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Minutes, GPLAC County Council meeting, December 16, 2017

Green Party of Los Angeles County • County Council Meeting Minutes
Saturday, December 16, 2017 • Groundwork Coffee Company, 11275 Chandler Blvd., North Hollywood
3pm to 6pm: Meeting

County Councilmembers present (12): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Rachel Brunhke, Angelica Dueñas, Mike Feinstein, Ava Kermani, Cordula Ohman, Linda Piera-Avila, Ajay Rai, Julia Russell, Aria Pakatchi, Matthew Wheeler,

County Councilmembers not present (6): Daniel Alvarado, Justine Berne Akley, Tom Bibiyan, Annie Goeke, Cris Gutierrez, Adia Williams

County Council alternates (2): Timeka Drew (for Adia Williams), Llsa Taylor (for Cris Gutierrez)

Other Greens present (13): Diana Brown, James Castor, Steve Correa, Rodolfo Cortes, Tina Cruz, John de Vincent, Melissa Guevara, Kenneth Mejia, Hank Mollet, Jorge Mulgado, Jimmy Rivera, Rohan Sabnis, Shannel Pittman

Co-Facilitators: Aria Pakatchi and Timeka Drew
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera Avila
Vibes Watcher: Cordula Ohman

1) Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)

2) Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law 9-5.5 Once distributed, the Agenda may not be changed until the meeting. The time and order of already agendized items may be amended by a 3/5 vote.  New agenda items may be added by a 2/3 vote.

All items presented late
Proposal (Feinstein): Approve late items as below

Approved by Consensus

3) Decision: Election of GPLAC Female Co-coordinator (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Election: Female co-coordinator position

No nomination made.  However Timeka Drew indicated her interest in running, if/when she is appointed to fill a County Council vacancy, and until then, would work in a voluntary supporting role to the Male Co-coordinator.

4) Report: Treasurer’s report (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

Barnett reported upon the status of the bank account, that a donation came in via PayPal and that he paid the GPLAC Post Office Box

5) Decision: Endorsement of Kenneth Mejia for U.S. House of Represenatives, District 34
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Proposal (Dueñas): Endorsement of Kenneth Mejia for U.S. House of Representatives, District 34

Approved by Consensus

7) Decision: Set Next County Council meeting date
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Proposal (Feinstein): That the next GPLAC meeting be held on Sunday, February 11 at 2pm and that it be a teleconference.

Approved by Consensus

8) Decision: Use of GPLAC member email data base (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Dueñas

Proposal (Dueñas): That the GPLAC authorize up to five additional emails on behalf of its endorsed candidates between the present and the February 11th GPLAC meeting.

Approved by Consensus

9) Decision: Support of Gayle McGlaughlin for Lt. Governor
Sponsor/Presenter: Dueñas

Proposal: Support of Gayle McLaughlin for Lt. Governor

Approved by Consensus

10) Presentation: Steve Correa for State Assembly 
Sponsors/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Correa presented on his candidacy.  An on-line endorsement vote of the County Council will follow.

11) Presentation: Rodolfo Cortes for U.S. House of Representatives
Sponsors/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Cortes presented on his candidacy.  An on-line endorsement vote of the County Council will follow.

12) Presentation: Rachel Bruhnke, potential candidate
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Bruhnke presented on her potential candidacy.   An on-line endorsement vote of the County Council will follow, should she decide to run

13) Presentation: Angelica Dueñas for U.S. House of Representatives
Sponsors/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Dueñas presented on her candidacy. 

14) Presentation: Michael Feinstein for Secretary of State
Sponsors/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Feinstein presented on his candidacy. 


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