DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Agenda, Sunday, May 17, 2020
Teleconference information shared via County Council email list
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Business meeting: 2pm to 5pm
Facilitators: Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Cordula Ohman
Agenda outline
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
2. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
4. Report: Treasurer’s report (ten minutes)
5. Decision: Approval of Minutes from April 26 meeting (three minutes)
6. Decision: Food Security in LA County during COVID-19 (fifteen minutes)
7: Discussion: Report on status of GPLAC Green voter registration data base and outreach (fifteen minutes)
8: Discussion: Review of agendas for upcoming GPCA General Assembly and Standing General Assembly (forty-five minutes)
9: Discussion: Choosing delegates for upcoming GPCA General Assembly (ten minutes)
10: Discussion: Hearing from those seeking future appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election (twenty-five minutes)
11: Discussion: Amendment, Bylaws: Ten Key Values (fifteen minutes)
12. Report: Top Two lawsuit - closed session, County Councilmembers only (fifteen minutes)
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Very brief introductions, including role w/GPLAC County Council or otherwise with Green Party, or as outside observer
2. Reviewing our process (two minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
9.3.1 Open Meetings: With the consent of the Council, all members of the Green Party of Los Angeles County may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process' but only Council members may hold any 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
9.3.2 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications. b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation
3. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law
The agenda may be amended by a 3/5 vote of County Councilmember present. Emergency and/or late items may be added to the agenda by a 2/3 vote of County Councilmembers (in the interest of time, suggested amendments and their rationale should be offered on-line before the meeting)
Proposal (Feinstein): Approve the addition of the items marked with an asterik * below as late items, 2/3 vote required.
4. Report: Treasurer’s report (ten minutes)
Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer 2014-2020
5. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC March 15 County Council meeting (three minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein (Secretary, minutes taker)
Background: Draft minutes from the April 26, 2020 County Council meeting were posted to the County Council email list on May 3, 2020.
Proposal: Approval of these draft minutes: https://losangeles.cagreens.org/county-council/minutes/2020-04-26
6. Decision: Food Security in LA County during COVID-19 (fifteen minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenter: Drew
Background: Food security is a pressing issue for many people in many parts of Los Angeles County during 'normal' times. The COVID-19 pandemic has only made it worse. Many public libraries have space that could be converted into growing and distributing food on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis, promoting greater food security and local self-reliance.
Proposal: That the GPLAC take a position in support of converting public land in libraries and organize and alliance-build around this issue.
7: Discussion: Report on status of GPLAC Green voter registration data base and outreach (fifteen minutes)*
Sponsors/Presenters: Rai, Feinstein
Background: Update on integration of new data in the GPLAC Green voter registration data base and outreach conducted/planned based upon earlier Couhnty Counci approval to publicize the opportunity to apply to join the County Council.
8: Discussion: Review of agendas for upcoming GPCA General Assembly and Standing General Assembly (forty-five minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenters: Drew, Rai
Background: This agenda item is an opportunity to review and discuss items on the June 13-14 virtual General Assembly agenda and on the accompanying Standing General Assembly (SGA) that will run from early May through mid-June http://www.cagreens.org/ga. The General Assembly draft agenda is late and has not been published as of the release of this agenda, but will be added to this page once it is. Below are the three published SGA decision-making items. Two additional SGA items that were submitted on-time were not published with the other SGA items. They are included at links on the GPLAC site below, in the expectation that the GPCA Coordinating Committee will fix this error and publish these proposals with the rest of the SGA.
Election: Coordinating Committee, 12 seats, July 2020 - June 2022
Election: GPUS Delegation, 8 Delegates, July 2020 - June 2022
Election: GPUS Alternate Delegation, 9 Alternate Delegates, July 2020 - June 2022
Amendment, Fiscal Policy: Timing of Fiscal Year
Request for an audit report as required in the approval of the 2018-19 Budget
9: Discussion: Choosing Delegates for upcoming GPCA General Assembly (ten minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenters: Drew, Rai
Background: Application through May 23, Voting May 25-31
10. Discussion: Hearing from those seeking future appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election (twenty minutes)*
Background: The County Council has approved outreach to registered Greens to let them known of the duties and responsibilities of the County Council, and to attend a county council meeting to present their interest in apply to the new County Council, and in that process satisfy the attendance requirement of at least one meeting in the last six months. Names of who have contacted the GPLAC to indicate their interest will be posted here as they indicate interest.
11: Discussion: Amendment, Bylaws: Ten Key Values (ten minutes)*
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein
Background: For many years, GPLAC Bylaws Article 2 stated "The GPLAC adheres to the Ten Key Values of the Green Party of California (hereafter referred to as the GPCA)" and then listed the each Key Value in name https://losangeles.cagreens.org/bylaws/2020-03-09#ARTICLE2. However over the years, the GPCA has subtlely changed its Ten Key Values (http://www.cagreens.org/ten-key-values) as has the GPUS (https://www.gp.org/ten_key_values_2016) and the GPLAC did not make corresponding changes to its own Bylaws.
In the most recent update to GPLAC Bylaws in April 2020, the reference to the GPCA's Ten Key Values was dropped, leaving the GPLAC's own list to stand on its own. The Value that has been modified the most over the years has been "Post-Patriarchal Values" , which was present in the original US Greens Ten Key Values in 1984 and remains in the GPLAC Bylaws - changed by the GPCA to 'Feminism" and by the GPUS to "Feminism and Gender-Equity". This proposal is an opportunity to consider if the GPLAC would like to update that value in some form.
A draft bylaws amendment was posted to the GPLAC email list on May 10, to meet the 30-day posting requirement for any potential bylaw, meaning it can be voted upon by an on-line vote during June. That amendment suggested changing the text from "Post-Patriarchal Values" to "Post-Patriarchy, Feminism and Gender-Equality". The reason for this is that each of the three means something slightly different, and rather than abandoning what is meant by Post-Patriarchal Values to embrace 'Feminism' and/or "Gender-Equality", why not embrace all three?
12. Report: Top Two lawsuit - closed session, County Councilmembers only (ten minutes)*