DRAFT Green Party of Los Angeles County, County Council Meeting Minutes, April 26, 2020
Check in/socializing: 1:30pm to 2pm
Gathering: 2pm to 3:30pm
Business meeting: 3:30pm to 6pm
County Councilmembers present (5): Mike Feinstein, Annie Goeke, Ava Kermani, Cordula Ohman, Linda Piera-Avila
Others Greens present (6): Marla Bernstein, Doug Barnett, Timeka Drew, Danielle Mead, Ajay Rai, Sasha Karlik
Facilitators: Annie Goeke, Ajay Rai
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper: Linda Piera-Avila
Vibes Watcher: Ava Kermani
Gathering started at 2:30 with County Councilmembers Feinstein, Ohman and Piera-Avila present, establishing 3/5 quorum
1. Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)
Everyone present introducted themselves. Those that arrived later introduced themselves at that time.
2. Report: Treasurer’s report
Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer 2014-2020
Barnett reported on the status of the GPCA PO Box and Pay|Pal account, and that he paid the $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State to maintain the account. He then answered questions about the basic responsibilities of the position, which include bi-annual campaign finance reports to the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters on January 31 and July 31, for periods ending the preceding December 31 and June 31, respectively.
3. Discussion: Goals and Objectives of 2020-2024 County Council.
Open discussion by County Councilmembers, and those seeking appointment, about their goals and objectives for the 2020-2024 County Council. Discussion started at 2:55
All present spoke.
Business items
4. Reviewing our process
Rai presented, reading the following text from GPLAC Bylaws
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant Bylaw: Section 9.3 Participation
9.3.1 Open Meetings: With the consent of the Council, all members of the Green Party of Los Angeles County may participate in the 'Consensus-seeking Process' but only Council members may hold any 'unresolved concerns' and participate in any vote, should one become necessary.
9.3.2 County Council members shall receive priority in discussions, to ensure that they have time to a) seek clarifications. b) express their concerns and affirmations, and c) take a vote, if necessary. At the discretion of the facilitation
5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators, Male/Female (moved to #9)
Presenters: Co-coordinators
Proposal (Feinstein): Continue this item til later in the meeting after additional members added to the County Council.
Approved by consensus.
5. Decision: Election of GPLAC Treasurer
Nominations: Feinstein and Ohman both nominated Barnett. No other nominations were made.
Barnett accepted the nomination and spoke about how he would carry out the job of treasurer
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Barnett elected Treasurer 5-0-0
6. Decision: Election of GPLAC Secretary
Nominations: Feinstein self-nominated. No other nominations were made.
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Feinstein elected Secretary 5-0-0
7. Decision: Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items
Proposal (Feinstein): Add Decision: That the GPLAC to become a signatory to the "Black Los Angeles Demands in Light of COVID-19 and Rates of Black Death”
Approved by consensus
8. Decision: Consideration of appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March 2020 primary election
Presenters: Co-coordinator
Each applicant spoke on their behalf and answered questions.
District 26 (one vacant seat): Danielle Mead
District 30 (four vacant seats): Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Timeka Drew, Ajay Rai
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Mead appointed 5-0-0
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Barnett appointed 5-0-0
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Bernstein appointed 5-0-0
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Drew appointed 5-0-0
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Rai appointed 5-0-0
9. Decision: Election of GPLAC Co-Coordinators, Male/Female
Presenters: Co-coordinators
Nominations: Feinstein nominated Drew for female co-coordinator. No other nominations were made.
Drew accepted the nomination and spoke on her behalf.
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Drew elected co-coordinator 5-0-0
Nominations: Feinstein nominated Rai for female co-coordinator. No other nominations were made.
Rai accepted the nomination and spoke on her behalf.
Yes: Feinstein, Goeke, Kermani, Ohman, Piera-Avila
No (0)
Abstain (0)
Rai elected co-coordinator 5-0-0
10. Decision: Approval of minutes from GPLAC March 15 County Council meeting
Proposal (Feinstein): Approval of these draft minutes: https://losangeles.cagreens.org/county-council/minutes/2020-03-15
Approved by consensus
11: Decision: Support LA Social Justice Response to COVID19 Pandemic and join Healthy LA coalition
Sponsors/Presenters: Feinstein, Piera-Avila
Proposal (Feinstein): Endorse LA Social Justice Response to COVID19 Pandemic statement (http://healthyla.org/) and Join the Coalition http://healthyla.org/join-the-coalition/
Approved by consensus
11: Decision: That the GPLAC become a signatory to the "Black Los Angeles Demands in Light of COVID-19 and Rates of Black Death”
Sponsors/Presenters: Feinstein, Piera-Avila
Proposal (Feinstein): That the GPLAC become a signatory to the "Black Los Angeles Demands in Light of COVID-19 and Rates of Black Death”
Approved by consensus
12. Discussion: Update on GPCA Delegates to GPUS Presidental Nomination Convention
Presenters: Tarik Kanaana, Peggy Koteen, Co-coordinators, GPCA GPUS Delegation
Presenters not present, Feinstein presented item.
13. Discussion: Hearing from those seeking future appointment to County Council to fill unfilled seats from March primary election
Applicants not present, item not heard
14. Report: Top Two lawsuit - closed session, County Councilmembers only
Items discussed in closed session.