DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Agenda, April 26, 2020
Teleconference information shared via County Council email list
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Gathering: 2pm to 3:30pm
Business meeting: 3:30pm to 6pm
Facilitators: Annie Goeke, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani
Agenda outline
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
2. Report: Treasurer’s report (ten minutes)
3. Discussion: Goals and Objectives of 2020-2024 County Council (seventy minutes)
Business items
4. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators, Female/Male (fifteen minutes)
6. Decision: Election of GPLAC Treasurer (ten minutes)
7. Decision: Election of GPLAC Secretary (ten minutes)
8. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
9. Decision: Consideration of appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election (thirty-five minutes)
10. Decision: Approval of Minutes from March 15 meeting (three minutes)
11: Decision: Support LA Social Justice Response to COVID19 Pandemic and join Healthy LA coalition (ten minutes)
12: Discussion: Update on GPCA Delegates to GPUS Presidental Nomination Convention (fifteen minutes)
13. Discussion: Hearing from those seeking future appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election (twenty-five minutes)
14. Report: Top Two lawsuit - closed session, County Councilmembers only (fifteen minutes)
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Very brief introductions, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer
2. Report: Treasurer’s report (ten minutes)
Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer 2014-2020
Background: GPLAC Bylaws state that the first business item of the new County Council shall be to select GPLAC officers, including Treasurer. This item provides the outgoing Treasurer to report about the current status of GPLAC finances during the discussion period, before the County Council chooses its next Treasurer for the 2020-2022 term during the business meeting portion of the agenda.
3. Discussion: Goals and Objectives of 2020-2024 County Council (75 minutes)
Open discussion by County Councilmembers, and those seeking appointment, about their goals and objectives for the 2020-2024 County Council. Can include political and organizational goals.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 5.2 Duties of the Council
The County Council's responsibilities include:
5-2.1 Party Building
5-2.1(a) Register and organize Green Party members voters in Los Angeles County.
5-2.1(b) Promote the development of, and provide official recognition for Active Green Locals in Los Angeles County.
5-2.3 Meetings and Internal Communications
Coordinate County Council meetings and distribute information, via the GPLAC website, email lists and other means, including
5-2.3(a) Agendas and minutes for County Council meetings and committees
5-2.3(b) GPLAC Bylaws, Rules and Procedures and other GPLAC rules documents
5-2.3(c) A roster of current County Council members and GPLAC officers
5-2.3(b) Information about additional GPLAC events in Los Angeles County
5-2.3(c) How to run for County Council
5-2.3(d) How to become apply for appointment to the County Council in case of a County Council vacancy
5-2.3(e) Issues requiring study, thought and/or action by the GPLAC
5-2.3(f) Updates on County Council projects
5-2.4 Internal Elections
Elect Officers of the County Council, delegates to the Green Party of California General Assembly and Standing General Assembly, and County Council members to fill vacant County Council seats.
5-2.8 External Communications
5-2.8(a) Make statements in the name of the GPLAC consistent with GPLAC policy, the Green Party of California state platform, and the Ten Key Values. If the GPLAC and the GPCA differ on policy, the GPLAC retains the right to speak on its own behalf.
5-2.8(b) Interface on behalf of the GPLAC with community, civic, and other non-governmental organizations, groups and movements
5-2.8(c) Interface on behalf of the GPLAC with the media
5-2.9 Elected and Appointed Office
5-2.9(a) Develop an overall Green electoral strategy for Los Angeles County.
5-2.9(b) Develop Green Party members as candidates for partisan and non partisan elective and appointive office.
5-2.9(c) Endorse Green Party members who are candidates for public office in Los Angeles County
5-2.9(d) Make a statement of support for candidates for public office in Los Angeles County who are not Green Party members
5-2.9(d) Provide financial, volunteer and other support to endorsed candidates
5-2.10 Ballot Measures
Endorse or oppose ballot measures appearing on the ballot in Los Angeles County.
5-2.5 Legal Counsel
Retain legal counsel on behalf of the GPLAC and undertake legal action as necessary.
5-2.6 Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Establish internal Dispute Resolution and Mediation procedures and/or refer such matters to external Dispute Resolution and Mediation.
5-2.7 Employees
Employ staff and independent contractors.
5-2.11 Censure
Censure a member of the GPLAC. Any Censure resolution must include the reasons for Censure, including how such an action relates to the role, duties and responsibilities of the GPLAC. Approval of a Censure resolution requires a 2/3 vote.
5-2.12 Bylaws and Rules and Procedures
Establish Bylaws, and Rules and Procedures to accomplish its work.
Business items
4. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
9.3.1 Open Meetings: With the consent of the Council, all members of the Green Party of Los Angeles County may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process' but only Council members may hold any 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
9.3.2 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications. b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation
5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators, Male/Female (fifteen Minutes)
Presenters: Co-coordinators
Background: Nominations will be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have three minutes to make a candidate statement about how they will carry out the duties and responsibilities of Co-coordinator as described in GPLAC bylaws. The voting procedure is by ranked-choice voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including No Other Candidate as an option.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 6.1 Co-Coordinators
6-1.1 The Council shall elect two Co-Coordinators, one male and one female. Within each four-year County Council term, there shall be four consecutive one year Co-Coordinator terms. The first one year term shall commence with the first meeting of the newly elected County Council and the last one shall end when the subsequent newly elected County Council holds it first meeting. The voting procedure shall be by Ranked-Choice Voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including aNo Other Candidate option.
6-1.2 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the production of the County Council draft agenda. This includes the prioritization of and the assigning times to agenda items, as well as the appointment of a meeting facilitator(s)and vibes-watcher.
6-1.3 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for the distribution of the draft County Council agenda. Distribution shall include Council members via the County Council email list and GPLAC members at-large via the GPLAC Forum email list (or its replacement), and shall be published on the GPLAC County web site. Co-Coordinators may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.4 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the GPLAC website and may work with and authorize Secretary to accomplish this task. The web site shall include the names and official contact information of all County Council members, County Council officers; the official contact information for Active Green Locals in Los Angeles County; GPLAC Bylaws and GPLAC Rules and Procedures, and agendas and minutes of County Council and County Council committee meetings.
6-1.5 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for managing the posting of proposals to the GPLAC Voting Page and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.6 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for validating nomination petition signatures from applicants seeking appointment to the County Council and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.7 The Co-Coordinators shall serve as Co-Liaisons to the office of the Registrar/Recorder of Los Angeles County and may work with Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.8 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for official communications on behalf of the GPLAC with the GPCA, the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), other state Green Parties, other national Green Parties, international Green Party federations and the Global Greens. The Co-Coordinators may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.9 The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for notifying the GPCA of the names of the GPLACs General Assembly and Standing General Assembly delegates, and for doing so within the deadlines set by the GPCA; and may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.10The Co-Coordinators shall be responsible for communicating to the GPCA that the GPLAC would like to obtain the donor and volunteers lists for Los Angeles County in the GPCA's possession; and may work with and authorize the Secretary to accomplish this task.
6-1.11The Co-Coordinators may speak on behalf of the GPLAC, consistent with GPLAC policy, the Green Party of California state platform, and the Ten Key Values. No other Council member may speak on behalf of the County Council, without County Council authorization.
6. Decision: Election of GPLAC Treasurer (ten minutes)
Presenters: Co-coordinators
Background: Nominations will be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have three minutes to make a candidate statement about how they will carry out the duties and responsibilites of the Treasurer as decribed in GPLAC bylaws. The voting procedure is by ranked-choice voting, using a simple majority threshold and including No Other Candidate as an option.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 6.2 Treasurer
6-2.1 The County Council shall select a Treasurer. The term shall be for two years, with two, two-year terms occurring within each four-year County Council term. The voting procedure shall be by Ranked-Choice Voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including a No Other Candidate option.
6-2.2 The Treasurer shall maintain the bank account(s) of the GPLAC, keep financial records and produce financial reports to the Council, and file all necessary documents with governmental agencies as required by law. The Treasurer shall also receive and disburse funds as directed by the County Council.
6-2.3 The Treasurer shall report on GPLAC finances at County Council meetings, and otherwise as directed by the County Council.
6-2.4 The Treasurer may recommend an Assistant Treasurer to the County Council for affirmation. The Assistant Treasurer is authorized to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer as outlined in 6-2.2, upon the direction and with the approval of the Treasurer.
7. Decision: Election of GPLAC Secretary (ten minutes)
Presenters: Co-coordinators
Background: Nominations will be taken from the floor. Each nominee will have three minutes to make a candidate statement about how they will carry out the duties and responsibilites of the Secretary as decribed in GPLAC bylaws. The voting procedure is by ranked-choice voting, using a simple majority threshold and including No Other Candidate as an option. Voting will be by paper ballot and results of the individual votes are included in the minutes.
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 6.3 Secretary
6-3.1 The County Council shall select a Secretary. The term shall be for two years, with two, two-year terms occurring within each four-year County Council term t. The voting procedure shall be by Ranked-Choice Voting, using a simple majority threshold, and including a No Other Candidate option.
6-3.2 The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at County Council meetings and submitting them to the County Council for approval.
6-3.2 The Secretary shall maintain attendance records for all County Council members. If a County Council member misses two consecutive regularly scheduled County Council meetings without being represented by an alternate, the Secretary post written notice (as defined in Section 8.1.6) to the County Council email list, such that if the Council Council member does not attend the next County Council meeting or send an alternate, their seat will be considered vacated (as defined in Section 8.1.6).
6-3.3 The Secretary shall send correspondence, validate County Council appointment nomination petition signatures and update the GPLAC web site at the request of the Co-Coordinators as specified in Section 6-1.
8. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law
The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)
9. Decision: Consideration of appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March 2020 primary election (thirty-five minutes)
Presenters: Co-coordinators
Background: Five Greens in State Senate District 26 obtained enough signatures to qualify for the March 2020 County Council ballot, in a district with six seats. Because their seats were uncontested, they were automatically elected to the 2020-2024 County Council. No other Greens in Los Angeles County qualified for the County Council ballot. That leaves 39 of the 44 potential County Council seats vacant to start the 2020-2024 County Council term.
These are the number of seats per district http://losangeles.cagreens.org/sites/all/Ext/CountyCouncil/county_council_seats_per_district_2020.pdf. This is a map of the State Senate seats http://sdmg.senate.ca.gov/sites/sdmg.senate.ca.gov/files/2011_sdLA_bw_a.pdf. The GPLAC recently approved the following bylaws change for 8-3.1 to:
8-3.1 Nominees must be registered Greens within the District they wish to represent, and must also gather as many signatures of registered Greens in the district on a petition as defined in 8.4, as would be normally required by the County Registrar to appear on the ballot in that district, for the purposes of being elected to the Los Angeles County Green Party County Council; or for the two regular County Council meetings in April or May 2020, if they have attended at least one prior County Council meeting within the previous six months, may gather five signatures of registered Greens in the district on a petition as defined in 8.4 and to be appointed, would need 80% approval from the County Council.
The following five individuals each submitted at least five valid nomination signatures by the March 15 three week deadline to be considered for appointment at the April 5th meeting. Each gets up to five minutes to make a candidate statement, including what are their goals for the County Council and which of the duties and responsibilities of the County Council as described in GPLAC Bylaws do they want to focus on.
District 26 (one vacant seat): Danielle Mead
District 30 (four vacant seats): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Decision: Vote separately on each appointment to the County Council
10. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC March 15 County Council meeting (three minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)
Background: Draft minutes from the March 15, 2020 County Council meeting were posted to the County Council email list on April 11, 2020.
Proposal: Approval of these draft minutes: https://losangeles.cagreens.org/county-council/minutes/2020-03-15
11: Decision: Support LA Social Justice Response to COVID19 Pandemic and join Healthy LA coalition (ten minutes)
Sponsors/Presenters: Feinstein, Piera-Avila
Background: The Healthy LA Coalition is a network of 275+ advocacy organizations, worker centers, labor unions, service providers, religious congregations, community groups, affordable housing developers, public interest lawyers, public health and safety organizations, and many more uniting across lines of race, class, and geography to propose concrete solutions to the many hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (http://healthyla.org/).
Proposal: Endorse LA Social Justice Response to COVID19 Pandemic statement (http://healthyla.org/) and Join the Coalition http://healthyla.org/join-the-coalition/
12. Discussion: Update on GPCA Delegates to GPUS Presidental Nomination Convention (fifteen minutes)
Presenters: Tarik Kanaana, Peggy Koteen, Co-coordinators, GPCA GPUS Delegation
Background: Under Green Party of California (GPCA) Policies and Procedures for Selection and Conduct of GPCA Delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention , County Green Parties can play a role in selecting Delegates. This agenda item will provide an opportunity to hear an update from members of the GPCA GPUS Delegation who are coordinating the delegate selection process, including what decisions the GPLAC may need to make.
2-3.5 County and recognized diversity caucus delegate slates
Recognized active county organizations and any diversity caucus recognized as such by the GPCA shall provide a pool of potential delegates and alternates from which the Delegate Selection Committee shall fill those delegation seats not filled by candidate slates.
2-3.6 Diversity of county slates
When drafting slates of approved delegates, county parties shall strive for racial diversity and gender balance to the extent possible for their slate size. County parties are expected to compensate for the under-representation of under-represented diversity groups with active recruitment of potential delegates for their slate from those constituencies.
2-3.7 Submission of delegate slates
Candidates, active counties, and diversity caucuses shall submit their list of names of potential delegates and alternates, along with contact information for each person listed, to the Delegate Selection Committee no later than 60 days prior to the California Presidential primary election.
13. Discussion: Hearing from those seeking future appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election (twenty-five minutes)
Background: The County Council has approved outreach to registered Greens to let them known of the duties and responsibilities of the County Council, and to attend the April 5 meeting to present their interest in apply to the new County Council, and in that process satisfy the attendance requirement of at least one meeting in the last six months, with time on the April 5 agendas dedicated to hearing from potential applicants. Interested applicants were asked to send notice of their interest to the GPLAC general email address, so time could be scheduled on the GPLAC agenda. Names of who have contacted the GPLAC to indicate their interest will be posted here as they indicate interest.
District 18 (four vacant seats): Mike Powelson
District 27 (three vacant seats): Ned Landin
14. Report: Top Two lawsuit - closed session, County Councilmembers only (fifteen minutes)