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DRAFT Agenda, GPLAC County Council meeting, October 22, 2017

Green Party of Los Angeles County • County Council Meeting Agenda
Sunday, October 22, 2017 • Work Evolution Labs,  235 E Broadway #800, Long BeachTake Metro Blue line
Noon: Pot luck vegetarian picnic
1pm to 4pm: Meeting

Co-Facilitators: Annie Goeke and Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera Avila
Vibes Watcher: Cordula Ohman

1) Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)

2) Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law 9-5.5 Once distributed, the Agenda may not be changed until the meeting. The time and order of already agendized items may be amended by a 3/5 vote.  New agenda items may be added by a 2/3 vote.

Proposal (Feinstein): Add item Discussion: Presentation from Henk Conn, Green running for Long Beach City Council (15 minutes)

Proposal (Feinstein): Add item Discussion: Update on GPLAC bylaws proposal to GPCA

The proposal is to add these two items as per below

3) Decision: Election of GPLAC Female Co-coordinator (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Background: GPLAC Bylaws 6-1.1 provide for one-year terms for GPLAC Co-Coordinators ( "The Council shall elect two Co-Coordinators, one male and one female. Within each four-year County Council term, there shall be four consecutive one year Co-Coordinator terms. The first one year term shall commence with the first meeting of the newly elected County Council and the last one shall end when the subsequent County Council holds it first meeting. The voting procedure shall be by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7).”

The terms of GPLAC co-coordinators Marla Bernstein and Ajay Rai commenced in July 2016 and were to run for one year, but no election for new terms was on the July 2017 County Council agenda.  At the September 10, 2017 County Council meeting, Ajay Rai was elected male co-coordinator, leaving the female co-coordinator position vacant. The terms of whomever is elected at this meeting will run through July 2018.

Election: Female co-coordinator position

4) Report: Treasurer’s report (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

5) Decision: Approval of minutes from September 10, 2017 meetings (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

6) Decision: Endorsement of Michael Feinstein for Secretary of State (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Background: GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9 Elected and Appointed Office  state that among the responsibilities of the County Council are to

5-2.9(a) Develop an overall Green electoral strategy for Los Angeles County.
5-2.9(b) Develop Green Party members as candidates for partisan and non partisan elective and appointive office.
5-2.9(c) Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office and make a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members

Green Party member Michael Feinstein is running for California Secretary of State, on a platform of Voter Choice/Clean Money/Election Integrity .  Endorsement requires a 2/3 vote with at least 3/5 of County Councilmembers voting.

GPLAC Rules and Procedures Article 7: Endorsed Candidates states: Any endorsed candidate shall be expected to campaign in a manner that
- accurately represents the decisions of the Green Party of Los Angeles County, the Green Party of California and the Green Party of the United States, including endorsement of other candidates;
- generally supports the principles and policies of the Green Party of California platform and any additional issue and policy positions taken by the Green Party of Los Angeles; and where there is a disagreement between the positions of the endorsed candidate and those of the Green Party of California and/or the Green Party of Los Angeles County, be willing to state how this is so and why;
- does not misrepresent the candidate's own record nor that of others and makes a good faith effort to be factually correct;
- does not use prejudicial, biased, or offensive language, images or graphics with respect to race, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, spirituality, sexuality, or age;
- is in compliance with all applicable laws regarding being a candidate for public office

GPLAC Rules and Procedures 5-4.3 Use in Support of Endosed Candidates state: Candidates endorsed by the GPLAC County Council shall have an email announcing their endorsement sent by the GPLAC to all registered Greens in their district for whom the GPLAC has email addresses. Endorsed candidates shall have a minimum of at least one additional email sent on their behalf in both the primary election and the general election (where there are both). The County Council shall retain the option to send to send additional emails at its discretion.

Proposal: Endorsement of Michael Feinstein for Secretary of State

7) Decision: Endorsement of Hank Mollin for State Assembly (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Background: GPLAC Bylaws 5-2.9 Elected and Appointed Office  state that among the responsibilities of the County Council are to

5-2.9(a) Develop an overall Green electoral strategy for Los Angeles County.
5-2.9(b) Develop Green Party members as candidates for partisan and non partisan elective and appointive office.
5-2.9(c) Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office and make a statement of support for candidates for public office who are not Green Party members

Green Party member Hank Mollin is running for State Assembly in the Pomona area.  Here is his campaign site

Endorsement requires a 2/3 vote with at least 3/5 of County Councilmembers voting.

GPLAC Rules and Procedures Article 7: Endorsed Candidates states: Any endorsed candidate shall be expected to campaign in a manner that
- accurately represents the decisions of the Green Party of Los Angeles County, the Green Party of California and the Green Party of the United States, including endorsement of other candidates;
- generally supports the principles and policies of the Green Party of California platform and any additional issue and policy positions taken by the Green Party of Los Angeles; and where there is a disagreement between the positions of the endorsed candidate and those of the Green Party of California and/or the Green Party of Los Angeles County, be willing to state how this is so and why;
- does not misrepresent the candidate's own record nor that of others and makes a good faith effort to be factually correct;
- does not use prejudicial, biased, or offensive language, images or graphics with respect to race, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, spirituality, sexuality, or age;
- is in compliance with all applicable laws regarding being a candidate for public office

GPLAC Rules and Procedures 5-4.3 Use in Support of Endosed Candidates state: Candidates endorsed by the GPLAC County Council shall have an email announcing their endorsement sent by the GPLAC to all registered Greens in their district for whom the GPLAC has email addresses. Endorsed candidates shall have a minimum of at least one additional email sent on their behalf in both the primary election and the general election (where there are both). The County Council shall retain the option to send to send additional emails at its discretion.

Proposal: Endorsement of Hank Mollin for State Assembly

8) Decision: GPLAC Statement About DACA (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Dueñas

Background: The following draft text was circulated on the GPLAC County Council email list, but a vote was deferred until this meeting to receive more input.  The draft text follows:

The GPLAC strongly condemns President Trump's repeal of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). We propose that Congress override the White House and reinstate the program. GPLAC demands humane U.S. Immigration policies on the treatment and detention of undocumented immigrants.

An executive order protecting the DREAMers isn't enough. We need comprehensive immigration reform which gives undocumented immigrants legal status and a chance to become U.S. citizens

GPLAC stands in solidarity with all immigrants and does not support the criminalization of Dreamers parents. GPLAC believes there should be no more deportations. This means allowing someone like a grandparent or grandchild to be used as an "anchor" to keep someone here, and attain a green card. We want to retain and strengthen family reunification. Part of the GP platform says: “undocumented immigrants who are already residing and working in the United States, and their families, should be granted a legal status which includes the chance to become U.S. citizens.” We believe that no human is illegal.

GPLAC believes that migration is a human right, and the United States is the predominant proponent of the causes that have lead to a major increase of migration throughout the world. GPLAC and GPUS has called for a cessation of foreign policies carried out by the United States throughout the world that have resulted in war, disorder, death and instability forcing people to flee their countries. Such policies include the War on Drugs and  trade pacts like NAFTA, which inflicted economic hardship on Mexican workers and their families. Most notably the United States government's support for coups and repressive regimes, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and the 2009 coup in Honduras, which triggered an outbreak of violence and crime and an mass migration of children to the U.S. in search of safety.

Proposal: Approve statement as is or as amended

9) Discussion: Review of Agenda Items for GPCA General Assembly, November 11-12, 2017 (45 minutes)

Sponsor/Presenter: Benstein, Feinstein, Rai

Background: The next General Assembly of the Green Party of California is on November 11-12 in Ventura.  The draft agenda has not been released via emai by the six week date specified in GPCA bylaws.  However it is posted on this link:

10) Discussion: Nominations for GPLAC Representation to GPCA Ventura County General Assembly (November 11-12)  (ten minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Background:GPLAC Bylaws Section 11-4 Appointment of Delegates ( describe how GPLAC Delegates to General Assemblies and Standing General Assemblies are chosen:

11-4.1 The County Council shall select delegates by the Ranked Choice voting form of proportional representation, using the Droop threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7). County Council members shall take into consideration issues of diversity and representation when ranking their choices.

11-4.2 If not all delegate seats are filled, additional delegates may be added later at General Assembly itself, upon a 3/5 vote of the delegates present.

This agenda item will allow County Council members to nominate GPLAC members for delegate.  The vote will take place on-line after the meeting, but before the General Assembly.

11) Discussion: Green Party and the Rendón recall effort (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor: Dueñas
Presenter: Cortes

Background: GPLAC member Rodolfo Cortes is leading the recall effort of State Assembly member Anthony Rendon.  This agenda item provides an opportunity to hear about that effort and disucss Green Party involvedment.

12) Discussion: Role of GPLAC Vibes Watcher at GPLAC County Council meetings (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Bibiyan

13) Discussion: Presentation from Henk Conn, Green running for Long Beach City Council (ten minutes)

Facebook page for Henk Conn

14) Discussion: Update on GPLAC bylaws proposal to GPCA (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

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