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DRAFT: Agenda, GPLAC County Council meeting, September 27, 2020

DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Agenda, Sunday, September 27, 2020
Teleconference information shared via County Council email list
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm

Facilitators: Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Cordula Ohman

1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Very brief introductions, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer

2. Reviewing our process (two minutes)

Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
9.3.1 Open Meetings: With the consent of the Council, all members of the Green Party of Los Angeles County may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process' but only Council members may hold any 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
9.3.2 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications. b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation

3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (five minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators

• Relevant By-Law
The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)

Proposal (Feinstein): Approve the addition of the items marked with an asterik * below as late items, 2/3 vote required.

4. Discussion: Treasurer's Report (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

Background: Review of updated donation page

5. Decision: Approval of minutes of last six meetings (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Mike Feinstein, GPLAC Secretary

Proposal: That the following County Council meeting minutes are approved:

6. Discussion: Update on GPLAC Voting Page (five minutes)*
Sponsor: Rai

Background: Update on addressing bugs in the code, and to answer questions of new County Council memebers on how the voting page works

7. Discussion:  Update endorsed Green camapign of Emmanuel Estrada for Mayor of Baldwin Park (ten minutes)*
(item could move in agenda depending upon when Estrada can call in).

Background: Emmanuel Estrada is an endorsed Green running for Mayor of Baldwin Park  This agenda item to provide for an update from Estrada.

8. DIscussion: Update for Greens to fill vacant Los Angeles Neighborhood Council seats (fifteen minutes)*

Sponsor: Danielle Mead
Presenters: Danielle Mead, David Rockello, Mike Feinstein

Background: Update on GPLAC efforts to publicize Septembrer 20 Congress of Neighborhoods.  Hearing from any Greens who attended. Update on working DSA-Los Angeles to promote progressive canidates for Neighbohrood Council. Discussion of outreach for Greens to apply for the 200 vacant Los Angeles Neighborhood Council seats, and to run for full terms in 2021. 

9. Decision: Ranked choice voting, a larger Los Angeles City Council and A More Independent Redistricting Process for Los Angeles (twenty minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Background:  Current GPLAC policy is to favor a favor of a larger Los Angeles City Council, elected by ranked choice voting in November general elections. At its August 16 meeting, the County Council voted that the GPLAC co-sign onto this letter about improving the Los Angeles redistricting process,

and add an additional statement "That the GPLAC calls for two Los Angeles City Charter Changes before 2030 - (1) establishing an independent citizens' redistricting commission for Los Angeles and (2) creating a 50+ member city council - similar in size to Chicago and New York - elected by ranked-choice voting; and connecting this to the 2030 redistricting process; and that a position paper explaining this position be brought back to the County Council."

Proposal: That the GPLAC approve the following:

Text coming

10. Decision: Planning Fall Endorsements - candidates (twenty-five minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenters: Feinstein

Background: This item is to discuss whether the GPLAC will make a recommendation of support in Los Angeles CIty Council District 4 and the Los Angeles County District Attorney's race. In the March 3, 2020 Los Angeles Primary, the GPLAC supported Nithya Raman for LACD4  Raman filled out the GPLAC questionnaire Incumbent David Ryu declined to fill out the questionnaire.  Of special mention is Raman's endorsement of a larger LA CIty Council elected by RCV.

      "I wholeheartedly endorse your position on the size of our City Council. It reflects my own -- Iadvocate for increasing the number of council seats in my ​Make City Hall Work for Us platform​.15 city councilmembers is far too small a number for 4 million residents. New York has 51councilmembers. Chicago, a city with a million fewer people, has 50 aldermen. Any increasewould be a benefit, but I’m not against LA having 50 councilmembers itself. I also support ranked-choice voting. The outcomes of this system far better reflect the will of voters."

At two of its meetings, the County Council briefly discussed the LA County DA's race, with agreement not to support the incumbent Jackie Lacey, but to be determined as to the position regarding George Gasco, the other caniddate in the race.

Proposal (Feinstein):  That the GPLAC support Nithya Raman for LA CD 4 and George Gascon for LA District Attorney.

11: Discussion: Review GPCA Standing General Assembly items (fifteen minutes)*

Sponsor/Presenters: Drew, Rai, Feinstein

Background: The GPCA Standing General Assembly ends Sunday evening, September 27.  This agenda item allows for a final discussion of the items before the voting ends.

12. Decision: Planning Fall Endorsements - ballot measures (twenty minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenters: Feinstein

Background: This item is to take positions on local ballot measures in cities across Los Angeles County.

Proposal (Feinstein): That the GPLAC take the following positions

Yes - Santa Monica Measure AB

Measure AB Shall the City Charter be amended to repeal provisions setting rules for appointing candidates and promoting employees into the Civil Service, to enable the City Council to advance equity-based hiring within the appointment and promotional processes and strengthen the City’s workforce? Read More About Measure AB

Yes - Santa Monica Measure SM

Measure SM To protect essential services including addressing homelessness, cleaning beaches/parks, public safety/fire/emergency response, protections for tenants and seniors, supporting libraries, small business recovery, food for the hungry, and after-school/ mental health services for youth, shall the City of Santa Monica increase the one-time real estate transfer tax paid on each sale of property for $5 million or more by $3.00 per $1,000 of sales price, exempting affordable housing projects, providing $3 million annually for local services? Read More About Measure SM

Yes - Culver City Measure RE: The Real Estate Property Transfer Tax for Essential Services 

The November 2020 election will provide Culver City residents an opportunity to vote on Measure RE: an amendment to the City's real estate transfer tax. If approved by voters, Measure RE would establish a marginal tax rate with four brackets, based on sales price or value, for the City's real estate transfer tax.

No - Culver City Measure B – Voter Approval of all Interim or Permanent Rent Control Measures 

This is an attempt to roll back rent control protections in Culver City  Argument against

Yes - Burbank Measure RC 

This is rent stablization ballot measure

Shall the measure adding an ordinance with just cause eviction provisions and relocation fees, rent regulations applicable to units built before February 1, 1995 with exemptions, limits of 0 to 7% increase in annual rent based on CPI, an updated five member Landlord Tenant Commission to implement provisions and administration including establish a budget, assess fees, hire staff including attorneys, and initiate lawsuits while acting independently of Burbank City Council, Burbank City Manager and Burbank City Attorney be adopted?

Yes - Long Beach Measure US - General Purpose Oil Barrel Production Tax (Barrel Tax)

Voter approval of this measure would amend the Long Beach Municipal Code to increase the City's general purpose oil barrel production tax from 15 cents up to a maximum of 30 cents per barrel, with the entire amount subject to automatic annual adjustments based on the applicable Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Yes - El Monte HN - Affordable housing production

13. Discussion: Bylaw change to extend lower nomination signature requirement for county council eligiblity during COVID-19 (ten minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenters: Rai, Feinstein

14. Discussion: Hearing from those seeking future appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election (ten minutes)*

Background: The County Council has approved outreach to registered Greens to let them known of the duties and responsibilities of the County Council, and to attend a county council meeting to present their interest in apply to the new County Council, and in that process satisfy the attendance requirement of at least one meeting in the last six months. This item is an opportunity for such individuals to present themselves to the County Council and have their questions about it answered.  

15. Discussion: Report back from letters to GPCA (ten minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenters: Drew, Rai, Feinstein

Background: Earlier in 2020, the County Council directed the GPLAC Co-coordinators to contact the GPCA state Coordinating COmmittee regarding returning to the SGA voting page and wiht questions about the GPCA Treasurer. This item is to provide for report backs.

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