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DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes Sunday, June 13, 2021

DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes Sunday, June 13, 2021
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm

Facilitator: Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani

County Councilmembers present (7): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Mike Feinstein, Ava Kermani, Cordula Ohman, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai

County Councilmembers not-present (3): Timeka Drew, Annie Goeke, Danielle Mead,

Quorum reached at 2:04 (7): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Mike Feinstein, Ava Kermani, Cordula Ohman, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees
Introductions by those present

2. Reviewing our process Presenter: Facilitators
Rai reviewed relevant bylaws

3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items
Presenter: Facilitators

Proposal (Feinstein): Add the late items below with an *, in the order presented below. Approved by consensus

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

Barnett reported on status of GPLAC finances

Agenda item heard after mail addresses

5. Decision: Approval of GPLAC Minutes
Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of GPLAC minutes, February 21, 2021

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of GPLAC minutes, April 11, 2021

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of GPLAC minutes, May 16, 2021

Approved by consensus

6. Discussion:  Update County Council membership and officers *
Sponsors: Mike Feinstein, GPLAC Secretary

Feinstein reported that Mead would be moving out of the county and thus vacating her seat at the end of June, 2021

7: Discussion:  Update on GPLAC email blasts *
Sponsor: Mike Feinstein

Feinstein updated status of recent GPLAC email blasts, including open rate

8. Discussion: Preserving GPCA ballot status strategy and recruiting for 2022 races (fifteen minutes) *
Sponsors: Timeka Drew, Mike Feinstein

Update and discussion on Greens considering running in 2022 statewide races and how this matter is being handled by the GPCA. Concerns expressed about the lack of time dedicated to 2022 candidates and the failure to plan for an endorsement process for them, and that there has been no response from the GPCA to GPLAC letter expressing these concerns.

9. Decision: Conducting poll of GPLAC members on Newsom recall and potential Green candidates in the recall *
Sponsors: Mike Feinstein

Proposal (Feinstein): That the poll contain the following question - if a Green runs in the recall election, what are the top five issues you believe should be emphasized by the Green candidate?  What are the five policies of the Newsom administration that you have concerns with, from a Green perspective.

Approved by consensus

10. Decision: GPCA General Assembly agenda items and GPLAC delegates *
Sponsors: Mike Feinstein, Ajay Rai

Discussion held on proposed platform planks up for an SGA vote during June
Health Care:
and this strategic item on electoral reform

Proposal: That the GPLAC select GA Delegates Timeka Drew
Shane Que Hee
Shannel Pittman
Mike Feinstein

Proposal:  That the GPLAC approve a statement on Electoral Reform (to be sent separately)

Approved by consensus

11. Decision:  Election of GPCA SGA Delegates *
Sponsors: Feinstein, Rai

Proposal (Feinstein, Rai): That the GPLAC election the following SGA delegates, and then fill the remainder at its August 1 meeting.
Josefina Aranda
Doug Barnett
Marla Bernstein
Timeka Drew
Mike Feinstein
Annie Goeke
Melissa Guevara
Sasha Karlik
Ava Kermani
Genevieve Marcus
Cordula Ohman
Linda Piera-Avila
Michael Powelson
Shane Que Hee
Ajay Rai
Cynthia Santiago
Jeff Sklar
Alex Walker

12. Decision:  Consideration of future GPLAC meetings in light of COVID-19 *
Sponsor: Drew, Feinstein, Rai

Proposal:  That the GPLAC meet in Tongva Park, August 1, lunch at 1pm , meeting at 2pm Approved by consensus




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