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DRAFT Agenda, GPLAC County Council meeting, April 8, 2018

Green Party of Los Angeles County • County Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, April 8, 2018 • Teleconference
1:45 call in to get settled
2pm to 5pm: Meeting

Co-Facilitators: Ajay Rai and Timeka Drew
Minutes: Mike Feinstein
Time Keeper:  Linda Piera Avila
Vibes Watcher: Cordula Ohman

1) Welcome and Introductions - All attendees (ten minutes)

2) Opportunity to amend agenda and/or add emergency items (ten minutes)
Presenter: Facilitators
• Relevant By-Law 9-5.5 Once distributed, the Agenda may not be changed until the meeting. The time and order of already agendized items may be amended by a 3/5 vote.  New agenda items may be added by a 2/3 vote.

3) Decision: Election of GPLAC Female Co-coordinator (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Background: GPLAC Bylaws 6-1.1 provide for one-year terms for GPLAC Co-Coordinators ( "The Council shall elect two Co-Coordinators, one male and one female. Within each four-year County Council term, there shall be four consecutive one year Co-Coordinator terms. The first one year term shall commence with the first meeting of the newly elected County Council and the last one shall end when the subsequent County Council holds it first meeting. The voting procedure shall be by Instant Run-Off (IRV), using a simple majority threshold, and including the No Other Candidate option, as referenced in the GPCA Bylaws (Section 7).”

The terms of GPLAC co-coordinators Marla Bernstein and Ajay Rai commenced in July 2016 and were to run for one year, but no election for new terms was on the July 2017 County Council agenda.  At the September 10, 2017 County Council meeting, Ajay Rai was elected male co-coordinator, leaving the female co-coordinator position vacant. The terms of whomever is elected at this meeting will run through July 2018.

Election: Female co-coordinator position

4) Report: Treasurer’s report (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Doug Barnett, GPLAC Treasurer

5) Decision: Approval of minutes from February 11, 2018 meeting (five minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

6) Discussion: Review of just concluded Standing General Assembly (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Background: See items attached at end of agenda

7) Discussion: Applications for GPCA Coordinating Committee and GPUS Delegation (ten minutes)

8) Discussion: Status of GPLAC access to Nationbuilder Data Base, Promotion of GPLAC-endorsed candidate (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein, Rai


9) Decision: Update on campaigns GPLAC-endorsed candidates efforts and their promotion by GPLAC (forty minutes)

10) Decision: Set Summer County Council meeting dates (fifteen minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Rai in role as co-coordinator

Background: The next GPLAC meeting is Sunday, May 20. The next GPCA General Assembly is Saturday/Sunday, June 9-10, and the GPUS Annual National Meeting is likely July 19-22.

11) DIscussion: GPLAC Bylaws regading filling County Council vacancies (ten minutes)
Sponsor/Presenter: Feinstein

Background: Section 8-3 Nominations

8-3.1 Nominees must be registered Greens within the District they wish to represent, and must also gather as many signatures of registered Greens in the district on a petition as defined in 8.4, as would be normally required by the County Registrar to appear on the ballot in that district, for the purposes of being elected to the Los Angeles County Green Party County Council; or for the County Council meetings of March 12, April 23 and June 4, may gather five signatures of registered Greens in the district on a petition as defined in 8.4 and to be appointed, would need 80% approval from the County Council

8-3.2 Any nominee that has satisfied the conditions as stated in 8-3.1 may request that a vote be taken either at the next County Council meeting as long as the nominations have been submitted by the agenda-submittal deadline, or may request that the County Council vote by email, or by teleconferencing, if a teleconference is already scheduled. The Co-Coordinators must agendize the vote as requested by the nominee. If the vote is to occur at an in-person meeting or teleconference, it must be agendized as the first order of business, except if there are elections under 5-2.4 agendized, in which case consideration of appointment of the nominee shall be agendized immediately afterwards.




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