Sunday, October 24, 2021

DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes, Sunday, October 24, 2021

Teleconference information shared via County Council email list
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm
Facilitators: Annie Goeke
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani

County Council members in attendance (8): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Mike Feinstein, Annie Goeke , Ava Kermani, Cordula Ohman, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai
County Council members not in attendance (1): Timeka Drew
Observer (1): Genevieve Marcus

Quorum reached at 2:13 (5):  Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Goeke, Piera-Avila,
Kermani joined at 2:39
Ohman joined at 2:44
Rai joined at 3:45

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees
Introductions by those present

2. Reviewing our process
Presenter: Facilitators

Goeke reviewed relevant bylaws

3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items
Presenter: Facilitators

Proposal (Feinstein): Add the late items below with an *, in the order presented below.

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Goeke) - Add item from Marcus, Contact with former Greens, as first agenda item

Approved by consensus

3. Discussion: Contact with former Greens
Sponsor: Goeke
Presenter: Marcus

Discussion about contact with former Greens

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report Sponsor/
Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

Report rescheduled til next County Council meeting , Treasure will send update to gplac-cc email list

5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators Presenters: Drew, Rai

No nominations made, existing officers remain in place until replaced

6: Discussion:  Update on GPLAC voter registration database and GPLAC email blasts (ten minutes)*
Sponsor: Feinstein, Rai

Feinstein and Rai provided update on integration of new data in the GPLAC Green voter registration data base and outreach conducted

7. Decision:  Election of GPCA SGA Delegates *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Proposal:  That the GPLAC elect former GPLAC County Coucilmember and former San Pedro Neighborhood Councilmember Rachel Bruhnke as a SGA Delegate

Approved by consensus

8. Decision:  Considertion of future GPLAC meetings in light of COVID-19 *
Sponsor: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

Proposal:  That the GPLAC stay with zoom meetings for now, looking towards possible in-person meetings in spring 2022.

Approved by consensus

9. Decision: Preserving GPCA ballot status strategy and recruiting for 2022 races *
Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein

Proposal (Drew, Feinstein): That the GPLAC waive the questionnaire requirement and place the following candidates forward for GPLAC endorsement: the County Council is interested in considering making its own endorsements, the following Greens are put forward:

Governor: Luis J Rodriguez
Endorse (9): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila,

- SoS: Gary Blenner
Endorse (9): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila,

- AG: Dan Kapelovitz
Endorse (9): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila,

- IC: Veronika Fimbres
Endorse (9): Barnett, Bernstein, Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila,

- US Senate: Henk Conn
Defer consideration of endorsement until next GPLAC meeting

10. Decision: GPCA General Assembly agenda items *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Proposal (Feinstein, Rai):  That the GPLAC send a letter of strong objection to the inclusion of a controversial Bylaws amendment as a GA decision item, instead of a discussion at the GA and a decision via the SGA, when it could be considered by more inclusively by more Greens and with less time pressure by the SGA; and that the GPCA express its grave concern again that the 2022 candidate agenda item is not being presented by the CCWG in keeping with GPCA Bylaws, and that there is the suggestion that candidates will be considered for endorsement at the GA instead of via the SGA, and the suggestion candidates not even named and included on the draft agenda will be considered for endorsement at the GA instead of via the SGA.

Approved by consensus , to send each separately

11.  Discussion: Hearing from Greens interested in joining the County Council (ten minutes) * Sponsors: Drew, Rai

None present

12: Closed session discussion: Anticipated litigation regarding status of active GPCA counties *

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